Annual Report 2022
Transparency & Accountability Agency
Message from the CEO
Our vision is a world without extreme poverty. Our mission is to empower scientific research, innovation and social enterprising in sub-Sahara African countries through equal partnership. Within our mission lies transparency, accountability, truth, trust, harmony, equity and resilience, as well as sustainable economies and institutional capacity.
We aim to create communities where scientific research, innovations, business and social enterprising thrive so that it contributes to the development of the country and the region. Such communities, even if small, can be scaled and copied making our effort even more powerful and important. We argue for the empowerment of entrepreneurship and a stable business sector, that can i) offer services and products requested for by the population, ii) employ people and iii) contribute to the tax income of the government. We also argue for that that scientific findings and innovations are implemented through entrepreneurship and a profitable business sector.
We want to be part of empowering social contracts between a nation’s population and its government where tax income and institutional capacity is available so that the government can build powerful institutions addressing education, health, justice, rule-of-law, banks, a national bank and more. We have, with small resources, since the start in 2009 positively affected the lives of 12,000 people, and we have the potential to significantly scale.
All our operations are framed by our own management strategy ROPE that enables a transition from aid dependency to equal partnership between independent development institutions. The tool provides efficient and effective cross-cultural collaboration built on trust, transparency and accountability, where inputs, operational responsibilities and benefits are shared equally. Our Code of Conduct is rooted in our Ten Actions (TAct); needs and user driven interventions, equal partnership, real-time outcome planning and evaluation, strategic partnership, institutional capacity, sustainable economy, trust, transparency and accountability, resilience, knowledge sharing and visibility.

31 December 2022

Assoc. Prof. Cecilia ÖMAN
Founder CEO HR&S,
Founder President Action10
HR&S Sweden wants to appreciate our colleagues at HR&S Branches in eight sub-Sahara African countries, and our volunteer staff at Action10, for all your good efforts during 2022. We want to appreciate our HR&S Sweden auditor and our Action10 auditor. We want to acknowledge the steadfast support from the many Action10 monthly donors, which form the bedrock of sustainability for ActionInvest and are crucial to implementing viable programs. We also thank our crowdfunding supporters, who have contributed generously through Global Giving.
Our work is a team effort, and we deeply appreciate everyone’s skills, dedication, and honest ambitions. We want to acknowledge the work you do to empower people that you do not know personally. Thank you for your work effort and kindness, for your willingness to share knowledge, experiences and professional skills to help those who needs you because they may live in an environment where they cannot help themselves. It is only if we have stable and skilled team members that we have a chance to succeed, that is, if the work internally proceeds as planned so that we have time and energy to focus on the real challenges and our mission targeting our external partners.
Among our expert advisers, we wish to express our special appreciation to Dr Sune ERIKSSON and Dr Martin BRITS for their extraordinary efforts concerning laboratory management, and to Dr Krishna MURTHY for extraordinary efforts concerning research management, We want to specially thank Mr. Anders KINDING, who celebrates 10 years with Action10. Action10 wants to express how much we appreciate Anders and his support and professional work. Our mission is both difficult and important, and Anders gives stability both during sunny days as well as during rainy days. We are grateful to you. We also want to especially thank our auditor Dr. Gabor BRUSZT who also celebrates 10 years with Action10. Gabor has consistently been an inspiring auditor and advisor to work with. He is a good mentor and always provides fair and constructive management reports.
And we extend our heartfelt thanks to Studiefrämjandet Stockholm for offering beautiful meeting venues to Action10 free of charge or at a very low cost, and to Volontärbyrån for providing an excellent volunteer search platform free of charge. We have also benefited greatly from our partnership with one.com, our web host. We are grateful to our bank (Swedbank), our bookkeeping platform (Fortnox), and our virtual office platform (OnlyOffice) for providing Action10 with discounts on their annual fees.
Trust is more important than ever and it concerns all relationships
A relationship without trust is not really a relationship at all.
Trust is right at the foundation of the survival and success of any partnership and business.
A working relationship built on trust is an important sustainable competitive advantage,
because trust is so valuable and so rare.
In numbers
30 +
Scientific institutions benefitting from
Scientific research management (REACH) structures have been strengthened as a result of research management workshops and webinars held with participants from more than ten scientific institutions, since 2009. We have offered Research Management coaching and the purpose is to support scientific institutions and their scientific researchers with the generation, dissemination, and implementation of scientific findings.
HR&S operates at scientific institutions with fragile scientific capacity strengthening procedures. The coaching entails compiling and addressing the necessary conditions required to bring about a given impact and builds on the HR&S Real-time Outcome Planning and Evaluation tool (ROPE). During 2022 have we carried out online courses addressing different aspects of the scientific method. The training was offered by our Senior Adviser Dr. Krishna Murthy. We have also developed a network for knowledge sharing and training of scientific researchers.
