Annual Report 2021
Sustainable economy & evidence based impact
A shift of paradigm
Message from the CEO
As fellow human beings, many of us feel that the earth’s resources should be distributed fairly. At the same time, if we donate money to aid organisations, for example, it may feel uncertain whether the grant will really be useful. The development goals set in the year 2000 for 2015 were not achieved. Instead, new goals were set with the expectation that these will be achieved by 2030. But in reality, the number of extremely poor people in Africa is increasing at a breathtaking rate, we have seen 150 million more extremely poor people in 20 years. This development is obviously totally unacceptable. It shall be noted that aid budget from the OECD countries is USD 150 billion a year, it shall also be noted that Sweden and several other countries have provided aid for 60 years. Thus, even though the society is making great progress in many areas, we are not making progress in this area.
When we are poor then we live for the day, and there are no opportunities to change the situation. HR&S wants to address exactly that, HR&S gives opportunities to persons living in under served communities to change their situation. Not in a “pity” manner but professionally, in equal, respectful mutually beneficial partnership while generating evidence based sustainable impact. HR&S is contributing to a shift of paradigm. HR&S aims to be a powerful institution with good finances, secured income, qualified staff, quality tools and equipment, professional ways of operation and high standards. It’s not an easy task, albeit an honourable one, but we have already come far. The volunteer organisation Action10 was founded 2009 and the social enterprise Human Rights & Science (HR&S) was founded 2015. Action10 and HR&S are independent flexible institutions and we have developed a strategy to effectively learn from our mistakes, take informed decisions a effectively and adjust procedures. We have reached 10,000 people in extremely poor environments with products and services that improve their living conditions.
The HR&S strategy includes establishing a network of scientific researchers, innovators, social entrepreneurs and sustainable development stakeholders who together reach out to people in need with the products and services they have expressed interest for. HR&S has developed a management strategy that we offer to the management of institutions with relevant actors that takes the SSA context into consideration. HR&S also offers support packages for local researchers, innovators and social entrepreneurs. These two activities, management strategies and local support packages, work together to reach out to the extremely poor but also to other vulnerable people who lack opportunities.

We want to reach more people during 2022 and offer more products and more services. We intend to become an well known, appreciated and important actor. HR&S welcomes you to contribute, you are welcome to participate in a unique and innovative programme that puts your fellow human being in focus and that is only satisfied if there is scientific evidence for impact. A paradigm shift based on collaboration with, respect for and understanding of, people at other places and in other environments.
31 December 2022

Assoc. Prof. Cecilia ÖMAN
Founder and CEO of HR&S, Founder and President of Action10
Financial Analysis
2021 has financially been characterized by bootstrapping and volunteer work. The founder has again contributed with capital to manage the company costs. The expenses were limited to fees for co-working space, bank, website hosting, accounting soft-ware, auditing and office costs.
ActionInvest raised SEK 97 573 EUR 10,000 and during 2021 we gave loans to four social enterprises M.Yawo, Little Bassa Cold Storage, RISE Salons, and Veema Households. We offered coaching of Senexel that was no-cost, and found an external investor for KIMU Coffee in Uganda.
- Coaching Senexel, no cost, Burkina Faso.
- ActionInvest (SEK 36 824) EUR 3 000, M Yawo, Togo.
- ActionInvest (SEK 23 132) EUR 2 000, establishing cold storage business in fishing village, Little Bassa community, Liberia.
- ActionInvest (SEK 20 740) EUR 2 000, RISE Salon, Uganda.
- ActionInvest (SEK 20 740) EUR 2 000, tailoring business in Nairobi, Veema Housholds, Kenya. New RISE member.
- External investor USD 1 000, buying coffee from local farmers, KIMU Coffee, Uganda. New RISE member.
2015 – 2021
For HR&S Sweden the period 2015 – 2021 has financially been characterized by bootstrapping and volunteer work. The founder has contributed with capital when income was low. The income consisted of three consultancy assignments, one Major Giver donation and small CSR assignments. The expenses were limited to fees for co-working space, bank, website hosting, accounting soft-ware, auditing, office costs, and insurance. Investment capital for business loans through ActionInvest has been at the EUR 10,000 level every year.

Progress marker_Pay-back of loans
During 2009 -2019 no loans were paid back. Loans had been given to social entrepreneurs in Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Togo, Uganda. During 2020 and 2021 loans were given to the same countries and now 30 % was paid back. The paying back was done by Togo. Togo is also the country to which the first loans were offered. Reflections by CEO: A change of mind-set is possible. It has taken ten years. Informed decision: Activities shall be implement to shorten the time period of change.
The year ahead
For 2022 we are looking into a new method for accountability which we expect to deliver better than previous methods. Working at locations were corruption is social norm, rule of law is weak, the aid sector donates generously with low accountability demands, requires special accountability attention. We work with agency for change.
Action Invest
In SEK | ||||||||||||||
Year | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | TOTAL |
Funds raised | ||||||||||||||
Monthly Givers | 61 290 | 63 577 | 64 173 | 74 516 | 74 495 | 72 186 | 81 297 | 71 140 | 42 501 | 38 955 | 44 923 | 25 971 | 12 300 | 727 324 |
Global Giving | 29 500 | 28 644 | 33 633 | 21 390 | 6 033 | 12 747 | 7 871 | 32 513 | 172 331 | |||||
Facebook donations | 6 607 | 6 607 | ||||||||||||
Targeted Donations | 176 | 200 | 2 000 | 16 790 | 34 002 | 973 | 54 141 | |||||||
Corporate Donations | 3 000 | 8 000 | 8 000 | 19 000 | ||||||||||
Projects and Events | 4 077 | 15 614 | 433 | 260 | 1 130 | 2 443 | 5 275 | 29 232 | ||||||
Restricted Donations | 67 964 | 40 953 | 18 662 | 500 | 950 | 129 029 | ||||||||
TOTAL | 97 573 | 96 498 | 99 806 | 179 484 | 80 961 | 126 146 | 128 750 | 148 598 | 56 726 | 39 928 | 44 923 | 25 971 | 12 300 | 1 137 664 |
Funds transferred | ||||||||||||||
IARAD | -27 801 | -9 300 | -37 101 | |||||||||||
S.E.VIE | -9 604 | -22 593 | -87 734 | -34 057 | -16 600 | -41 720 | -36 276 | -38 500 | -30 773 | -317 857 | ||||
M. Yawo | -36 824 | -73 511 | -110 335 | |||||||||||
Spell Africa | -4 886 | -21 468 | -20 415 | -19 920 | -18 739 | -8 750 | -94 178 | |||||||
IDEFOCS | -26 290 | -378 | -52 799 | -6 264 | -73 679 | -46 029 | -114 478 | -18 850 | -10 601 | -45 513 | -394 881 | |||
Little Bassa Cold storage | -23 132 | -23 132 | ||||||||||||
256 Creative Arts | -14 745 | -21 300 | -36 045 | |||||||||||
RISE Salon | -20 740 | -20 740 | ||||||||||||
Dolas Creation | -20 773 | -20 773 | ||||||||||||
Veema Households | -20 662 | -20 662 | ||||||||||||
LINK-UP | -3 613 | -1 766 | -5 379 | |||||||||||
Amani Women’s Group | -18 977 | -18 977 | ||||||||||||
BanaPads | -18 951 | -18 904 | -37 855 | |||||||||||
Institute de Science | 21 300 | -21 300 | 0 | |||||||||||
Emergency fund | -200 | -2 037 | -2 237 | |||||||||||
TOTAL | -101 358 | -128 709 | -87 039 | -162 986 | -60 241 | -131 820 | -106 488 | -152 520 | -85 004 | -41 374 | -45 513 | -27 801 | -9 300 | -1140153 |
Management Report
Progress markers
To date we have reached 10,000 persons and empowered their lives in a variety of ways. We have been actively coaching 20 social entrepreneurs, who have reach 1000 customers with different types of products and services they have been requesting for.
HR&S Sweden
- Launched two new local branches; Zambia and Rwanda.
- Coached 10 social entrepreneurs.
- Held four 10 h webinars by the CEO, each addressing our four areas of expertise; scientific research, advanced laboratories, social entrepreneurs and sustainable development.
- Linked HR&S Expert advisers to two programmes; Covid 19 awareness raising in Liberia and laboratory accreditation in Burkina Faso.
- Launched four thematic networks targeting; researchers, technicians, social entrepreneurs and sustainable developers.
- Empowered the monthly ActionTalks by improving the logistics.
HR&S Local Branches
- Developed flyers and invited local stakeholders to the four 10 h HR&S webinars. Developed and shared certificates to participants managing the webinars. Main coordinator was Branch Kenya.
