Our Success Story

Our Vision

Our vision is a world without extreme poverty.

Management strategies fights poverty

Research suggests, and our experience indicate, that poverty is not primarily related to lack of resources, but rather to lack of management. The huge amount of donations through the traditional development aid sector, is not helping us to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) nor is it stopping the continuous increase of extremely poor people in sub-Sahara African countries.  

Our Mission

Thus, our mission is to develop, and coach on, management strategies that fights poverty. Our innovative management strategies enable local stakeholders to implement local solutions to local problems, in  equal partnership with international development institutions. Our management strategies are innovative and proven. They target a sustainable economy, institutional capacity and the delivery of products and services requested for locally, tax to the government, as well as evidence based sustainable impact. We target scientific institutions, advanced laboratories, entrepreneurs, and under-served communities in sub-Sahara African countries as well as a new generation of development institutions and the private sector, internationally.


We have already affected the lives of 10,000 persons, by:

  • improving the scientific infrastructure for researchers at scientific institutions,
  • increasing the access to advanced scientific equipment,
  • empowering local entrepreneurs with business loans and guidance,
  • increasing income, and access to products and services for persons in under-served communities,
  • networking between development stakeholders.


Our results prove our value and importance, our procedures are firm, our team is dedicated and capable, and we have just started our journey. We have been working in pilot mode, and our main challenges have been a competition against donations, and free products and services, provided by the development aid sector which does not address evidence based sustainable impact. We already have local presence in Liberia, Burkina Faso, Togo, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Zambia and the small achievements that we have already generated can easily be scaled by being copied to also other locations.  HR&S is more than ready, and very well prepared, to help empower and be part of, the new development collaboration approach emerging globally, which captures local initiatives, sustainable economy, institutional capacity, equal international partnerships, and evidence based sustainable impact.

Cecilia Öman
Founder and CEO, HR&S


Sub-Sahara African countries have potential for, and depend on, a rapid development progress

Africa is a continent with remarkable economic potential, yet the least developed (Mamman et al., 2018). Africa produces only 3 percent of global GDP, accounts for less than 3 percent of international trade, contributes with just 2 percent of the world’s research output, and produces only 0.1 percent of all patents (Gurib-Fakim, 2022). The  number of poor continues to rise, 433 million Africans were estimated to live in extreme poverty in 2018, rising from 284 in 1990 (Schoch, 2020). Beegle (2019) forecasts that 90% of the world’s poor live in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2030 and without a more rapid progress in Africa, the 2030 goal of eradicating global poverty will not be reached (Schoch, 2020).

Addressing the challenges of local development stakeholders through efficient management strategies can empower the generation of sustainable impact and thereby restrict both brain-drain and corruption.

Park (2019) argues that Africa’s development challenges are not due to a lack of resources but a lack of management and Tayo Tene et al. (2018) found that the ISO certifications in Africa represents 1% of the total number worldwide. Mamman et al. (2018) claims that the lack of development in Africa is largely due to its inadequate human capital, and  science graduates in Africa are unemployed and those who can successfully find science jobs overseas do so (Wild, 2018).  Anlesinya et al. (2019) found that effective talent management in Africa is faced with numerous challenges and according to Mamman et al. (2018) human resource (HR) professionals within the workplace have an important role to play. Wild (2018) argues  that there is a need to provide infrastructure and to fund talented African scientists based in Africa to success and according to Kasprowicz et al. (2020) African-led research has the potential to overcome brain-drain and may lead to improvement of health and science-led economic transformation of Africa into a prosperous continent.

Development depends on collaboration based on equal partnerships and transparent accountable win-win agenda, institutional capacity and sustainable economy.   

Africa has continued to rely on the colonial development model of resource extraction, which is both unsustainable and largely responsible for its debilitating poverty and aid dependency (Gurib-Fakim, 2022). Scientists collaborate with international partners and access donor funding, but this comes with the tether of donor obligations and the danger of foreign-set science agendas (Wild, 2018). Navarrete Moreno (2017) found that when the public sector struggles to meet service demand in low-income communities in terms of delivery and quality, then Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) try to fill these gaps instead, but the NGOs can only reach as far as grant funding and sponsorships allow, which limits the scale of services.