20 +
Advanced laboratories benefitting from
Scientific research management (FAST) structures have been strengthened as a result of research management workshops and webinars held at more than ten advanced laboratories. We have also supported a hand-full of laboratories with targeted coaching, since 2009. During 2022 have we carried out online courses in research and laboratory management for our partners, and special sessions with our senior advisers targeting Senexel in Burkina Faso. This created a platform for knowledge sharing and training technicians in the research laboratory. We have also established contact with Chinhoyi University of Technology in Zimbabwe. We have also developed a network for knowledge sharing and training of scientific researchers.
FAST Operational and Financial plans
We have reflected on the FAST Operational and Financial plans (O&F plans) as they are necessary and complementary procedures for ensuring performance during the expected life time when procuring pieces of advanced scientific equipment and ensuring central laboratories with sustainable economies and institutional capacity. The O&F plans offer the advanced laboratory a strategy on how to i) prepare prior to procuring new pieces of equipment and, ii) operate after procurement procedures.
- The Partner Institutions are responsible for the development and implementation of the Operational and Financial plans (O&F plan).
- The plans should be reviewed annually, lessons learned be compiled and, informed decisions taken.
- The Partner is eligible for training and coaching on the O&F plans by HR&S.
The Operational plan Guidelines have been developed to support scientific institutions with the procurement and use of advanced scientific equipment. The intention is thus that an operation plan shall be developed prior to procuring a new piece of advanced equipment. Thereby, each piece of equipment shall benefit from its own operational plan. The plan shall be filled in jointly by the institutional management, the researchers, and the technologists/technicians together. A separate document is generated for each piece of equipment. Certain activities compiled in the operational plan, obviously come with cost implications. Moreover, the FAST Concept is based on the principle of a sustainable economy. Thus the operational costs for starting up a new piece of equipment necessarily have to be covered by investment capital, but after about two years the piece of equipment is expected to cover its own running costs as well as, whenever possible, generate a profit which can strengthen the laboratory or the research in general. A FAST Financial plan Guideline has thus been developed to be complementary to the FAST Operational plan Guideline. The purpose with the financial plan is to prepare a strategy for the Institution to cover all the expenses that come with the running, maintenance, and servicing of new or repaired pieces of equipment. The financial plan compiles estimated costs as well as sources of funding. The cost recovery plan shows how costs related to procured or repaired equipment can be covered, and proposes options of funding sources.

600 +
We have enabled businesses and enterprises and to start and/or scale-up (SCALE). Many of the businesses are small and are operating in vulnerable settlements, generating an income to people who were previously without. We have also enabled innovations, including; new products, new services, new production methods, new sustainable economy models and new modes of enterprising. Social benefits through social enterprises empowered include; livelihood improvement, income generation, employment, children to school, healthcare costs paid for, and women empowerment, since 2009.
In Uganda, we have made great progress to help adolescent girls in slum areas out of poverty. We have, during 2022, been able to identify, discuss and agree with a Salon manager in Uganda to collaborate and offer these girls and women of Kamwokya, opportunities to work as trainees. This project will help girls and single mothers to generate an income and leave poverty.
We have received positive messages from our partners in Togo. Through our support, they manage to eat at least twice a day and through their mothers’ small activities, they pay their school fees. Furthermore, a field study showed that HR&S/Action10 had made impressive progress in gender inequality.
20 +
Institutions connected to for
We seek partnership for development (22RISE) and have interacted with more than ten institutions, since 2009. This area of our programme is under scaling up and one of the targets of 2023. The reaching out during 2022 has mostly targeted Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
12,000 +
We have provided access to money and livelihood improving products and services to more that 12,000 persons since 2009.
Outcome per country, support package & business
Our operations in sub-Sahara African countries were managed by eight HR&S Branches in eight countries; Burkina Faso, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, Zambia.
The implementation of programmes during 2022 was successful and also challenging; lessons learned and informed decisions were fed into the organisation by adjusting our tools and strategies.
More details are available on www.humanrightsandscience.se
Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso branch participated in the organization of the training on scientific methods which was held from March 21 to April 1, 2022. Burkina Faso has registered 6 candidates for this training. Two candidates from the HR&S Burkina Faso Branch, and four doctoral students (see list in appendix). Six end-of-training certificates were issued. The funds available for the Branch come from the training courses coordinated.
Funds have been raised to continue the FAST support. The amount is not yet enough to empower something significant.
Table banking in Kenya
A loan of EUR 2,000 was transferred by ActionInvest in 2016, directly to Amani.