- Coordinated at the country level a 12 h training and examination by external adviser on scientific research. Developed and shared certificates to participants managing the webinars.
- Managed the local handling of ActionInvest.
- Improved accountability strategy with ideas from Branch Nigeria.
- Attended actively and shared presentations at the monthly ActionTalks.
RISE Centres
- Coordinated between a scientific institution and one RISE member in Burkina Faso.
- Share information compiled HR&S experts for Covid 19 awareness raising in Liberia. Meetings were held and T-shirts distributed.
- Developed a strategy for sustainable economy for small scale business programmes in Togolese villages.
- Held frequent meetings with RISE members, all RISE Centres.
RISE Members
Our Team Media and our Head of Fundraising have made a fantastic work during 2021 with i) frequent high quality social media posting on FB, LinkedIn and Instagram, ii) launched an excellent crowd-funding platform, iii) making great videos and started iv) excellent blogging posts, and v) developed Facebook donation. The visibility has increased measured in the amount of messages we receive to info@action10 and the number of followers on the social media channels. What has not increased is the funds raised, though we did benefit from our new donation channel through Facebook.
Expert advice
Our expert advisers have provided guidance on
- How to protect against Ebola in Liberia.
- How to protect against Covid-19.
- Trauma counselling.
- Laboratory accreditation.
- The business model canvas.
- How to do scientific research.
- How to publish a scientific paper.
- How to seek research grants.
Outcome challenge
Paying back the loan in time and with interest
In 2020 and 2021 loans were offered to the same countries and now 30 % was paid back. The paying back was done by Togo. Togo is also the country where the first loans were offered. Reflections by CEO. A change of mind-set is possible. It has taken ten years. Informed decision: Activities shall be implement to shorten the time period of change.
Involving the local community. Starting January 2022 we have agreed that the team of RISE members shall be transparent, shall support each other in terms of paying back, and shall be aware of that if paying back does not happen, less is available for the other RISE members.
We have this situation in Kenya March 2022. One RISE member has informed about delay in paying back due to lack of income, and we shall discuss it together in the joint chat and agree together about what to do.
Law of forces is important. Though it can be dangerous and that it can create more harm.
Start by giving small loans to people, and they can increase the loan upon request and based on how they are have paid back the loan, the decision can be made to increase the loan or not.
HR&S has improved on the procedure around this, by registering local branches as social enterprises. Before we used the bank account of our RISE members and depended on bank reconciliation and auditing, but this showed not to be a firm enough method. Now we register local social enterprises, HR&S Branches, and open own HR&S bank accounts and our RISE members have to pay back the loan with interest to the HR&S Local Branch’s bank account, before the loan can be renewed and enlarged.
We need to work with people who have good trust. RISE members must be very very carefully selected. Also Branch operations team members. One opportunity to assess a candidate is through our SfC webinars and Networks.
We need to work with government authorities. HR&S Sweden depend on HR&S Country Branches to identify persons within the government authorities that will want to see an equal partnership with HR&S.
Concluded partnerships
During 2021 we have concluded the collaboration with two of our partner social enterprises, S.E.VIE and SpellAfrica.
Lesson learned: i) The funds were never returned and our partners were not serious about paying back. The problem has been the aid mentality among our partners. HR&S did not know that even though an agreement is made that builds on business loans, the aid mentality will over-shadow the agreement. Testimony by one of the CEOs “Some people do not really like the idea of loan if there is a “free money” available”, although it’s possible to change the mindset of such people but it does take time and effort”. ii) The two businesses we have invested in have not been strong enough in generating income. iii) We have also accepted the fact that due to lack of rule of law, funds will not be returned, unless our partner wants.
Informed decision: i) HR&S have improved our clearness concerning the regulations around the loan in order to distinguish those looking for aid donations from intrinsic social entrepreneurs. ii) We only support businesses with a proved record of income. iii) We have since 2022 established a procedure where RISE members have co-responsibility for the capital available for the loan.
Annual report per Branch
February 2022
Prepared by : Stéphanie MAÏGA, Team-leader.
Introduction: This activity report covers the period from January 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022 and essentially reports on the state of execution of the activities of the HR&S Branch Burkina Faso.
- Establish links between HR&S Sweden and the management of the institutions for training and coaching by HR&S Sweden on management strategies.
– Exchange meetings took place with the directors of the Science and Technology (ST) and Human Science (SH) doctoral schools and contacts were exchanged.
– An exchange meeting with the directors is planned with the purpose of sharing about the offers of Human Rights and Sciences and establish a base of collaboration. - Local coordination of webinars and workshops, given by HR&S Sweden.
– HR&S Burkina Faso Branch participated in the organization of the training on scientific methods which was held from October 18 to 29, 2021. Burkina Faso has registered 6 candidates for this training. That is 2 candidates from the RISE Burkina Faso Center, 3 doctoral students and 1 Master’s student (see list in appendix). Six end-of-training certificates were issued.
- Coordination of the HR&S Network for Researcher.
- Support RISE members in accordance with our support packages and collect membership dues.
– HR&S Burkina Faso Branch participated in the coaching and support of the Senexel laboratory with a view to obtaining accreditation for the laboratory. This activity consisted of recruiting 2 student interns to support Senexel in its laboratory work.
– In collaboration with Action10, a campaign on Global Giving has been prepared and published for a call for financial support for the activities of the laboratory. - The Branch generated its own income from the above activities. –
No fees were yet collected from RISE Burkina Faso members, as the services are still under development.
– The funds available came from the training courses organised. Financial statement 19,500 FCFA.
May 2022
Prepared by : Elvis AUSTINS, Team-leader.
Introduction: Like every newly established HR&S Branch, Branch Nigeria is trying to kickstart a strong foundation that we can build on. Building such a solid foundation requires finding the right teammates to work with. And more importantly, letting go of people and members that lack intrinsic motivation. We concluded the year 2021 we some vital lessons learned that will help us to do better going forward into 2022. To date, we are three core team members with different expertise in business development. We seek the next business to onboard into our branch.
Activities: We attended some of the monthly meetings with HR&S, made rotation among the Branch operations team members, and invited four persons to the HR&S webinars, of which only one yet attended a webinar.
Plans for 2022
– Grow our team with more business advisers.
– Sign up new business owners as RISE members.
Planned Activities
– Brand awareness. Using social media to reach out to targeted members.
– Physical visits: Meet with local business owners one on one and discusses ways to align partnership pacts.
Income from webinar participants (Naira)
- Karniys Gamaniel 49,000
- Ado Dan-Issa 12,250
- Okpokwasili 50,000
- Aghama Moria 5,000 (did attend a webinar)
- TOTAL 116,250 (EURO 260)
RISE members during 2021
We have been collaborating with twenty-five different social entrepreneurs, in eight Sub-Sahara African countries during 2021, as compiled below. The HR&S Branches in Zambia and Rwanda were established during 2021 and have not yet developed links with social entrepreneurs.
- Senexel: Boubacar SENOU, CEO and Founder.
- Nella Consult: Paul Sawadogo, CEO and Founder.
- Amani Women Group: Mama SHIRU, CEO and Founder.
- Dolas Creation: Frederick ATING’A, CEO and Founder
- Veema Housholds: Virginia NJERI, CEO and Founder.
- RISE salon: local manager.
- 256 Creative Arts: Edward BUTIMBA, CEO and Founder.
- Ubuntu Art House: Bernard OMONY, CEO and Founder.
- Kimu Coffee: Moses MURUNGI, CEO and co-founder.
- Initiative for the Development of Former Child Soldiers (IDEFOCS): Morris MATADI, CEO and Founder.
- Little Bassa Community: Chief of the Village.
- Tuition fee loans: Ramses HUTCHINS
- SpellAfrica: Erezi EDOREH, CEO
- NoveleQ: Karniyus GAMANIEL, CEO and Founder.
- Mums Who Code: Aghama JESUROBO, CEO and Founder.
- Association Solidarité Enfance et Vie (S.E.VIE): Francois KLUTSÉ, CEO and Founder, Délali ADEDJE, CEO Assistant
- Team M.Yawo AHIAKPONOU: Yawo AHIAKPONOU, Programme manager, Adjo Martina AHIAWONOU, Programme manager adviser & Business manager, Filomene KOGLO, Programme manager adviser & Business manager.
- Togolese village association for business loans
- Togolese village tailoring business
Burkina Faso
A27. Accreditation of private advanced laboratory.
Status: First phase successfully concluded. We remain in contact and are open to new collaboration opportunities.