Demand for good governance is increasing all over the world (Mungiu-Pippidi, 2017b), but  the changing of governance across borders is a difficult task. Mungiu-Pippidi (2017b) argues for coalition building and that the groups benefiting from the positive change need to come together to make change happen and to reflect over whom, when and how international partners can assist. The author argues that corruption is hardly a social ‘malady’ to be eradicated, but rather a default governance order, people tend to favor their own, be it family, clan, race or ethnic group: treating the rest of the world fairly seems to be a matter of extensive social evolution and sufficient resources. Mungiu-Pippidi (2017b) recommends international partners to develop a common strategy together with domestic civil societies, fact-based change indicators to set a target; and to identify the human agency willing to change the situation. The author argues further, that interventions have to be designed in order to empower such agency, on the basis of a joint strategy to reduce opportunities and increase constraints for corruption, and that all tools that do not fit the context should be entirely excluded.

More about us

HR&S is independent, flexible, fast & innovative

Human Rights & Science (HR&S) is an independent company offering tools and service for poverty and extreme poverty reduction in sub-Sahara African countries through research, innovation and enterprising.  We are an important development stakeholder and empower the reaching of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Being and independent institution, we can and we are, flexible, fast and innovative, we learn our lessons and take informed decision real-time. Our value proposition is: i) providing social good by offering development empowering products and services in SSA, ii) targeting sustainable impact by continuous evaluation planning and empowering local institutional capacity, and iii) local financial viability.

We reduce poverty through management Strategy empowerment

Research shows that that Africa’s development challenges are not due to a lack of resources but a lack of management (Tayo Tene et al., 2018; Park, 2019), why HR&S offers a solution to this challenge.  We reduce poverty through the development and implementation of management strategies. We offer management strategies that enable local stakeholders to find solutions to local problems in  equal partnership with international development institutions. We have affected the lives of 10,000 persons, improving the scientific infrastructure for researchers at scientific institutions, empowering local micro, small and medium entrepreneurs with business loans and guidance, and networking between development stakeholders. We have initiated 50 programmes in eight countries.

Well developed scientific institutions, advanced laboratories, enabling environments for enterprises which together offers scientific solutions and innovations to local challenges combined with products and services requested by the local communities as well as employment and tax for the governments provides a solid ground for a wealthy nation.

HR&S has the same goal as the Swedish development cooperation but uses different tools. We implement management strategies and empower local development stakeholders to solve their own challenges in equal partnership with international development institutions. We target sustainable economies, institutional capacities, and the delivery of products and services requested for by the local communities. Our development model includes scientific capacity strengthening, business loans, employment opportunities and tax payment to the government.

Geographical focus

We operate at places where we expect to be able to make a change, and based on the scientific literature we have chosen to focus on sub-Sahara African countries. 

Our Team

Our sister organisation Action10, A volunteer driven organisation,  raise cross-cultural awareness and in parallel funds for business start and scale-up loans (www.action10.org). Action10 is tax-exempted and spends less than 5% of funds raised on administration in Sweden. Our Country Branches  in sub-Sahara African countries are for-profit enterprises targeting social good. We have registered Branches in eight sub-Sahara African countries; Burkina Faso, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia. The HR&S Head Quarters in Sweden empowers the HR&S Country Branches with management strategy coaching seeking to establish institutional capacity and a sustainable economy. HR&S Sweden also sells management strategy training and coaching on consultancy bases. The Country Branches operate as Research Innovation & Social Enterprising (RISE) Centres and welcomed local development stakeholders to share about their ambitions. The expected social impact as well as outcome challenges and risks together with the activities required to address the challenges and risks, and the expected time to achieve the ambition are reviewed by the Country Branches. If the initiative were mutually considered sound, an agreement was signed and the local development stakeholder became a RISEmember. The RISE Centres gives out business loans (ActionInvest) to RISEmember entrepreneurs, offers local knowledge sharing (RISEtalks), networking, training  and provided direct support to problems that arise. Besides entrepreneurs, the RISEmembers can also be other categories of development stakeholders; scientific institution and laboratory management, policy makers and more. Our RISE members links to our Target Partners (TP); researchers, technicians, micro business managers, buyers of products and services, and more.


We are thorough with continuous measuring progress or not progress, to timely learn lessons and take informed decisions, and we empower the development of procedures that secures sustainable impact, strengthens institutional capacity and enables financial viability. Our value proposition is and thereby our impact assessment addresses; i) providing social good by offering development empowering products and services, ii) targeting sustainable impact by continuous evaluation planning and empowering local institutional capacity, and iii) local financial viability.