Branch Kenya team-leader Millicent SIFUNA visited in 2021 and was well received. She wrote and excellent report.
Status: On-hold, empowerment sessions planned by RISE Kenya.
Outcome challenges
- Climate change leading to poor harvest. Farming is not promising, because of unpredictable weather patterns due to climate change, pests and diseases. We incur huge losses sometimes, yet we use a lot of money to rent land, buy fertilizer, seeds only to harvest nothing.
- Unpaid debts. We have had cases of some members delaying to pay back their loans. Though this is rare.
- People not sure of the benefits of the group due to lack of proper education. “People don’t understand why they should save, they just want quick money. They are not ready to wait for long”, one member said.
- External conflicts like land issues. We have had some land issues, because ‘they’ wanted to take away our land. We have been solving that as a village. We couldn’t concentrate on our project.
Production and sales of bed runners, Kenya
Doing a small market survey, the CEO Virginia NJERI noted that there is high demand of bed runners in Kenya especially in the hotels, guest houses, Air Bnb, residential. Veema Housholds is the only supplier of the bed runners in Kenya. Virginia concluded that; guaranteed market as we are the only producers, high demand thus high sales volume, offer livelihood, people who resale are able to get income.
Opportunities: “Buying in bulk has discounted prices. Also saves on transport as we will only do one trip.”
2021: Beginning of collaboration. Enabling a tailoring woman enterprise in Nairobi to grow.
EUR 2,000 was transferred by ActionInvest in 2021 and 1st loan of EUR 1,000 was then transferred to Veema Housholds. The membership fee for RISE Centre was paid for the 1st year.
2022: Veema has been re-organising her business.
Status: On-going.
One tailoring business, Dolas Creation, in the Kibera slum area in Nairobi Kenya was empowered to scale its business through a business loan of EUR 1,000 in 2020.
2021& 2022: Dolas Creation has had challenges with repaying the first instalment, due to external challenges related to the pandemic. In 2022, he paid the interest,10,000 Kenyan shillings.
Status: On-going.
Mr. Fredrick was granted a loan from ActionInvest of EUR 2,000 in 2020 and used 50% of the total loan amount awarded to procure fabrics and dummies. At least 18 pieces – dresses were made as first batch clothes. The low utilization of the loan was linked to low customer base. The overall production was low throughout the pandemic and the market prices for various attires has greatly impacted negatively on the establishment’s production level due to it being highly priced as a result of the pandemic. Mr. Fredrick anticipates to scale-up gradually as the economy stabilizes, and everything normalizes. He is interested in marketing his business online and he needs technical support.
By Freja and Felicia.
Mr ATING’A started off as a Lab Technician in Kenya but soon realized he wanted to go into design and clothing. He has now been in the fashion industry for more than 30 years. In 2002, he started his own tailoring business called Dola’s Creation. Dola’s Creation specializes in authentic ceremonial clothing with traditional African prints. Fredrick designs his own patterns and make all his clothing pieces from scratch, tailored to his customers’ preferences. During Fredrick’s career he has designed and manufactured pieces for wedding parties, government personnel, politicians and Miss World contestants. Fredrick came into contact with Action10 three years ago through one of his clients. Action10 founder Cecilia met with one of his customers while she was wearing one of Fredrick’s creations and was impressed by the beautiful tailoring and design. Frederick received a loan through Action10 to boost his business in early 2020. Since then, things have been challenging for social entrepreneurs in Kenya. Covid-19 and political and societal change have played a role. Stay tuned for part 2 to learn about the challenges Fredrick and Dola’s Creation have faced, what opportunities lay ahead and the goals Fredrick hopes to accomplish in the near future. When Covid-19 started, Fredrick received his first loan to boost his tailoring business. Then Kenya went into lockdown, which affected his sales drastically. Creating custom clothes requires in-person meetings with clients to get the correct measurements, but customers were unwilling to come to the tailoring studio physically. There were also no gatherings during this time, and the demand for ceremonial clothing was low. Thinking back, Fredrick believes creating a clothing line with generic sizes to sell online could’ve been a great solution. Of course, the pieces would still be made to order, but customers wouldn’t need to come in. Covid-19 hasn’t been Fredrick’s only challenge. He explains that Kenyan society is gravely affected by politics and that people are less inclined to spend money when there is a political election, which there was in August 2022. Uncertainty about the future leads to less consumption. Fredrick hopes that when the election period ends, he will get his business to blossom. He wants to focus on his marketing strategies, something Action10’s Kenya team will assist with. Fredrick aims to develop his social media channels and open an online store. In the long run, he plans to hire people to help with the increased demand for his pieces, which he hopes will come with an online shop. Fredrick explains he might face competition from the fast fashion industry and imported clothes from China. Still, creating custom pieces to the desires of his customers is his excellent selling point.”