In 2021 we started a collaboration with start-up private laboratory, Senexel, in Burkina Faso. Senexel was provided expert advice on laboratory accreditation procedures. Our local branch also coordinated internship for university students at Senexel. Senexel staff have attended HR&S webinars and joined the Network for Technicians. This has been a no-cost collaboration.
Dolas Creation
A25. Tailoring business in Kibera, a vulnerable settlement in urban Kenya.
2020: One tailoring business, Dolas Creation, in the Kibera slum area in Nairobi Kenya was empowered to scale its business through a business loan.
2021: Dolas Creation has had challenges with repaying the first instalment, due to external challenges related to the pandemic.
Status: On-going.
Kibera is the largest slum in Nairobi, Kenya, the largest urban slum in Africa and the third largest in the world, with one or two million people. Most of Kibera slum residents live in extreme poverty, earning less than $1.00 per day. Unemployment rates are high. Persons living with HIV in the slum are many, as are AIDS cases. Cases of assault and rape are common. There are few schools, and most people cannot afford education for their children. Clean water is scarce. Diseases caused by poor hygiene are prevalent. A great majority living in the slum lack access to basic services, including electricity, running water, and medical care.
Mr. Fredrick Ating’a has always had a great interest in the fashion industry from a very young age. When he was a little boy, he used to admire his grandfather who loved dressing African clothes. His business is in Kibera and Fredrick hopes to transform and empower people in the area by providing jobs and training to other local craftsmen and artisans. However, insufficient funds to enable him to expand his business, improving the quality of the services and marketing strategies has been a challenge. “I would love to see a transformed society with independent people, people who believe they can do or be whatever they want to be”, he says. He strongly believes that through being a member of the Human Rights & Science (HR&S) RISE Support Centre, he will be able to learn valuable business and financial skills that will help him take his business to the next level. The whole concept behind Dolas Creation was thus to bring together gifted local artisans and craftsmen to showcase all local African fashion under one roof. ‘I hope this will invigorate employment and hearten acknowledgment of African crafts both locally and internationally’ and I would love to see a transformed society with independent people, people who believe they can do or be whatever they want to be”, he says. He hopes to offer quality services and products that are unique and customer friendly. Dolas envisions to be the nation’s most inclusive organization representing marginalised skilled artisans and craftsmen that share a common interest to improve living standards, expand opportunities and empower communities while providing the best practices and services in the fashion industry.
Mr. Fredrick was granted a loan from ActionInvest of EUR 2,000 in 2020 and used 50% of the total loan amount awarded to procure fabrics and dummies. At least 18 pieces – dresses was made as first batch clothes. The low utilization of the loan was linked to low customer base. The overall production was ow through out the pandemic and the market prices for various attires has greatly impacted negatively on the establishment’s production level due to it being highly priced as a result of the pandemic. Mr. Fredrick anticipates to scale-up gradually as the economy stabilizes, and everything normalizes. Dolas creation manages to do business with a few former clients despite the drop in demand during the pandemic. Mr. Fredrick states “Did you see what Nairobi County Women Representative wore during the launch of Building Bridges Initiatives (BBI) at Bomas Kenya? That was my work.” Clients are continuously visiting his small tailoring shop in Nairobi placing orders for various designs.
Veema Housholds
A28. Veema Household_ Production and sales of bed runners.
2021: Start of collaboration. Enabling a tailoring woman enterprise in Nairobi to grow. EUR 2,000 was transferred by ActionInvest in 2021 and 1st loan was then transferred to Veema Housholds. Membership fee for RISE Centre was paid for 1st year.
Status: On-going.
Doing a small market survey, the CEO Virginia NJERI noted that there is high demand of bed runners in Kenya especially in the hotels, guest houses, Air Bnb, residential. Veema Housholds is the only supplier of the bed runners in Kenya. Virginia concluded that:
- Guaranteed market as we are the only producers.
- High demand thus high sales volume.
- Offer livelihood, people who resale are able to get income.
Testimony “It would be interesting if we do the business both on wholesale and retail. We did prefer doing it on wholesale because it sells faster and reaches a wider market range. This would demand buying materials on wholesale to cut down on costs. The market is guaranteed because Veema Household is the only producer. Therefore, high demand will mean increased sales. This in turn will offer livelihoods, because we will offer direct employment to people (delivery persons and tailors) and income especially to wholesalers and retailers. Therefore Weema needs to offer wholesale and retail. Wholesale consumes a lot and also helps the business to sell faster.”
Outcome challenges
- ONE_Before the loan was transferred
Material. Virginia says “A specific type of material may run out of stock hence need to get some stock up of the same. Buying in bulk has discounted prices. Also saves on transport as we will only do one trip.”
Amani Women Group
A.4 Table banking as a result of Amani Women Group effort.
2016: A loan of EUR 2,000 was transferred by ActionInvest in 2016, directly to Amani.
2021: Branch Kenya team-leader Millicent SIFUNA has visited in 2021 and was well received. She wrote and excellent report and re-connected with the Amani Women Group.
Status: On-hold, empowerment sessions planned by RISE Kenya.
Nyakinyua village is an area located in Nakuru County. 98% of the people are subsistence farmers. Land parcels have continued to get smaller and smaller as families subdivide the land and pass it down to their children. This has led to over-reliance on the small pieces of land and further afield forest products for survival, leaving many people living below poverty line and just getting by. There is need to diversify, but this is not possible without the options of borrowing money to invest, as is possible with other “bankable citizens.” Due to climate change the community is increasingly facing unpredictable weather patterns further deteriorating the environment they live in and their livelihoods, making it even more difficult when they have to rely on food crops alone for their survival. The challenges for Nyakinyua are many and include lack of governmental support, limited contact with people outside the village, rain fed agriculture only with no equipment or fertilisers, clashes between ethnic groups at the time of the previous election in 2007 and HIV/AIDS.
Our partner Amani Women Group (AWG) is a Community Based Organization based in Nyakinyua, Molo. Amani Women Grouo was established in 1995, as a seller group for pyrethrum crop, a cash crop grown in Molo up to the late 90s. The group was destabilized after Post-Election Violence that occurred in Kenya in 2008 and Molo was heavily affected. The destruction and deaths in the area caused many people to move out of the village. The group seeks to enhance their livelihoods by coming together, saving a few dollars each week to create some funds they can use to borrow and lend for their economic empowerment. At the initial stages, fifteen people (10 women and 5 men) came together and saved an equal amount each month.
- Amani women group members have high hopes of buying their own land so that they can build their own houses for renting out. After several conversations they settled for buying land near a busy city Centre. This they say will be a lucrative business because they will not miss on customers. However, before they do all that, they will need to accumulate a certain amount of money. A piece of land near busy urban Centre is very expensive. They therefore came up with a plan. They decided to be contributing as little as 20 Ksh per day, which amounts to 500 Ksh monthly. Members who contribute faithfully would borrow from the kitty and pay back with an interest. This thus would create an increasing pool of income. The money they borrow, would be used to improve livelihoods through for example starting small businesses, farming, building houses and so on.
- Forming a table banking group.
- Those without houses to ensure they built, so that no one will be paying rent.
- Members should think of increasing their money from 20ksh daily to a higher amount.
- Meetings should be frequent.
- Members to think of investment projects that will increase group income.
Outcome Challenges
- Changing weather patterns leading to poor harvest. Farming is not promising, because of unpredictable weather patterns due to climate change, pests and diseases. We incur huge losses sometimes, yet we use a lot of money to rent land, buy fertilizer, seeds only to harvest nothing. Also, members insist that getting quality seeds is difficult because the seeds are too expensive. A small bag of seeds is 5000ksh, this makes it difficult for us to purchase. We end up purchasing poor quality seeds that are not marketable and do not do well. If we get quality seeds, we will definitely get profit.
Most members of Amani women group practice farming, but then they reason that they are not getting any younger. What will they do when they are very old and they cannot farm any more? This is why they are looking into the future. Also due to climate change, agriculture is becoming a bit unpredictable. They need to own a property that will continually bring in income.
- Unpaid debts. We have had cases of some members delaying to pay back their loans. Though this is rare.
- People not sure of the benefits of the group due to lack of proper education. “People don’t understand why they should save, they just want quick money. They are not ready to wait for long”, one member said.
- External conflicts like land issues. We have had some land issues, because ‘they’ wanted to take away our land. We have been solving that as a village. We couldn’t concentrate on our project.
- In order to strengthen the already established framework, Amani women group was added EUR 2 000 in 2016. This was a loan from ActionInvest with 10 % interest. The plan was to use part of the money to purchase a piece of land. The members will farm or rent out the land. The returns were to be injected back to the groups bank account and to eventually pay back the loan. This would considerably increase their total income. Consequently, the amount of money borrowed would increase.