Providing social good by offering development empowering products and services.

We have already affected the lives of 10,000 persons, by:

  • improving the scientific infrastructure for researchers at scientific institutions,
  • increasing the access to advanced scientific equipment,
  • empowering local entrepreneurs with business loans and guidance,
  • increasing income, and access to products and services for persons in under-served communities,
  • networking between development stakeholders.

Targeting sustainable impact by continuous evaluation planning and empowering local institutional capacity

All partners benefits from ROPE and we run bi-monthly coaching sessions with our Branches who run quarterly sessions with our RISEmembers. The ROPE parameters are compiled, progress markers scored, standard operations procedures implemented, and the strength of evidence for sustainable impact measured.

Financial viability.

HR&S aims to help empower i) scientific institutions and advanced laboratories to have a sustainable economy and ii)  micro-, small- and medium-scale  enterprises to be financially viable and preferably profitable. We measure turnover and grant/capital mobilisation and when relevant profitability.


Scaling & new partnerships

Our results prove our value and importance, our procedures are firm, our team is dedicated and capable, and we have just started our journey. We have been working in pilot mode, and our main challenges have been a competition against donations, free products and free services, provided by a development aid sector which does not address evidence based sustainable impact. We capture local initiatives, sustainable economy, institutional
capacity, equal international partnerships, and evidence based
sustainable impact and we already have local presence in Liberia, Burkina Faso, Togo, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Zambia. The small achievements that we have generated can easily be scaled and also be copied other locations. 
HR&S is more than ready, and very well prepared, to help empower and be part of, the new development collaboration approach emerging globally. We offer our services to international development stakeholders who foresee a better future through fighting poverty with proven innovative methods. We reach out to the new generation of development institutions and to the private sector . 
Please let us know how we can support, and we will make you proud!
You are welcome to meet us at our office in Stockholm City or let us visit you. We are happy to discuss how we can empower your work and offer our products and services, our network in sub-Sahara African countries (SSA), and our on-going activities. Maybe it would be interesting for you; 
  • to support our programmes through CSR
  • that we coach research at universities in SSA countries that is of interest to you
  • that we bridge between an equipment supplier and buying universities in SSA
  • that we empower local SSA businesses which you have an interest in
  • if we coach development programmes for your institution, or
  • to agree on other types of collaborations.


We Benefit from our own Strategy for Change

In order to reach our goals it must be clear which components of a programme that are important for achieving an expected outcome and an expected sustainable impact. Our work is based on own innovation Strategy for Change. The HR&S Management Strategy for Change (SfC) enables us to reflect over whether an expected sustainable impact is likely to happen as a results of our programme. The SfC defines the necessary conditions required to bring about impact. The SfC also points out which conditions that are sufficient. Thus our SfC infroms about:

  1. Why the status quo would change and
  2. Who would bring the desired evolution.

The Strategy for Change describes the connections between Impact, Outcome, Output, Milestones, and Input, together with, Outcome challenges, Progress markers, Activities, the Strength of Evidence and Baseline, as well as Stakeholder analysis, Motivation, and Power of influence; all parameters compiled per Ambition. Progress is measured through the measurable entities Output and Outcome. Equally important are Lessons Learned and Informed Decisions.

Our SfC is a narrative of the more ambitious HR&S tool, the “Real-time Outcome Planning & Evaluation” (ROPE).

HR&S is proud to have developed and implemented a management strategy that we call Real-time Outcome Planning and Evaluation (ROPE). ROPE addresses key findings from the literature:
1. Target locally designed and locally managed development initiatives, in order to benefit from local solutions to local challenges and enable result dependent initiatives that has potential to avoid corruption.
Address the challenges of the local development stakeholders through efficient management practices, in order to empower the local development stakeholders to implement their ideas and to avoid brain-drain.  Empower scientific research, innovation, and for-profit micro, small and middle size businesses,
Restrict collaboration to equal partnerships with a transparent accountable win-win agenda, institutional capacity and sustainable economy
4. Target evidence based sustainable impact. Progress, or no progress, must be measured and shared real-time using scientific methods, while lessons are learned and informed decisions taken.