HR&S Branch Liberia was reorganized during 2022
The projects include:
Little Bassa community
HR&S Branch Nigeria was reorganized during 2022
The projects include
Mums Who Code
Branch start-up
Leaders & Development (L&D)
The programme NoA3 that was re-activated in March 2020, continued in 2022 with the coaching support of Leaders & Development (L&D) and its President Mr Milohum Mikesokpo DZAGLI. The programme NoA3 of HR&S and Action10 consisted of small businesses with women in villages in Togo. Leaders and Development (L&D) worked with programme managers to establish TRUST and RESPONSIBILITY for this programme before the support of RISE Centre Togo. Activities are including:
- Bookkeeping, Contract sheet, Recruitment and Workshops, Management of ActionInvest funds.
For the year 2022, contracts were signed under the HR&S Branch Togo with a group of one hundred and sixty-three (163) people. HR&S Togo has a general excel sheet for all the loan takers that contains all transactions and reimbursement. At the 31th of December 2022, most of the target partners (TP) payed back their loan and interest. Due to the accident of M Yawo in August 2022, he and his wife did not pay back all. To help Mr Yawo, three persons were assigned to collect the money. Some women did not pay too two or more weeks’ reimbursement. Actions were taking to bring these people to pay all back like they will pay back before getting another loan.
Small-scale businesses in villages
This programme involved two areas in Togo, Agbelouve and resorts (situated at about 50 km from Lomé) and at Aguduvu at about 80 km from Lomé. The programme was constituted of loan-periods of six (6) months and the managers were Mr AHIAKONOU Yawo, the man of the field at Agbelouwe and SOWALO Komi the man of the field at Aguduvu.
- Each loan taker had two duplicated books that contains every transaction, one with the loan taker and the other with the managers.
- A contract of six months long was signed in double by every loan taker.
Three groups were involved in the programme with two in Agbelouve and one at Aguduvu. In 2022, the group 1 round was from 28/11/2021 ended at 12/05/ 2022, and from 06/05/2022 to 14/10/2022 and the ongoing round started from 19/01/2023 for the group 1. The first rounds of the Group 2 at Agbelouve and the Group 3 at Aguduvu ran from march –august 2022 and september 2022 to February 2023. These activities were constituted with follow-up communication and coaching visit during the term. The necessary that is useful to be involved in the implementation and the success of this programme at Agbelouve and resorts situated at about 50 km and at Aguduvu at about 80 km from Lomé.
The neighbouring small villages such as Kpotsokope, Agbodzekpo and Foulani Kondji, Batoumé were at 30 km from Agbelouve. The programme on the field took into account about 150 women and 3 men at Agbelouve and 13 women at Aguduvu, who strive in small businesses such as sales of maize, beans and cakes, rice, yams and fruits, bags, clothes and shoes, drugs, goats, local drinks and bars, tailoring and hair dressing, etc.
Challenges and proposed solutions
- The limit of the amount of the loans is now 80000F CFA (120 euros) but some activities need more funds to reach sustainability such as sale of maize, restaurants, etc.
- Proposed solution: Increased of the capital and put the loan to 100000-150000 (152-232 euros) for the women that need upgrading capital.
- New candidates are expecting being integrated in the programme
- Proposed solution: More fund needed to come up of the demand. Thanks to Action10 and its staff that strive for new capital for the ongoing round and for the next round.
- The accident of the manager Yawo at Agbelouve area complicated the reimbursement for some loans taker.
- Proposed solution: New persons are assigned for this job till the establishment of M Yawo.
- The creation of company
- Proposed solution: The branch will focus on the activity this year 2022.
The accident of Mr Yawo, unfortunately, cost a lot to the programme and that could not allow us to buy the bike promised to him. We hope he will be on his feet soon and we will work. He was paid to December 2023. For the moment, three persons were assigned to collect money from women at Agbelouve, Kotsokope and Agbodzekpo and Batoume. New contracts will be set in the end of February or early March 2023 for other groups.
During 2022, HR&S Branch Uganda received 11 applications from potential partners however three were able to pitch their ideas to Action10 successfully. These were Afroqyn Saloon, Daste Events and Bukoto Holdings Limited. HR&S Uganda tasked the applicants to have their businesses registered as a measure to ensure that the business owners were interested in making a long-term and sustainable commitment to the survival of the entity, there by guaranteeing accountability and hard work to ensure success of the enterprise and therefore guaranteed loan performance for ActionInvest loans. Two of the three applicants were able to fully incorporate their businesses under Ugandan business law and are currently full registered. The next step will be to sign loan agreements as per ActionInvest loan requirements before disbursement of loans. These are Daste Events and Afroqyn Saloon. Bukoto Holding on the other hand failed to resolve internal financial management issues and failed to formalize their business as requested. As a result, this collaboration has been postponed for now.