Ann arrange with bi-annual RISE accounting training. Collins with bi-annual team-building, knowledge sharing and transparency sessions with RISE members. Millicent with bi-annual SfC sessions building a clear Road-map for Amani Women Group.
- Formation of the table banking group. The group was formed in 2016, at the time of receiving the loan from ActionInvest. The group started with 15 members. However, the number of members has reduced to 12. Reason being, they moved away from the village. Nevertheless, the group leader indicated that there are community members seeking to become members of the group. On average 8 members normally turn up for group meetings. Friendship and sharing ideas motivate the group activities. The respondents strongly agreed that they were motivated to form the group for the need to save and improve their livelihoods in general.
- The chairperson provides supportive leadership, presides over regular group meetings, recruits and retains members in the group and makes sure that all group members are active and involved. The treasurer mainly collects contributions, prepares budgets, and reports financial information for the group. The role of the secretary is to make necessary arrangements for group meeting, take down minutes during meetings and follow up participants when necessary.
- Members of Amani women group indicated that the group has guidelines and regulations that guide behaviour, have ground rules on operations, opinions and social interactions and mechanisms to deal with conflicts in case they arise. In case of any conflicts there are set mechanisms on how to deal with them. Also, members work as a team and this results to success and achievements in the group. The group also has a shared vision. However, the group leader moderately agreed that all members are committed to the activities of the group.
- Overall, the group experienced an increase in total revenue between 2016 and 2020, after initiating collaboration with HR&S in 2016, when 2000 euros was transferred to Amani Women Group account. The group used part of the money
- Borrowed from Action Invest to buy a plot (1/4 an acre), in November, 2017. Members agreed to till the land and plant potatoes with an aim of putting them on the market to earn profit. However, the weather was not favourable, the harvest was not good. The group thus incurred losses that year. They now lease the land to members and non-members who pay a total of 3000ksh only during planting seasons.
- Members pointed to various advantages with the project in that all the money belongs to the group, members savings are not taken away but instead used for loaning. This has led to an increasing pool of money.
- Amani women group has a perfectly adequate record keeping system. The group has a separate bank account. They have an orderly file of the group’s finances in form of cash book. Amani therefore indicated that they keep record of group finances. The bank account is managed by three people who must foresee any transaction before it is effected. The group also keeps records like individual passbook, minute books, attendance books and savings/loan book.
- The maximum amount of loan one can borrow from the group kitty is 130,000ksh which is the largest loan amount a member has ever taken. The least amount one can borrow from the group is 20,000ksh. Repayment schedules used in the group are regular instalments. It easy for members to get loans from the group as long as they contribute. Loans are given depending on the amount one has contributed. In the last one year, only 2 members had to extend their repayment period with an amount totalling 60, 000ksh. The average delinquency is thus low, establishing higher chances of success of the table banking project.
- Within a period of 4 years, Amani women members had grown rapidly and members had started borrowing and utilizing money from the kitty. One member indicated she had borrowed and used the loan to do crop farming. “I bought seeds and fertilizer, planted and got profit out of the produce”. Two members indicated to have used the loan to buy land. Another member indicated to have used the loan to build his own house. “I was renting a house but now I live in my own house”. However, no one had used the loan to develop or start any type of business.
- In ensuring socio-economic empowerment, members indicated that the project had built trust and empowerment which is aimed at benefiting the society.
Also, members were quick to mention that their saving ability had been enhanced. This shows that the group achieved benefits enhanced their trust and friendship which they felt safe to remain in the group.
A.6 Ghetto survey of Former Child Soldiers.
A.19 Botanical Reintegration Village.
2013: The Initiative for the Development of Former Child Soldiers (IDEFOCS) and Action10 agreed to collaborate.
2013-1014: IDEFOCS arranged the ghetto surveys, and the Action10 president attended three of the ghetto visits.
2014 – 2019: As a result of the the proposal by the ghetto dwellers themselves IDEFOCS arranged the buying of land in Little Bassa, the clearing of our land and the construction of a house. IDEFOCS arranged with the preparing of farm-land and planting of cassava. This infrastructure constitute the BRV. ActionInvest EUR 47,000.
2019: HR&S stressed that the transfer of funds was a loan and urged for income generating activities, before new loans were released.
2020: The HR&S Branch Liberia was launched to survey the development of the BRV and EUR 2,000 was transferred to Branch Liberia from ActionInvest. HR&S Sweden collaborated with our expert advisers and designed a trauma counselling programme.
2021: HR&S Branch Liberia interacted with the Little Bassa community, they offered COVID19 awareness raising and discussed the establishment of a social enterprise cold storage for fish. EUR 2,000 was transferred to Branch Liberia from ActionInvest.
Since Liberia experienced the 15 years prolongs civil unrest, the chances of chaos, crimes, violence and addictiveness to elicit substance remain a huge challenge for former child soldiers (FCS), women associated with fighting forces (WAFF) and other war affected youths (WAY). Today, vast number of these young men and women are caught up with the use of illicit substance, violence and crime for living. The rapid development of Liberia will continue to remain elusive if we persist to ignore the importance of promoting social change and relieving our young men and women from illicit substances and other immoral practices.
The Initiative for the Development of Former Child Soldiers (IDEFOCS) conducted three Ghetto Outreach Forums, in July and November 2013 and in January 2014, in partnership with Action10 – HR&S. The events took place in Turtle Ghetto, Du Pont Road Ghetto and Kink Grey Ghetto, all in Monrovia, and brought together stake holders and individuals from diverse backgrounds with complex situations, through interactive sessions. The sessions aimed at informing about the danger of illicit substances, violence and crime as well as collecting information. The sessions also included surveys where ghetto boys and girls could explain in which way they would like support with facilitating a process where they regain their lives. Eight volunteers of IDEFOCS were placed to survey 20 FCS, WAFF and other war affected youths per forum. During the survey the volunteers addressed 7 pages with 42 questions concerning personal background, recruitment by fighting forces, an assessment on how the Disarmament, Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration (DDRR) programme in Liberia which began in 2003 after the end of the civil war affected the person, current circumstances and current health status.
After these interactive forums, the first 21 century FCS and WAFF surveys were conducted. The surveys were able to ascertain the driving force that will lead the boys and girls in the ghetto to a new life. The survey thus captured their dreams. It also captured the challenges that the ghetto dwellers face and which makes it impossible for them to change their lives without support from outside the ghetto. Addressing all these challenges now constitute the strategy map for the IDEFOCS- HR&S-Action10 collaboration programme. The dreams were expressed as: Everyone in Liberia lives in an environment that enables them to have high quality life. Drugs, violence and crime are not part of their lives. All Liberians lives in a home with their families. They have the training of profession they wish, and they can all read and write. They have employment or run their own business and earn enough to sustain their families. With the funds they earn they can have quality health care and university education if they wish. They are safe in terms of social and physical security. They are all part of the society as equal Liberians.
The mission of this programme has thus become to provide trauma counselling, medical treatment, homes, training and employment opportunity for former child soldiers, women associated with fighting and other war affected youth living in the ghetto. The Ghetto dwellers also shared that such support programme has to be offered outside the ghetto. As long as they live inside the ghetto, any sustainable changes of lifestyles are impossible.
2013 – 2018
Output & Outcome
- IDEFOCS and Action10/HR&S have procured a piece of land in a peaceful village by the sea, the Little Bassa, one-hour drive from Monrovia. This site is now the location of our “Re-integration of former child soldiers’” programme.
- IDEFOCS has cleared the land from trees, dug a water well, prepared a farmland and planted cassava.
- IDEFOCS has also constructed a home where ghetto dwellers can stay and benefit from a rehabilitation programme, the home shall eventually have twenty rooms. This infrastructure constitute a sustainable platform for the re-integration of the war affected people, the BRV.
- IDEFOCS received a loan of EUR 37,000 from ActionInvest and EUR 10,000 from HR&S CEO personally. In total EUR 47,000.
- IDEFOCS has in addition included the community of Little Bassa, to ensure a loving and caring environment.
Outout & Outcome
- HR&S stressed that the transfer of funds was a loan and urged for income generating activities, before new loans were released.
- IDEFOCS complained that money invested was not enough, and moved their attention away from the BRV.
- The house and the farm was destroyed.
Action plan 2020
- Empower HR&S RISE Support Centre Liberia to coach firmly.
- Funds will be managed by RISE Centre from January 2020 and on-wards.
- RISE makes quarterly surveys at the BRV.
- Identify the leader structure in Little Bassa and approach them.
- Ensure profitable farming. The farm land needs to be brushed and farming should begin as soon as possible.
