Our team is composed of dedicated and professional experts, with a deep understanding and unyielding ethics. Staff and Volunteer staff.
Our team covers a wide range of expertise required for our ambitions mission – the local context, development, scientific research, innovation, enterprising, accounting, cross-cultural understanding, and more.
Our Team is composed of:
- HR&S Headquarters Management & Operations in Stockholm, Sweden.
- Advisory Board of Trustees.
- Expert advisers.
- Action10 volunteer staff.
- Local HR&S Branches operations team in our target countries.
- RISE Support Centre members
(social entrepreneurs and programme management partners (PM). - RISE Company customers (TP1, 2 and 3).
Terms of reference
Our operations team is composed of empoyed staff and volunteer staff.
The HR&S volunteer staff agree to operate with unyielding ethics, to offering advice on topics influencing the direction of the HR&S programmes and act as ambassadors. Our Volunteer staff offer to address their different HR&S assignments as much as possible, in relation to their other work assignement.
We acknowledge Richard Hammaskiöld for designing the HR&S and the Action10 logos, pro bono.
Founder CEO
Assoc. Prof. Cecilia ÖMAN
Founder CEO, HR&S
Founder President, Action10.
Scientific research, enterprising for social good and partnership for development.
Stockholm, Sweden
e-mail: cecilia.oman@gmail.com.

Advisory Board Coordinator
Mr. Anders KINDING
Coordinator of the Advisory Board and Head of Finance at Action10.
Author & Leadership Developer, Advisor, and Coach at Anders Kinding utbildning & kommunikation ab
Ostergotland County, Sweden.

Research Management (REACH)
Cecilia ÖMAN
Presentation as above
Laboratory management (FAST)
M.Sc. Jabezie UMUHIRE
MSc, Experimental Medicine, Inflammation in health and disease, Örebro University.
Uppsala, Sweden.

Entrepreneur Empowerment (SCALE)
M.Sc. MBA., Carl Emilsson
Training entrepreneurs and HR&S Branches in business planning
MSc., Economics and Business, Uppsala University, Sweden
MBA, Finance, General, HEC Paris, France
CEO, Magnora
Stockholm, Sweden.

Serving the under-served (SERV)
MSc., learning and communication, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Diploma of Education, Webb development, IT-Högskolan.
Stockholm, Sweden.

MSc. Ivana LEBAN
IT Specialist and linguistics
Master’s degree, Slavic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics,from Slovenia University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia.
Server och Virtualiserings specialist, IT from EC Utbildning, Sweden
Örebro, Sweden.

Partnerships for Development (22RISE)
Mr. Niclas NILSSON
IT manager.
humanrightsandscience.se and Zoho for partners
Stockholm Sweden.

MSc. Jasmina FRANIC
B2B Content Marketing
CSR contact person, jasminkafr@gmail.com
Stockholm, Sweden.
Phone and WhatsApp: +46767160553

M.Sc Helena Čechurová
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
M.Sc. in Humanities and Civil Societies studies.
Stockholm, Sweden

External Financial Auditing
Ms. Anna-Kari ARMANDT
Founder CEO, Accounting consultant at Armandt Ekonomi & Data AB.
Stockholm, Sweden.

Our Advisory Board members are senior experts offering advice on topics influencing the direction of HR&S, acts as ambassadors, and seek opportunities.
Mr. Anders KINDING coordinates the bi-annual Board meetings.
Board members
Prof. Charles O. AWORH, Nigeria.
Prof. Gnon BABA, Togo.
Prof. Akiça BAHRI, Tunisia.
Prof. Berit BALFORS, Sweden.
Pastor Wilberforce BEZUDDE*, Sweden & Uganda.
Priest Anita ELWESKIÖLD, Sweden.
CEO. Anders KINDING, Sweden.
Prof. Paul SAWADOGO, Burkina Faso.
Leg. doc. Åsa SCHLYTER, Sweden.
Assignment period
Board members hold their position for four years.
Thereafter the assignment can be renewed.