RISE salon
Afroqyn accepted to take on our RISE saloons project, with a niche in afro hair saloon services, provided we met her financial support request. The plan is that the students who are studying at the CHUSA School of beauty in Kamwokya be availed with skills training both during and after their study. These skills would include both hair-dressing hands-on skills as well as business financial management of the saloon business. The RISE salons are to be run as a profit-oriented enterprises and independent of the school of beauty.
Daste Events
Daste Events requested for support in procuring the décor items to be used in his decorations and events management business.
Bukoto Holdings Ltd
Requested for a loan to add in her SACCO so as to provide small businesses with loans in the areas of Kamwokya and Kyebando.
Registration of the HR&S Zambia Branch – Officially registered the HR&S Zambia Branch under the name SIER Human Rights and Sciences Centre Zambia Limited and acquired a taxpayer identification number.
Members attended a number of the ActionTalks.
REACH HR&S webinars
One team member attended the HR&S webinar on research methodology (by Dr Murthy) and one other paying participant from Zambia.
Plans for 2023
- Sign up new business owners as RISE members.
- Identify one institution for the research management training.
- Increase social media visibility.
- Conduct RISEtalks with RISEmembers.
Financial Analysis
HR&S running costs
During 2022 have we generate income that covers the costs for the first time since many years. HR&S generated income during the two fist years, as the CEO was assigned consultancy trainer for the University of Rwanda paid for by Sida. This assignment was financially a good start for HR&S but was not perfectly in line with the mission. Since then, the founder has paid the running cost from her private money up till 2022, thus from 2017 – 2021 (five years).
During this same period Action10 has attracted in average SEK 100,000 per year. The funds were transferred to the most suitable partner countries, often as soon as collected.
- Crowdfunding sites, private donors
HR&S does not agree with the high level of administration costs that remains in the country of the owner of the crowd-funding site. In addition, it is often not clear from the webpage that the administration costs are high. Instead, it seems that the site owner aim at hiding this information, which is wrong. Action10 is in partnership with Global Giving that charges 15% in combination with tax exemption for supporters from the US. We have agreed with the deal offered by Global Giving.
- Crowdfunding sites, CSR
The administration cost paid at crowdfunding sites targeting the corporate social responsibility programmes of the private sector is equally high as for private donors, but if the administration costs are paid for by the company, and the donations by private persons therefore goes fully to the partner countries, the HR&S approves this arrangement and look for opportunities for Action10.

Progress marker_Pay-back of loans
During 2009 -2019 no loans were paid back. Loans had been given to social entrepreneurs in Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Togo, Uganda. During 2020 and 2021 loans were given to the same countries and now 30 % was paid back. The paying back was done by Togo. Togo is also the country to which the first loans were offered. Reflections by CEO: A change of mind-set is possible. It has taken ten years. Informed decision: Activities shall be implement to shorten the time period of change.
The year ahead
For 2022 we are looking into a new method for accountability which we expect to deliver better than previous methods. Working at locations were corruption is social norm, rule of law is weak, the aid sector donates generously with low accountability demands, requires special accountability attention. We work with agency for change.
Balance Report
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Our team
Our team is composed of dedicated experts with unyielding ethics and cover the wide range of expertise required.
Our partners represent a wide range of stakeholders; customers of products and services, small scale business owners, entrepreneurs, researchers, auditors, coaches, private sector, development institutions, investors, leaders, philanthropists and influencers.
HR&S Sweden
Reaching out: 22RISE
We seek partnership for development (22RISE) This area of our programme is under scaling up and one of the targets of 2023. Part of the work during 2023 includes the development of a web site that targets the public, humanrightsandscience. com
The reaching out during 2022 has mostly targeted Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Product development – ROPE
Updated ROPE management strategy.
- Financial & institutional stability
Ensure company sustainable economy & efficient operations. - Social impact
Implement support packages; ROPE, REACH, FAST, SCALE, 22RISE and RISEagency.
Outcome challenges
- To connect HR&S Sweden with paying customers.
- Implementing RISEcentres and RISEtalks.
Activities & Milestones
- Stakeholder analysis, market research, and reaching out.
- Customer care
- Visibility
- ActionTalks
- RISEagency support package
- TestE
HR&S Country Branches
Initiatives have implemented, lessons learned compiled and informed decisions taken real-time.
Eight country branches: Burkina Faso, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia.
The work during 2022 has targeted:
· Operate the Country Branch as professional social enterprise.