- The building at the BRV needs immediate renovation.
Testimony by the Little Bassa community “Knowing the kind of people that will be taken to the BRV as first batch of FCS, the building at the BRV needs to be fenced so they can be secured. - Welcomes a small group of well selected FCS and involve them in the work.
- Offer trauma counselling in the Centre.
- Develop a 2021 business plan and co-fundraise at the Global Giving platform and else-where.
Output & Outcome
- The HR&S Branch Liberia was launched to survey the development of the BRV.
- EUR 2,000 was transferred to Branch Liberia from ActionInvest.
- HR&S Sweden collaborated with our expert advisers and designed a trauma counselling programme.
The BRV is in a deplorable state, bugs have eaten up the sticks, the ceiling have fallen apart and in some rooms, there is no ceiling at all, and the building is cracking. The farm land is very bushy. For the past years since the completion of the building no one has moved in. According to Morris, the BRV is in that state because of lack of funding to move the first batch of FCS to the building and the COVID-19 crisis also contributed to the farm land being bushy.
Output & Outcome
- HR&S Branch Liberia interacted with the Little Bassa community.
- HR&S Branch Liberia offered COVID19 awareness raising and discussed the establishment of a social enterprise cold storage for fish.
- EUR 2,000 was transferred to Branch Liberia from ActionInvest.
- During 2019 – 2021 the BRV house and farm got more and more destroyed, and IDEFOCS did not make an effort to support.
Little Bassa community
A29. Cold storage for fish in Little Bassa, Liberia
2021: The Little Bassa community and HR&S agreed to develop a collaboration. This is an effort to link the community with the BRV programme. The programme to start with was a cold-storage for fish business. EUR 2,000 was transferred to HR&S Branch Liberia for the purpose. HR&S Branch Liberia also arranged an Covid-19 awareness session at the village.
IDEFOCS, Human Rights & Science and Action10 are currently supporting a project that aims to reintegrate child soldiers that have been victims of the war in Liberia. The project is based in Little Bassa, a peaceful village by the sea, located just one hour by car from Monrovia.
Fish is a staple in Liberia, but it’s a delicate nourishment that spoils easily and can lead consumers to face health risks. The lack of a cold storage facility in Little Bassa is causing numerous issues such as food loss and waste and it also represents a huge obstacle to the self-sustainability of Little Bassa causing social and gender disparity. One of the most important needs in the village is to build a cold storage facility for the fish.
As the fish needs to be sold right away because there is no access to cooling, it becomes difficult to operate a sustainable business which in turn leads to poor standards of living in the area: poverty and food insecurity are high across the country and are particularly acute in Liberia’s rural areas where 51 percent of the population lives. Some 83.8 percent of the population live on less than US$1.25 a day.
IDEFOCS, Human Rights & Science and Action10 will support the fishing village through building cold storage facilities that will lead to the satisfaction of the needs of Little Bassa, improve the food security and empower the community towards a more self-sustainable future. At the same time, this project will support the social growth of the local community favouring the individuals’ emancipation through economic independence.
- HR&S Sweden was represented fully by HR&S Branch Liberia, and Ramses and Lionel visited the village three times during 2021.
- EUR 2,000 was transferred to HR&S Branch Liberia for the purpose of the cold storage.
- HR&S Branch Liberia also arranged an Covid-19 awareness session.
A.20 Education in the English language to adults.
2015: The collaboration was initiated targeting education in the English language to 200 adults in evening classes in Nigeria.
2015 – 2021: EUR 8,500 was invested through ActionInvest. Students attended the education and some passed the examination. Student testimonies showed that those who had benefited had been able to improve their lives.
2020: A business models to sell soap was proposed but declined by Branch Nigeria.
Status: This initiative did not manage to reach financial sustainability as the students did not pay student fees. Postponed to until financial sustainability can be reached.
The lack of accessible, quality education is a serious problem facing Africa. In Nigeria, many teenagers drop out of school before their 16th birthday. Due to the poor standard of teaching, even those who were privileged enough to attend school, often leave lacking basic literacy and numeracy skills. Illiteracy is one of the biggest challenge facing the youths of Nigeria and many parts of Africa. According to the Ministry of basic education in Nigeria, there is over 5000 students to one English teacher in the country. Unfortunately, the effort from the government to combat this problem is too limited to be able to solve the problem within the near future. Statistics shows that individuals at the lowest literacy and numeracy levels have a higher rate of unemployment and earn lower wages than the national average. As a person who received poor education, I know what it means to be limited by education, says Elvis Austins, the founder and CEO of SpellAfrica. My inability to read and write held me from getting a decent job for many years.
SpellAfrica & B2S – Ambition
The SpellAfrica Initiative is an Education-for-sustainable-development-organisation, founded by Elvis Austin, with a mission to improve the poor standard of education across Africa. SpellAfrica sincerely believe every person in Africa has the right to basic education. The ability to read, write and speak at an acceptable level is the first step towards eradicating poverty. SpellAfrica picture a Nigeria where every teenager and adult is able to Read, Write and Speak English, the official language of the country. The Back2School (B2S) Programme is a unique Adult illiteracy Programme designed using the Montessori methods. It intends to teach 200 adults and youths with little or no basic education, who operates small personal businesses. These 200, at the end of the programme, undergoes an assessment test conducted by Lagos State Agency for Mass, Non-Formal & Adult Education, to measure impact and approve them officially literate.
Output 2015 – 2021
EUR 8,500 was invested through ActionInvest. Students have attended the education and some passed the examination. Student testimonies showed that those who had benefited had been able to improve their lives.
2020: A business models to sell soap was proposed but declined by Branch Nigeria.
Outcome challenge
The students do not pay the student fee as requested, why the financial sustainability is not achieved. In 2020 a business models to sell soap was proposed but declined by Branch Nigeria.
Status: This initiative did not manage to reach financial sustainability as the students did not pay student fees. Postponed to until financial sustainability can be reached.
H.13 Self-sustained laboratories
2015: The collaboration started in 2015. NoveleQ was registered as an association in Nigeria with the sole purpose of benefiting from HR&S FAST.
2020: A pilot project was launched 1 January 2020 and addresses five Nigerian scientific institutions. The programme reached out to TETFund in Nigeria and international scientific equipment manufacturers.
Status: It is a little difficult to move the programme to a higher level as the NoveleQ stakeholder’s mind-set is constrained to aid donations and aid services.
Scientific researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa often lack access to pieces of functioning advanced scientific equipment.
This programme aims at enabling researchers in Nigeria access to pieces of advanced scientific equipment. The initiative benefits from the HR&S practical strategy “Functioning Advanced Scientific Equipment (FAST)”. NoveleQ was registered as an association in Nigeria an office in Abuja. The purpose of NoveleQ is to benefit from HR&S FAST.
Output 2015 – 2021
2015: The collaboration started in 2015. NoveleQ was registered as an association in Nigeria with the sole purpose of benefiting from HR&S FAST.
2020: A pilot project was launched 1 January 2020 and addresses five Nigerian scientific institutions. The programme reached out to TETFund in Nigeria and international scientific equipment manufacturers.
Outcome challenge
It is a little difficult to move the programme to a higher level as the NoveleQ stakeholder’s mind-set is constrained to aid donations and aid services.
M. Yawo_Togolese villages
A.3 Small scale businesses in Togolese villages.
2009: The programme was initiated in 2009 in a collaboration with IARAD. It targets the Maritime region.
2012: The programme was taken over by S.E.VIE
2009 – 2020: The programme addressed 300 villagers, mostly women. We experienced good outcome, no sustainable impact and a lack of transparent communication.
2020: The programme was taken by M.YAWO in partnership with L&D.
2020-2021: 120 women and a two men from the villages are involved. The pay-back is in time and 100%.
Status: Ongoing and very successful. More investment capital is required to reach a sustainable economy.
The economy of Togo has struggled greatly. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) ranks it as the tenth poorest country in the world, with development undercut by political instability, lowered commodity prices, and external debts. While industry and services play a role, the economy is dependent on subsistence agriculture, with industrialization and regional banking suffering major setbacks. In January 2017, the IMF signed an Extended Credit Facility arrangement, consisting of a three-year $238 million loan package. Median per capita income is USD 683.
Addressing community services through social enterprising in rural Togo. The scope of the programme is to support women and men, who want to start social enterprises that provide community services. Provide loans to the business managers, mostly women, with 10 % annual interest, combined with training and coaching in all areas required for success.
Activities 2021
- ActionONE Needs&User Driven
- The PMP M Yawo is from the area.
- Permission is collected from the husbands to allow the wives to run businesses.
- Accountability villages
- Each loan-taker has to bring a witness to control the activities.