ROPE is composed of nine parameters that constitute steps in work-flow (Illustration 1).

1.     Ambition

The first step is to capture ideas and innovations from local entrepreneurs, researchers, and other development stakeholders. These ambitions are defined exactly as they are expressed by the local stakeholders. The ambition is the answers to the questions “What do you want to do and how do you want to do it?”. We also clarify the context, which is here defined as the answer to the question “How do you manage right now?”.

2.     Outcome Challenge

The second step is to identify the Outcome Challenges. Outcome Challenges are defined as the challenges hindering the local stakeholder from reaching her/his ambitions, as expressed by the local partner.  The Outcome Challenges are the answers to the questions “Why did you not reach your ambition already?”. “Did you experience challenges that were hindering you from starting, if so, which were those challenges?”. Background and context reviews are then made to assess and decided whether the proposal is i) justified, and ii) suitable for HR&S. The possibility for ensuring institutional capacity, financial sustainability and the delivery of social good, is reviewed.

3.     Stakeholder Committee

It is now time to compose a stakeholder committee, which shall empower the PMP to reach her/his ambition. The stakeholder committee members are carefully selected to ensure; i) intrinsic motivation, ii) enough skills, and iii) enough power and authority.

4.     Activity

The next step is to compile a list of Activities. Activities is here defined as actions taken in order to overcome the Outcome Challenges. The Activities are agreed on by the PMP and the stakeholder committee together. Activities are broken down to Mile-stones; who is doing what, how and when. Also Progress Markers (PM) are defined that is quantitative and easy to measure indicators showing whether the PMPs were able to reach their ambitions as a result of the Activities.

5.     Input

The last step when designing a ROPE programme is the Input. The Input compiles the resources required for the implementation of the Activities, and includes, but is not limited to; management strategies (targeting research, laboratories, enterprising, serving underserved and partnerships for development), funds (investment and profit), training, coaching, expert advice, and tools. The resources compiled as Input have to be available, otherwise they are defined as Outcome Challenges instead.

6.     Output

The Output is quantified results of the Activities and are measured real-time per milestone. Thus, the Stakeholder Committee is in control of the Output.  The Stakeholder committee is empowered, if necessary, by the IP, ensuring that the members operate in an enabling environment (RISEagency) and that income covers costs, thus with a sustainable economy (SE).

7.     Outcome

The Outcome are actions taken by the PMPs and TPs as a result of the Activities, and the Stakeholder Committee is not in control of the Outcome.  The Outcome is assessed real-time through Progress Markers, while lessons are learned, informed decisions taken and the management strategy adapted accordingly. The PMP and TPs are empowered by the Stakeholder Committee through team-building and training sessions with all Country PMPs together (RISEtalks), when also the investment/reward/risk ratios for all stakeholders (the HR&S Development equation, DEq) are reviewed.

    8. Sustainable impact

Sustainable Impact is composed of Outcome with PMs that scores high and is often designed as standard operational procedures (SOP). The SOPs address; i) institutional capacity, ii), sustainable economy, and iii) delivery of product and services requested for by the community (social good). Also, other procedures ensuring sustainable impact are possible. We also consider Additional Impact, which are unexpected positive or negative consequences, as well as Possible Impact, which is a desired impact and that may or may not happen, possibly long after the programme has been closed. 

9.     Testing the strength of evidence for sustainable impact (TestE)

The strength of evidence of sustainable impact is tested real-time using scientific methods (TestE). We benefit from both macro and micro surveys and results are measured against the Ambition, the Base-line and the SOPs, while lessons are learned, informed decisions taken and procedures adjusted accordingly. A survey manual for TestE is prepared during the Activity planning. The macro surveys reviews country and the regions development plans and assess how well the initiative is contributing, and if all relevant local stakeholders have been consulted. The micro survey preparations include; i) choosing statistical method and the type and amount of data required, ii) selecting study and control groups through randomization, iii) designing questionnaires and open-ended questions for individuals and discussion groups, iv) measuring the base-line, v) design method for contribution tracing. A survey team is prepared by, i) assigning team-members, ii) setting up a visiting plan; locations, dates, transportation, and other logistics, iii) ensuring access to survey tools. The data collections include: written report about exactly what happened during the visit, as well as videos, photos, audios, questionnaires, interviews, testimonies and comments. The collected data is assed and urgently reported on, including an annual report.