-Make the Branch financially and operationally sustainable.
-All team-members actively attend the monthly ROPE meetings.
-Ensure transparency and accountability.
-Ensure to pay tax.
-Manage a bank account.
- Manage the ActionInvest — Ensure the income from the interest from the loans.
- All team-members actively attend the monthly ActionTalks.
- Manage the RISEcentres
- RISEtalks
– Arrange monthly in-person RISEtalks with RISE members, targeting team-building, knowledge sharing and training.
-Make a joint agreement during the meetings around up-coming loans, benefiting from the lessons learned from the previous loans.
Outcome challenges
- Generate sufficient income for the Branch to cover running-costs, reimbursement of active team-member and growth investments.
-Developing and manage a business plan.
- Ensure RISEagency.
- Ensure RISEmembers attend RISEtalks.
- Connect with potential RISEmember in person, develop and sign agreements.
- Ensure RISEtalks.
- Support potential RISEmembers without company registration to register a company.
- Make monthly HR&S meetings and ActionTalks more efficient.
- Develop and implement firm Branch business plans.
- Implement other business opportunities than interest from loans and RISEmember fees. F.ex training and short term loans.
- HR&S monthly meetings
- ActionTalks
- ActionInvest capital transfer from Action10.
- Country Branch meetings.
- Annual reports, programme and finances.
- Local recruitment and on-boarding of operations team members.
- Country Branches’ Facebook pages.
- Assigning RISEmembers.
- Distribute loans.
- RISEtalks
- Potential RISEmember company registration.
- RISEmember loan and interest pay-back.
- Social benefits through social enterprises empowered; livelihood improvement, income generation, employment, children to school, healthcare costs paid for, women empowerment, and more.
Volunteer Organisation
Action10 is a volunteer organisation registered in Sweden (www.action10.org). The organisation is run by volunteer staff only, thus Action10 does not pay salaries. The administration costs in Sweden shall not exceed three per cent of the annual income. Action10 was registered in 2009. The organisation is run by 20 volunteer staff.
Under the umbrella of HR&S
Action10 operates under the umbrella of Human Rights & Science (HR&S). Action10 is dependent on its close collaboration with Human Rights & Science (HR&S). HR&S manages the operations abroad and backs Action10 with institutional support.
Governance The highest governance body is the General Assembly.
Members The members are the volunteer staff and the monthly givers.
Management & Operations
The working board is responsible for the management but also certain operations of Action10. The day-to-day operations are handled by a team of volunteer staff, organised into a working board and three workgroups: Team Africa, Team Media and Team Sweden. Our Teams have made a fantastic work during 2022 with i) frequent high quality social media posting on FB, LinkedIn and Instagram, ii) launched an excellent crowd-funding platform, iii) making great videos and started iv) excellent blogging posts, and v) developed Facebook donation. The visibility has increased measured in the amount of messages we receive to info@action10 and the number of followers on the social media channels. What has not increased is the funds raised, though we did benefit from our new donation channel through Facebook.
Cross-cultural awareness raising (CROSS), ActionInvest (ACTIN), Institutional capacity (ICAP)
Outcome challenges
- Develop and implement a quality programme with measurable indicators.
- RISEagency
- Ensure traffic to Actio10.org
- Ensure to transfer the amount of funds that our partners are requesting for.
- Funds transferred are properly reported on.
- Effective and efficient operations at Action10 in Sweden.
- Branding & marketing
- TestE
Activities & Milestones
- RISEagency survey
- ActionTalks, empower
Monthly zoom meetings with presentations and discussion around different aspects of our programme. Invitees: Action10 volunteer staff and monthly givers, HR&S Sweden, HR&S Country Branches, RISE members. - ActionEvents & ActionSeminars
Invitation to social events and seminars in Sweden where we aim to raise cross-cultural awareness. - Social media interactions
LinkedIn, Fb, Insta - Testimonies
Collecting & compiling testimonies in a folder.
This folder can be used as a source of information during Action Seminars and Events when we invite external stakeholders
- Identification of our customer segment
- Reaching out
Benefit from the Lean models when reaching out to potential supporters. - Supporter Care
Newsletters to Action10 members and other types of support
- Develop and implement effective and efficient operations at Action10 in Sweden.