- Much effort is put in to discuss truth and trust by the programme managers before the first contract is signed and the first loan is given out.
- Programme managers explains carefully where the money comes from, ActionInvest, the effort behind raising them and the plan to create something sustainable that will help many using the same capital as business start-up capital.
- M. Yawo frequently reminds the business managers about their obligations.
- The debt is collected weekly.
- They have to have a business before they are approved a loan (no matter how small), go visit them to collect the money, if call for meeting to collect they will not show up.
Expected sustainable impact
- Target partner businesses. The businesses shall become independent, self-sustained and sustainable after 2-3 years of operation.
- RISE business sustainability
- We have agreed that M.Yawo shall be rewarded EUR 1500 per year.
- We have agreed that 150 business women can be managed in one programme by one programme management.
- Assume each business borrows in average about EUR 130 (start with 50 and scale to 200) then the capital required is EUR 20,000. 7.5% is EUR 1500, thus 7,5% of the interest will benefit M.Yawo and his local team of operations and 2,5 % will benefit M. Milohum. Therefore we need ensure EUR 20,000 on the account. While building the capital the 2.5% will be re-invested.
S.E.VIE Semi-urban businesses
A26.Small-scale businesses in Togo semi-urban area.
2013: The programme was initiated in a very small scale.
2018: The programme then scaled as the S.E.VIE focus moved from the villages to Tsévié.
2019-20: 123 women in the semi-urban city Tsévié received loans and ran small scale businesses during a period of two years.
2021: The programme was closed in 2021, as it was found that it would not become financially sustainable.
Togo faces significant institutional and economic challenges and the poverty is high. The business climate is problematic with low investor confidence and low capacity of the banking sector to finance the national economy. Residents in small cities, such as Tsévié, tend to have very little income from their informal income-generating activities, which are often their only means of livelihood. In Tsévié, the living conditions of the populations, even if they are not always miserable, remain precarious on all levels.
The most vulnerable, especially women who have only been in school during short periods of time, find it very difficult to find a job. The only way to survive and gain independence is to undertake a business activity. So overnight, these women start for example a resale activity, a small restaurant, a breeding shop, or a sewing workshop. But to develop and sustain this activity, they need to be supported.
HR&S and Action10 have been working with S.E.VIE in Togo since 2012, targeting small-scale businesses and cooperatives. In order to reduce poverty, several initiatives have been taken by S.E.VIE and its partners including the implementation of the ActionInvest managed by Action10 and HR&S.
The programme dedicated to vulnerable women in Tsévié was initiated by S.E.VIE to support vulnerable but enterprising people, mainly women. To promote the socio-economic inclusion of the most marginalized, S.E.VIE targets single mothers and widows. HR&S/Action10 agreed to support the activity through an ActionInvest loan.
This project is unique in the landscape of its intervention, Tsévié, because it does not require a formal guarantee, but to form cooperatives of two or three persons who take a group responsibility for the accountability of the loan, and can therefore serve the most vulnerable.
In 2018 we began the small-scale businesses programme in Tsévié with the aim to improve the living conditions of the population. We offer small loan to the poor, mainly poor women, to help them conduct income-generating businesses. By increasing the standard of living, we also increase access to health care and education for children. Our initiative also supports the emancipation of women.
- ActionInvest: In 2019, ActionInvest transferred a loan of 4,886,919 FCFA (Euro 7,500). In 2020, ActionInvest transferred a loan of 906,400 FCFA (Euro 1,400), through the HR&S RISE Support Centre in Togo. The total loan was thus 5,793,319 FCFA (Euro 8,900).
- Auditing: We asssigned a professional auditor, M Alexis AKOTCHATE, to go through the bookkeeping during 2019 and 2020.
123 women in semi-urban city Tsévie benefited from small loans and coaching enabling them to start and maintain small businesses.
The ActionInvest loans granted to the women of Tsévié in have also before 2019 enabled some of them to improve their living conditions a little bit.
The ActionInvest in the Tsévié region started in January 2019. Since then, 171 files have been processed. The microcredit fund reached 123 beneficiaries, 116 women and 7 men. The activities of the beneficiaries relate to small businesses, such as the sale of corn, beans, donuts, bags, clothes, shoes, rice, yams, fruit, etc.
2019: New loans are granted following the requests registered, studied, and validated for certain women. Thanks to S.E.VIE’s support efforts and strategies, repayments of old loans as well as new ones are continuing in accordance with the clauses of the contracts signed for this purpose.
During 2020, SEVIE organised the loan-takers into cooperatives of two or three persons, and besides having a cooperative responsibility for the accountability the group was encouraged to train each other, to progress together, exchange practices, encourage each other and socialise.
The activities of the women supported by the project are of three (3) types:
– Buy-resale activities: fruits, vegetables, fish, cereals, shoes, bags, and food.
– Female crafts: sewing, hairstyle and braiding.
– Small catering services: bar-restaurant and cafeteria.
Lessons learned & Informed decisions
HR&S invested deeply in auditing of S.E.VIE during 2019, 2020 and 2021. It is obvious from these exercises that HR&S was always seen as an an “opportunity” and never as an equal partner. Then much effort had been invested in establishing and maintaining good relations and good communication. The CEO has visited the field site up to ten times over the years. She knows the family and has also supported on private matters. Though with the auditing reports in black and white there has been signs since many years and it is only due to the “positive perspective” of the CEO that we have continued. Still, no doubt, the money has been invested in under-served communities, we have delivered better than an average aid programme, we have identified an excellent programme and excellent programme managers to take over. Just that the funds invested in S.E.VIE will never be recovered. We remain in good terms with S.E.VIE, that has to close its office as a result of the conclusion of the programme, and future will tell if we will be able to collaborate again, now under completely different conditions.
RISE Salons
A.23 Small scale businesses in urban vulnerable settlements.
2017: The programme was initiated, meetings were held in Kampala and the the proposal by Creative Arts was to targeting people with small-scale businesses in vulnerable settlements in Kampala and support with coaching and start-up loans, in case they want to scale-up their businesses.
2019: First financial investment, directly to Creative Arts.
2020?: Branch Uganda was launched and the second transfer was directed to Branch Uganda?
2021: Third transfer went through Branch Uganda.
2022: On-going. Seeking a manager for a RISE Salon.
This programme takes place within Kamwokya and Kyebando. Kamwokya and Kyebando are slum areas within Kampala the capita of Uganda and are faced by many challenges. Kamwokya and Kyebando are densely populated and have an estimated population of 40.000 people. The majority of its inhabitants are children and youth and most of the families in these areas are poor and illiterate. Most men in slums have dropped their responsibilities to look after their families, because of the tough economic situation, lack of employment, and rural urban migration. We face family drop out, domestic violence, early sex marriage and polygamy which leads to single mothers. Many children do not get a chance to go to school. And for those that are lucky to go to school many drop out. Although these issues make life challenging and affect all, it is worse with the adolescent girls as so many of them resort to prostitution, which in addition leads to unwanted pregnancies, acquisition of HIV/AIDS and eventually death.
2017: Supporting single mothers and adolescent girls living in the slum.
2019: Creative Arts to support small scale businesses.
2020: Chusa School of Beauty was launched, which graduated 20 students.
2021: Second batch of Chusa School graduating another 20 students.
To start a salon where the ladies from Chusa School can work. Seeking a business partner.
2022: Seeking a manager for RISE salons.
2017-2018: We initiated this programme and held meetings in Kampala to plan the programme.
2019: Support to small scale businesses.
2020: Chusa School of Beauty was launched, which graduated 20 students.
2020-2021: Chusa School 40 (20 +20) young women living in the Kamwokya slum area in Kampala have been trained and certified in how to work in a hair salon by Creative Arts 256. We agreed that HR&S shall try start hair salons and employ the trained women. Cancelled the collaboration with Creative Arts as the aspect of sustainable economy was disrespected. To start a salon where the ladies from Chusa School can work, seeking a business partner.
Small businesses
The members of our team in Uganda had a consensus that COVID-19 caught everyone unaware and as a result crippled most of the businesses in the program. Businesses/enterprises are stuck due to reduced numbers of customers and working hours. As a result, a number of members have not been able to pay back what is owed. The members have agreed that some businesses will not be able to operate as profitably as they have been before. As a result, members have suggested that it is wise to think of shifting business lines/types to be able to be competitive and keep the programme running. However, the challenge to this is that starting a new business without any experience in that business is in itself worrying. Group leaders will visit individual members to assess their opinions on the new business idea. In the same vain, the group leaders will visit members before 2nd June 2020 for the way forward. The members also suggested that it’s the responsibility of the group leaders to meet the members to find out the individual challenges and find solutions to the challenges. The meeting agreed that members should start planning now about the kind of businesses and ventures that would be profitable for them in this new COVID-19 era. People should not wait. Members suggested that the period for payment should be adjusted to more than one month. However, others suggested that its better and easier to pay in small instalments in shorter periods. There was nothing conclusive on this. The suggestion of introducing new members in the program was rejected. It was agreed that it is better to first stablize the current program before we can invite a new cohort. Members also agreed that the program can open up a mobile money account to ease the collection of monies from members. Members can deposit the money they get anytime without having to wait for demands. Members also agreed that the running costs should be beared by the program not the members.