ROPE – tailor made

Scientific research, innovation, and for-profit micro, small and middle size businesses can be empowered through tailor-made versions of ROPE targeting scientific research capacity strengthening, (REACH), advanced laboratory management (FAST), for-profit business delivering social good management (SCALE), providing services to under-served communities (SERV) (presented elsewhere). Also, international partnerships for development and international investments can be empowered through the tailor-made version of ROPE targeting equal partnership management (22 RISE) (presented elsewhere). 

Securing sustainable impact

To secure the sustainable impact, we coach our partners through the ROPE management strategy while developing and agreeing on road-maps. We  sign contracts with collaterals – usually material bought with the loan -, and in regions with a fragile rule-of-law we directly involve other stakeholders, who depend on the programme, in the progress evaluations. We remain a close partner through-out the implementation of the programme and we address challenges together.


We are moving straight to The new future

Our results indicate that one major factor limiting development in SSA is a mind-set linked to the traditional development aid. Stakeholders may be hesitant to invest, effort or money, if donations and free services that have been the norm, are still abundantly available. Our findings show that  loans given out, risk not to be paid back, as agreed. This emphasizes the need for firm management strategy tools and coaching and equal partnership with a transparent win-win agenda, rather than donations and free services by traditional aid institutions.

Thus, we target stakeholders with intrinsic motivation, who are interested in long-term solutions rather than short term donations, and have an agency for change. These are the partners who will benefit sustainably from collaborating with HR&S.


Amankwah‐Amoah, J. (2019). Technological revolution, sustainability, and development in Africa: Overview, emerging issues, and challenges. Sustainable Development, 27(5), 910-922. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.1950
Anlesinya, A., Amponsah-Tawiah, K., & Dartey-Baah, K. (2019). Talent management research in Africa: towards multilevel model and research agenda. African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 10(4), 440-457. https://doi.org/10.1108/AJEMS-12-2018-0371
Beegle, K. C., L. (2019). Accelerating Poverty Reduction in Africa. . World Bank. http://hdl.handle.net/10986/32354
Gurib-Fakim, A. S., L. (2022). Brookings Foresight Africa 2022 report – Investment in science and technology is key to an African economic boom – Africa in Focus. (Africa in Focus, Issue. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/africa-in-focus/2022/01/26/investment-in-science-and-technology-is-key-to-an-african-economic-boom/
Kasprowicz, V. O., Chopera, D., Waddilove, K. D., Brockman, M. A., Gilmour, J., Hunter, E., Kilembe, W., Karita, E., Gaseitsiwe, S., Sanders, E. J., & Ndung’u, T. (2020). African-led health research and capacity building- is it working? BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1104. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-08875-3
Mamman, A., Kamoche, K., Zakaria, H. B., & Agbebi, M. (2018). Developing human capital in Africa: carving a role for human resource professionals and practitioners. Human Resource Development International, 21(5), 444-462. https://doi.org/10.1080/13678868.2018.1464290
Mungiu-Pippidi, A. (2017a). Corruption as Social Order. World Development Report 2017 Background Paper. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/27046
Mungiu-Pippidi, A. (2017b). Seven Steps to Evidence-Based Anticorruption: A Roadmap. Rapport 2017:10 till Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys (EBA). . https://eba.se/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/2017_10_final-webb.pdf
Navarrete Moreno, C., Agapitova, N. . (2017). Emerging Social Enterprise Ecosystems in East and South African Countries. https://endeva.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/wb_africa-se-ecosystem_may8.pdf.
Park, J.-D. (2019). Re-inventing Africa’s development: Linking Africa to the Korean development model. Springer Nature. http://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/22904
Resnick, D. (2021). The politics of urban governance in sub-Saharan Africa. Regional & Federal Studies, 31(1), 139-161. https://doi.org/10.1080/13597566.2020.1774371
Schoch, M., Lakner, C. . (2020). The number of poor people continues to rise in Sub-Saharan Africa, despite a slow decline in the poverty rate. .  https://blogs.worldbank.org/opendata/number-poor-people-continues-rise-sub-saharan-africa-despite-slow-decline-poverty-rate
Tayo Tene, C. V., Yuriev, A., & Boiral, O. (2018). Adopting ISO Management Standards in Africa: Barriers and Cultural Challenges. In I. Heras-Saizarbitoria (Ed.), ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and New Management Standards (pp. 59-82). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65675-5_4
Wild, S. (2018). Africa’s scientific infrastructure gap. (Africa Portal, Issue. https://policycommons.net/artifacts/1443769/africas-scientific-infrastructure-gap/2075501/ on 21 Oct 2023. CID: 20.500.12592/3fx2xq.