Improve the use of OnlyOffice
- General Assembly, Board meetings (6), Team meetings, Notes from ActionTalks, Visits to partners in Africa
- Action Events & Seminars (6), ActionTalks (12), Notes from ActionTalks, Newsletter to members, FB donate button, Action10.org
- New supporters, Increase in funds raised
Progress Markers
- ActionTalks, ActionSeminars, ActionEvents, Social media, External stakeholders, Action10.org, Monthly givers, Global Giving, Facebook donate, Other financial support, Investment requested for, evidence based, People experience
Sustainable impact
- Events, Knowledge-sharing through social media, ActionTalks
ACTIN Sweden
- Financial supporters, Funds raised, Monthly giver care
ACTIN African countries
- Funds transferred, Country reports
- TAct, ROPE, Four work-groups Working board, Team Africa, Team Media, Team Sweden, WhatsApp chat groups Support Team, Volunteer staff Board, Team Africa, Team Media, Team Sweden, On-line co-working platform, OnlyOffice People, Documents, Projects, Discussions, CRM, Action10 ROPE overview on Trello, Finance administration & accounting, Auditing, Annual report
Customer base
It is obvious that our effort is valuable, it is obvious that there are numerous reasons to scale, but our HR&S Sweden customer base is weak.
Crowdfunding sites
One outcome challenge identified during 2022 is that the business managing the site and thus offer links to CSR programmes has as a policy that they only work with non-profit organisations. The reason for this policy is often un-clear and we will seek ways to welcome. We will seek collaboration with all relevant CSR Crowd-funding places and offer to sell consultancy services. This often entails offering social responsibility opportunities to employees of the company with CSR programmes.
Seminars in Sweden
FAST – Manufacturers and suppliers of scientific equipment
At the time of procuring a piece of scientific equipment, equipment suppliers may be interested in giving a discount which can be translated into laboratory management coaching by HR&S about laboratory sustainable economy and institutional capacity.
Support coordination between development stakeholders.
Stakeholder analysis
Avoiding Development aid sector
We will most likely avoid all contacts with the development aid sector as the deepest value platform differs and it is very difficult to understand each other.
Country Branches
Volunteer staff reimbursement
10 % of funds transferred from Action10 can be used to cover running costs of the Branch as well as financial reward to active Branch team members, most likely 50% for each.
Team members requesting a financial reimbursement shall present a written activity report by the end of the year. In a RISEtalk due 15 February the Branch Team Members present their individual activity report and the Branch shares the reward funds as they find is right. HR&S approved the distribution prior to it being transferred to private accounts.
Reason being that as it is demanding to get the ActionInvest to generate local income due to weak RISEagency, our team needs another support to be able to operate. Previously we gave a reward to all team members but this method was not successful.
We introduced Trello to HR&S Sweden and to our eight Branches.
RISE members during 2022
We have been collaborating with twenty-five different social entrepreneurs, in eight Sub-Sahara African countries during 2022.
The ultimate development equation
Ahead, in 2023, HR&S will empower the
The Ultimate Development equation
Lessons learned & informed decisions
HR&S surveys show that
- We have not yet nailed a method ensuring that loans are paid back.
- We have also not yet nailed a method ensuring Country Branches’ institutional capacity.
- We cannot convince Scientific institutions and Advanced laboratories to accept paid for coaching, the interest for the coaching is large but not for the payment. The argue for aid support.
- We have been able to generate income that covers a minimum amount of costs during 2022, but not in a way that actually create social good. We want to identify better and larger sources of income.
No 1: RISEagency
Informed decisions to address No 1 is to develop a new support package called RISEagency.
Action10 / Human Rights and Science (HR&S) has been in operation since 2009. We have, during this time, built solid management strategies and a network of stakeholders that has the capacity to significantly contribute to our mission. Still, we have not been as successful as expected, and we have identified one outcome challenge that we will specifically target during 2023.
Lessons learned since the start in 2009 is that there are good projects running and people benefiting from these projects. The problem is the lack of institutional capacity and sustainable impact. Project managers, the social entrepreneurs, received loans but do not pay back the loans and interest on time, or they do not pay back the loans at all.
Thus, there is a need for an equal win-win partnership and “to work hand in hand “ to be able to open the road for entrepreneurs to seriously benefit from a collaboration with HR&S/Action10.
We have named the ambition RISEagency. RISEagency is defined by HR&S as “the capacity of individuals to have the power and resources to fulfil their potential in research, innovation and social enterprising at locations with fragile infrastructure.” The HR&S aim is to build a “support package” that addresses RISEagency.
One RISEagency Ambition is that all loan-takers pay back their loans and interest in time, as agreed.
Outcome challenges
- Lack of motivation to pay back.
People are willing to make a positive contribution to their community, but they lack funds and still have the mindset to get the fund and use it without the need to reimburse it. - Lack of business capacity
to generate the necessary income to be able to pay back. - People do not like to work together.
It is a challenge when there is distrust and unwillingness to collaborate with others.
- Have a holistic dialogue to inform and explain the benefits with the loan for the entrepreneur, their community, and the country, since the interest is low (10% per year) and the loan-giver embraces equal partnership.