Chusa school
2020 CREATIVE ARTS 256 adolescent girl’s saloon has register 20 students to start with, also wishing to start fashion and design if we get more funds to buy tailoring machines. All 20 student graduated and received a certificate.
2021 CREATIVE ARTS 256 adolescent girl’s saloon has register another 20 students to start with, also wishing to start fashion and design if we get more funds to buy tailoring machines. All 20 student graduated and received a certificate.
RISE Salon
2021: No outcome
Products and services offered to underserved communities during 2021
During 2021 we worked actively on 19 assignments.
On total has HR&S, over the years, been involved with around 50 different assignments.
- The goal is to scale by attract more researchers, innovators, social entrepreneurs and supporters that agrees with our ambition and core-values. (Networks)
- HR&S will also empower the work with the Strategy for Change concept.
- More, during 2021 will Action10 created its own crowd-funding platform.
- HR&S acknowledges how the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guides towards a fair and equal partnership. Even though the GDPR concerns EU and European Economic Area (EEA) countries, HR&S states that it is fair to let the protection of personal information concern partners in all continents. Also, in line with our own ambition and core-values are we happy to acknowledge successful conclusion of the negotiations of African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), and the launching trade deal 1 January 2021.
- Two more target countries, Zambia and Burkina Faso
- Basic education with sustainable economy & children abuse prevention Togo
- Community services Kenya
- Ghetto interventions & survey addressing former child soldiers Liberia
- Waste management in slum areas Liberia
- Promoting local handicraft by former child soldiers; knitted items glass-pearl items Liberia
- Botanical Reintegration Village Liberia
- Back2Shool Nigeria
- Promoting local handicraft; Shea butter Togo
- Promoting local handicraft; West African fabric tailored items Togo
- Early pregnancies prevention & tailoring training Togo
- Research management workshops; Zambia, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso, Togo, Mali
- An office established ready to create central laboratories with sustainable economy Nigeria
- Offering light and homework support in rural areas in the evenings Togo
- Installing sustainable solar-panel businesses in villages Togo
- Adding value to crop Liberia
- Improved irrigation Togo
- Installing sustainable milling businesses Togo
- Radio call-in to ask questions to stigmatised citizens Liberia
- Promoting local handicraft; baskets, jewelleries Rwanda
- Promoting local handicraft; jewelleries and cards Uganda
- Promoting local handicraft; tailored clothes in fabric East African style Kenya
Sustainable Economy &
Evidence-based Impact
Ahead, in 2022, HR&S will empower the
Sustainable economy & Evidence based impact
Local Branches
We have a set of Targets for 2022.
We work through them firmly together, so that each Branch have their own activities and milestones, in perfect relation to their own programme.
Establishing relations with potential Institution management partners in our target countries.
We will establish links within the management at institutions in SSA countries, seeking relations with individuals with agency for change and do persona research to empower the relations. We will involve our network members to support with identifying persons to be our ambassadors at the management level at their own institutions. We will prove our performances through free seminars where we present our services and our previous results. We seek to understand the challenges of the institutions and propose how we can support with addressing those challenges. We present a reasonable price for the services that we offer. Then we remain in professional contact, invite to events, and update on our activities.
Expected Output:
– Team-leaders identify names on door openers in their own institutions. Indicator: ten names.
– Network coordinators reach out to the network members for names/door openers. Indicator: ten names.
– A list with 20 names of persons with whom we have had contact, affiliations and done persona research.
– Five, 30 min seminars where we strengthen the relations with potential partners.
Expected outcome:
– Ten powerful connections that we maintain where we have i) identified their ambitions and outcome challenges, ii) proposed activities and milestones and iii) informed about a reasonable price.
Progress markers:
– One signed coaching agreement. We will offer free of charge 30 min seminars or one hour,
but webinars need to be paid for. The coaching we offer to the management includes webinars on the strategy for change, helping them develop progress markers for their own curricula. We shall put effort into identifying the outcome challenges and then propose how we solve the challenges through activities and milestones. In addition we can provide training for their researchers and technicians, and that is then an activity within their SfC. Not stand-alone events.
2. Ensure sufficient income to local branches.
- From 2022 and on-wards reimbursement to team members will only be made through the branches own income.
- Team-leaders and active members of the team of operations are not eligible for RISE Centre loans, but are able to generate an income that can be used as start-up and scale-up capital for the businesses. The benefit from the RISE Centre services free of charge.
- Internet, computers, electricity, venues, transportation etc, to provide members with RISE Centre services.
Sources of income
- Participant fee in webinars managed by HR&S Sweden and HR&S Expert Adviser.
-Support the coordination, make invitations, keep track of participants, support during the sessions, keep track of those managing the exam, as well as
develop and distribute certificates.
Expected output:
– Four or more annual webinars. Two
webinars on the Strategy for Change by Cecilia: in March (for
researchers and technicians) and in September (for entrepreneurs and
development stakeholders). Two webinars on Scientific topics by Dr Murthy in April and October.
Expected income
10 participants in each webinar = EUR 400. - Ten percent interest from giving out loans.
– Supporting also the fundraising through ActionInvest to enable a significant
capital; social media activity, sharing programme reports, photos and videos.
– Seek funds from Kwanda directly to the Branch.
-Implement accountability structures so that funds are paid pack in time and with interest (see No3).
Expected income
A capital of EUR 20,000 = EUR 2,000.
- RISE Centre annual membership fee (three levels).
Offer RISE Centre services that justifies the annual membership fee.
– USD 50: Access to loans; Networking between RISE members; Local training on accounting.; Local training on the SfC and support with setting up a SfC for each business by HR&S Sweden; Access to the HR&S team of expert advisers.
– USD 200: As above and in addition; Access to computer, internet, and electricity; Access to a simple co-working space; Access to back-office services; Website and social media marketing support.
– USD 500: As above and in addition; Access to advanced co-working space; Access to venues; Access to transportation vehicles.Expected output
– Six annual RISE member events
Bi-annual member networking meetings where the total capital available for loans are discussed, loans given out and loans paid back with interest in time as well as progress markers. The agenda also includes: developing and agreeing on membership contracts as well as ambitions, challenges, output, outcome and sustainable impact. Bi-annual training on accounting at each RISE Centre involving all RISE members, arranged by the accountant. Maybe one hour. Bi-annual local training on the SfC and support with setting up a SfC for each business. Maybe two-three hours.
Expected income
10 x 50 = EUR 500 or
10 x 200 = EUR 2,000 - Ten % of deals made between a local institution management and HR&S Sweden where the relation has been established by the branch (see No1).
Expected income
3 x 10% of EUR 10,000 = EUR 3,000 - Other social enterprising type of offers by the RISE Centres, such as local training.
Expected outcome:
– All RISE members develop and maintain a SfC for their own businesses.
– 100 % accountability among RISE members.
– Local branches team members and auditors are fully reimbursement by the Branches’ income.
3. Ensuring Accountability among RISE members
The “help-me” narrative must change. The RISE members must realise that this is an equal-partnership, win-win relation. That the partners shall support each other for the sake of establishing social good and move the country out of poverty as well as eradicate extreme poverty. The bottom line is setting the expectations right from the beginning to avoid unrealistic expectations. The RISE members shall not be looking for handouts, as this is not sustainable, but should create value for them-selves AND their partners,
and thereby bring the desired prosperity. RISE-member partners are the local branches, HR&S Sweden and Action10. Important also is to identify the right RISE membes, who will act with agency for change and intrinsic motivation, who will become role-models.
Activity: Each Centre has a certain amount of capital to pay out as loans. Within the Centre the RISE members are made aware of the size of this capital how the capital is distributed between them. The Centre shall create a good and supportive atmosphere where the RISE members support each other to manage their business, generate profit and pay back in time and with interest, by giving advice and provide supportive actions. Full transparency is created among the RISE members on how loans are paid back. If someone is not paying back, less will be available for the other RISE members, for the coming batch of loans. What we are targeting is the motivation to pay back, so that the loan-taker her-self and the other RISE members can benefit as much as possible, but also a sense of responsibility for the well-being of the local branch AND for HR&S Sweden. In case there is an external challenge, maybe drought for a farmer, then everyone will have to accept decreased capital, even though everyone will suffer from less capital.