The logic behind

Thoughts put into words.

The number of extremely poor people in sub-Sahara African countries (SSA) is increasing with 6 million every year.

HR&S/Action10 has taken on as our mission to do something about this.
The question is. How do we do this ? How do we organise ourselves to ensure to have sustainable impact? To ensure that we do have an impact on extremely poor communities in SSA. Can we even? Is it possible?

First question.
Can we help empower extremely poor person in SSA through donations?
If we think about it.  A donations would solve an immediate urgent need. But later. We will most likely experience that same need again.  Then a demand for a new donation. And a new and a new…
Then, is it not so that donations creates dependency? A dependency by the receiver towards a donor. It seems unavoidable. And it seems never to end.
– Ok, if not donations…Then what?

Question number two 
Is their a difference between people? Do people in different parts of the world need different things? Or we need the same?
If it is the same. Then I can actually ask myself What do I need? What do you need? What do people need in general.
To manage everyday life. To manage to take care of our families.
– We need an income. We need a money in.  On a regular basis. We need a Salary. An employment.
And how do we ensure that? We need a strong enough Business sector.
– Therefore, does HR&S/ Action10 empower entrepreneurs in SSA.
No donations, but business loans.
To be paid back with 10 % interest

So good. With this approach. Is the problem solved?  Is it easy like that?
It is not. Because…
If it was me. If I live in an underserved community with my three children. Who I love, more than anything thing.
If I have little.  And my beloved children  need something, hospital, education…
If I have access to this money. And this money is from rich people in a rich country . I will take this money.
I would take care of my family first and then see how I can manage with the rich people
I would. And if I didn’t . I would not be a good mother.

The problem is. This is a one time solution. Now  the money is gone.
If  it was a business loan from Action10. What do I do? How do I pay the money back. Maybe I can’t!
I therefore do not only need the loan per see. But I need someone at my side to guide me. Someone who can ensure my families basic need are met and that I can scale my business at the same time.
Not one or the other. Both. At the same time.

Therefore. HR&S/Action10 does not only offer a business loan.
But in addition. We offer a management strategy, that we guide on in parallel with providing a business loan.

Question number three 
What does such a management strategy look like? And how do we provide this guidance in actual practice?  To ensure sustainable impact.
To do this. We need to have a deep serious cross-cultural awareness. To be able to put ourselves in the shoes of someone else, of our partners in SSA.
In order to understand perfectly. Which management strategy and how to inform about it.

THIS is where Action10 is unique! This is our true innovation.
We have developed a strategy for change.
It is straight forward. Step by step. Based on common sense. But ambitious

How did we come up with our strategy for change?
Action10 has been in operation since 2009 and HR&S since 2015.
Together have we drafted a management strategy by compiling findings from the scientific literature and our own experiences from working in SSA.
We have implemented, learned lessons and taken informed decision, real-time.

We are running 20 parallel programmes, in eight countries, through a network of 100 partners.
We have reached 1500 persons directly and 10000 indirectly.
Learning lessons, taking informed decisions and adjusted the Management Strategy for Change accordingly.

Please let us know if you are interested in knowing more or everything about our strategy, our programme, our results, our challenges, our mistakes or/and anything else.
We are happy to share. We can arrange a seminar on the topic, at our our venue in Stockholm City or at you venue, maybe at your workplace.
We can f ex offer CSR events, or empower your activities in SSA, or something else. 
We are open for ideas.

HR&A/Action10 aims to be strong, loving, caring, wise, ambitious, big family.
We want to educate ourselves and each other about how how to reduce extreme poverty. And to do it. In actual practice. Generate evidence based sustainable impact.
You are become part of this family.
We welcome you to become a monthly giver. As we depend on funds to give out as business loans
Thereby you become an Action10 member. We honour your donation and ensure not to use more then 5% for administration in Sweden (such as bank fee, webpage hosting, accounting software)
If you have questions about this please let us know.

Welcome to HR&S/Action10 