- Develop a pamphlet.
- Eligibility The first criterion to receive a loan is to have previous business experience and thus an already registered business.
- Timely address challenges Country Branches must timely address the challenges presented by the loan-taker.
- Implement and maintain RISEtalks. RISEtalks is a platform for training and reflection that targets the requests by the RISEmembers. The RISEmembers choose the topic of training, it can f ex be marketing, on-line marketing, and business planning, and the Country branches timely provide the training requested for. In addition, RISEmembers supports each other by sharing knowledge and give advice on for ex addressing the local challenges. It is an opportunity to encourage team building and partnership among the different members for them to empower each other. During the RISEtalks the aspect of the loans are discussed, the RISEmembers shares the amount available through ActionInvest, and depend on each other to pay back so that the capital is not reduced.
- Develop and sign agreements together Both loan-takers and loan-givers must be involved with the development of each agreement.
- ActionTalks
We shall bring this topic to several ActionTalks - HR&S monthly meetings
- Surveys
We shall perform several surveys to fine-tune and strengthen the RISEagency support package.
- Arrange for frequent Actiontalks addressing RISEagency.
- Add RISEagency to Country Branches ROPE Trello boards.
- Run frequent surveys to compile information.
- Ensure RISEtalks
- Ensure that agreements are developed the loan-taker and loan-giver together, as we are an equal partner and not a bank.
Lessons learned & Informed decisions
- Ensuring capacity
HR&S has to ensure that our partners have the capacity required to reach their ambitions. It can for example concern the scientific method, GLP in the laboratory, business management, branding, marketing and customer care, accounting or any specific matter. We achieve this by providing formal training, coaching and expert advice on topics requested for by our partners. - Knowledge sharing
Knowledge sharing among team members about previous experiences, solutions and any other matter empowers our partners to improve the understanding about the context where we operate. - Togetherness
Trough deep togetherness in wide teams can we create a solid platform where our target partners can rest, be guided and feel comfortable. The team builds a family where each team-member wants to be appreciated and respected. - Quality value platform
The team ensures a high-quality value platform. This is done through continuous reasoning, empowerment and guidance about what is the right thing to do and say, in different situations that occur.
No 2. Expand and care for customer base
It is obvious that our effort is valuable, it is obvious that there are numerous reasons to scale, but our HR&S Sweden customer base is weak. We shall do our best to significantly increase our customer base with stakeholder analysis, market research, visibility, reaching out and customer care.
The transition from Aid dependency to win-win equal partnership is, according to HR&S, through social enterprising and corporate social responsibility (CSR) seems to be a good platform for this.
It is not obvious to which company HR&S shall turn to or how we shall package our offer to suit the company. Swedish companies engaging in Africa can for example i) engage in strategic business interest activities contributing with their core competences f ex communication technology and recycling of packages – to the poor and less educated, ii) engage in corporate philanthropic activities f ex collaborating with children foundations and supporting schools or iii) engages in strategic CSR activities manufacturing items aimed at the poor. The most decisive motives for engaging in CSR activities is often claimed to be the social sensitivity of the people in the organization, achieving better community relations, and the demands of the mother. Marketing benefits are not admitted as motives, but the MNCs are clearly aware of CSR’s positive effects on the company image. CSR Sweden functions as a help desk that guide and answer questions from small companies and others. CSR Sweden has a number of working groups that work in areas including Business and Human Rights. We will expand on our understanding and network. We will attend events and increase our visibility.
ROPE training events
The CSR sector may want to financially support initiatives that empowers their company staff in SSA. Employees of the company with a CSR programme are welcome to attend the training as well. The training can be on-line or on-site.
Crowdfunding sites
One outcome challenge identified during 2022 is that the business managing the site and thus offer links to CSR programmes has as a policy that they only work with non-profit organisations. The reason for this policy is often un-clear and we will seek ways to welcome. We will seek collaboration with all relevant CSR Crowd-funding places and offer to sell consultancy services. This often entails offering social responsibility opportunities to employees of the company with CSR programmes.
Seminars in Sweden
Paid for webinars
FAST – Manufacturers and suppliers of scientific equipment
At the time of procuring a piece of scientific equipment, equipment suppliers may be interested in giving a discount which can be translated into laboratory management coaching by HR&S on laboratory sustainable economy and institutional capacity.
Support coordination between development stakeholders.
HR&S Sweden
- Establishing relations with potential customers, Institution managements in our target countries.
Expected Outcome:
– 10 powerful connections that have been established through our branches we maintain where we have i) identified their ambitions and outcome challenges, ii) proposed activities and milestones and iii) informed about a reasonable price.