Milestones: In RISE Centre meetings the members are made to realized that the money to be giving to them is a loan to be paid back, and that the amount given out as loan will be deducted from the principal amount at source. They are made to understand also that they will cross reference each other in the group, that is to say that if any member of the group default in repayment, the entire group will be held accountable. If they are faithful in repayment, they will be qualified for applying for a higher loan. They usually repay the principal on a monthly basis. The members are made aware that the purpose is for their businesses to expand and for more RISE members to be added to the community and thereby strengthening the team.
4. report evidence based impact
We empower social enterprises to ensure a sustainable economy while delivering social good. We measure and report on the social good delivered by compiling evidence based impact benefiting from scientific methods.
We compile annual reports on:
- Output, including:
- No of webinars.
- No of potential customers in our stewardship programme, including:
– Institution managements. - No of ActionTalks, number of participants, and compiled meeting notes.
- Number of RISE Centre training events, and participants provided per branch.
- Outcome, including:
- Number of webinar participants and Certificates distributed.
- Number of webinars sold to Institution managements.
- Number of:
- RISE members
- Customers of RISE members, including:
-people suffering from extreme poverty. - Persons supported by/through the customers of RISE Centre members, including:
-people suffering from extreme poverty.
- Level of accountability among RISE Centre members.
- Size of the ActionInvest capital available at each branch.
- Size of the income generated by each branch.
- Number of active members of the operations team at each branch.
- Sustainable impact, including:
- Number of HR&S local branches becoming financially self-sustained.
- Number of RISE members becoming financially self-sustained.
- Delivery of sustainable social good..
- Number of employees at RISE member companies as a result of the HR&S support.
5. Ensure efficient Branch procedures
Develop, sign and respect agreements
HR&S Sweden developes the templates and the team-leaders ensure the agreements are signed, filed and respected. We manage three types of agreements, between:
i) HR&S Sweden and Branches’ team of operaions.
ii) Branches and auditors.
iii) Branches and their RISE members.
Active members of the team of operations are reimbursed EUR 300 at the end of each fiscal year, after having presented a personal activity report that is approved by the team of operations and HR&S Sweden together and if the Branch has been able to generate enough funds. The funds for the reimbursement has shall be generated by the local branch, so that all Action10 campaign money (ActionInvest) will add to the capital of the branch and enable the giving out loans, thus make it possible to scale, both for the RISE member and the Country Branch. On case the Branch genrateas more income this shall be ditribyed between the most active team members and investments in scaling of the RISE Centre, and thereby increasing the support to RISE members and also income from membership fees.
Annual reports
Each HR&S Local Branch delivers Annual reports to HR&S Sweden, due 15 February. The annual report contains the programme and the financial reports. When the capital exceeds EUR 10,000 the Branch shall ungergo financial auditing.
Equal partnership
In a business relation both parties must benefit, or the relation will not last long. For both parties to benefit, both parties must try to find opportunities for the other party and therefore also have a deep interest in understanding the other party’s situation, ambitions, and challenges. There is a challenge related to the tradition of seeing mzungus as givers; money, training, travels, mentoring, coordination, administration, equipment, repair. But as we know from 60 years of aid, aid has proven to increase poverty. Moving away from looking for donation and a “Help-me” attitude to a proper equal partnership will empower all stakeholders, and create independent, self-sustained and powerful institutions. All members of the Branch operations team must have this understanding, which will result in that everyone will work hard to achieve results; attend all meetings, propose ways of doing things, take on assignments, and deliver results in time. The question changes from “how can you help?” me to “how can we help each other”. The HR&S management strategy is built on i) real-time outcome evaluation planning, ii) measuring impact using scientific methods, iii) managing transparency and accountability, and iv) needs and user-driven programmes.
Scam defence
419 scams from Africa towards foreigners is increasing significantly. Scamming mzungus has become a billion dollar industry, annually.
This is a relevant topic for HR&S for two reasons:
i) HR&S and Action10 will be attacked by 419 scams, and
ii) scammers will reach out to HR&S as a shortcut to foreign funds for their own benefit, without doing the 419 scam, but by taking a loan that they never intended to pay back or interact directly in other ways.
It is generally agreed that the reasons behind the scamming are:
i) Some governments are precieved as corrupt and thus serve as a role-model for the population to get involved with scamming,
ii) there are not enough higher institutions for education leaving many illiterate, combined with lack of infrastructure leading to that also educated people are jobless
iii) some of those with high positions in the society, already rich, well-educated, with good senior employment positions, wants more,
iv) the wage gap between the rich and the poor is increasing,
v) lack of rule of law; the risk of being caught is limited, and if it happens the scammer will most likely will share a portion of the profit, as bribes, and will then be released,
vi) many believe that further developed countries made African countries the way they are today as a result of colonalization and slavary. Scammers rationalize their criminal behaviour because they believe they are trying to recover what has previously been stolen from them.
The important issue is thus to not attract scammers, and if we do, make sure we explain our mission. The bottom-line is that HR&S and scammers actually have the same ultimate goal, fair and equal opportunites for all. HR&S claims that a sustainable development can only be achieved through a transparent and accountable equal partnership collaboration between countries and continents.
HR&S Sweden
- Establishing relations with potential customers, Institution managements in our target countries.
Expected Outcome:
– 10 powerful connections that have been established through our branches we maintain where we have i) identified their ambitions and outcome challenges, ii) proposed activities and milestones and iii) informed about a reasonable price.
Volunteer staff expectation and reward.
Outcome challenges: 2021 has been a difficult year concerning the turn-over of volunteer staff. This consumes a lot of effort for the organisation to often have to introduce new volunteer staff. The Action10 message to our volunteer staff is ” we volunteer to join, but when we have joined we do not volunteer to work”. During 2022, we will look more closely into how to manage this challenge.
The Activity is to: i). Assign the right candidates. It must be persons
with a sense they shall deliver. Not to just join meetings, talk,
comment, socialize, but to get their hands on the realities. To ensure
progress markers are met. ii). Action10 board must focus on how to keep volunteer staff that has signed in. We will do a survey to identify what motivates them and then reward them accordingly. iii) Improve the clarity around what each assignment means.
Social media fundraising strategy
Action10 has has a stable income of around EUR 10,000 per year. This is good but we would benefit from an immediate doubling or tripling of this amount. During 2021 our Team Media and our head of fundraising have made a fantastic work with i) frequent high quality social media posting on FB, LinkedIn and Instagram, ii) launched an excellent crowd-funding platform, iii) making great videos and started iv) excellent blogging posts, and v) developed Facebook donation. The visibility has increased measured in the amount of messages we receive to info@action10 and the number of followers on the social media channels. We did benefit from our new donation channel through Facebook.
Outcome challenge What has not increased is the amount of funds raised. During 2022 we shall develop a social media fundraising strategy defining ambition, outcome challenges, activities, progress markers, expected outcome and milestones. Then we shall use TestE to measure the results.
Progress marker_Pay-back of loans
During 2009 -2019 no loans were paid back. Loans were offered to Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Togo, Uganda. The amount of loans during the ten years was EUR 100,000.
In 2020 and 2021 loans were offered to the same countries and now 30 % was paid back. The paying back was done by Togo. Togo is also the country where the first loans were offered.
Reflections by CEO. A change of mind-set is possible. It has taken ten years. The change with pay-back from 0 to 30% was achieved by i) fully implementing ActionONE needs and user driven operations combined with ii) partnering with a social entrepreneur with intrinsic motivation combined with iii) frequent interactions with the local branch enforcing the strategy for change in actual practice.
Informed decision: Further activities shall be implement to shorten the time period of change.
Progress markers: 1. Pay-back reaches 100%, the only exception is related to external factors ( soft-loan). 2. Pay-back is 100 % in all countries. 3. The three success parameters implemented by Milohum DZAGLI is implemented in all countries. For 2022 we are looking into additional success parameters adding to the Milohum method, in order to increase the pay-back rate in all countries proposed by Theophilus AGADA.
We are for thankful to all of our supporters and Action10 volunteer staff for your kind attention and generosity. We thank our Branch’s operations team, auditors and RISE members for good collaboration and for learning lessons together. We appreciate the effort of HR&S Sweden, our Advisory board and Expert advisers. Thank you partners and customers for believing in us. Together we strive for development in a efficient, effective manner keeping truth and trust as guiding stars.
We want to specially point out and appreciate the new collaboration with Visit.org that has started during 2021.