Terms of reference
The Board members agree to operate with unyielding ethics and to offer advice on topics influencing the direction of HR&S, act as ambassadors and seek opportunities. All our Board members have passion for driving the programme forward, they are very active and take their own initiatives for the success of HR&S. Specifically our Board member support and help ensure:
User-driven social good. That we capture the expectations of the users of our interventions and adapt to their experiences so that we serve our users in the very best manner.
Identify agency. Board members support by finding the right stakeholders who support social good, sustainable economy, equal partnership and accountability. They look for social entrepreneurs and supporters with a passion for change and who will ensure our strategy for change in actual practice. They propose RISE Centre staff. They also seek opportunities for capacity strengthening of individuals and institutions.
Strategy for change. That we honour our Strategy for Change.
Social enterprise. The Board members actively contribute to the sustainable economy of the programme. They help develop business models, and then develop and implement our business plan and set up our ventures. The Board members open doors to new opportunities, they link us with their own network of potential customers, supporters and partners as well as seek and nurture new ones. They actively seek sources of funding and ways to financially sustain our RISE Centres and our RISE investment fund.
Accountability management The Board members support awareness-raising and capacity-strengthening on financial administration and accounting so that we can ensure accountability and transparency in ethics and governance for all our interventions.
Evidence impact assessment. To measure whether we have achieved impact, based on scientific evidence.
The assignment is on a volunteer basis and is not rewarded financially.
The HR&S Advisory Board provides mission, financial, legal, and administrative oversight, gives advice to the CEO, and manages itself.
Board members help set and meet fundraising goals.
Board members build and maintain relationships that can help HR&S meet its goals.
Board members have in-demand skills that can help HR&S to overcome challenges.
The HR&S bylaws govern the board’s structure, purpose, and duties. show the Board operates. explicitly outline your , along with its , in your bylaws.
your board should operate. Here some common structural topics that are
addressed in bylaws:
1. How are board members elected?
2. How many board members should you have?
3. How many votes do the board need to pass resolutions?
4. What roles should board members serve?
5. What terms do board members serve?
6. How often should the board meet?
7. What policies and ethical guidelines must board members follow?
8. What is the board’s purpose?
Expert advisers
We turn to our team of independent Expert Advisers for advice when advanced knowledge has potential to improve our interventions. Our HR&S Expert Advisers operate with unyielding ethics and offer expert advice on topics influencing the direction of the HR&S programmes.
HR&S’ mission is user driven social good and we work in close partnership with local stakeholders in Sub-Sahara African countries. Whatever advice we take on, it is always guided by our partners. We are cautious with imposing ideas that dose not rime well with the context and the people we are partnering with. At the same time, we facilitate international sharing of clean knowledge and scientific facts.
Our team of Expert Advisers also act as ambassadors for HR&S and shares about HR&S and about our activites in their network.
Team of Expert Advisers
M.Sc. Mr. Aran SESHITA, Japan
Application development, fullstack engineer.
Mr. Anders KINDING, Sweden.
Leg. Dr., Assoc. Prof. Anna ÅGREN, Sweden.
Medical health.
B.Sc. Charles BALOGU, Nigeria.
Computer Science and ICT.
M.Sc. Courage BOYONNOH SUNDBERG, Liberia and Sweden.
Health and equality.
MSc. Erik GUSTAVSSON, Sweden.
Waste management.
PhD. Giacomo DENTONI, Sweden.
Neuroscience with focus on global health.
M.Sc. Ms. Johanna SESHITA ÖMAN, Japan
Product Development.
PhD. Krishna MURTHY, India.
Training young persons for research – passion, pursuit, and career.
M.Sc. Malin VESTIN, Sweden.
Evaluation planning and quantitative statistics.
M.Sc. Marina VISINTINI, Sweden.
Global Business Development
PhD. Martin BRITS, South Africa.
Application chemistry.M.Sc.
MSc. Mislav PETRUSIC, Sweden
International business & rural development.
Mr. Naimul ABD, Sweden.
Business Growth and UX.
MSc. Nancy GITHAIGAH, Kenya
Urban and rural development. International collaboration.
MSc. Nathalie PERSSON, Madagascar and Sweden.
Food and nutrition.
Mr. Niclas NILSSON, Sweden.
IT and social entrepreneurship.
Mr. Peter ROBERT, Liberia.
Arts and international relations.
Ms. Purity AWINO, Kenya & Sweden.
M.Sc Sarah KOK, Sweden.
Sustainable development & social media.
M. Sc. Mr. Simon ÖMAN, Sweden
Statistical analyses of quantitative data.
Dr. Sune ERIKSSON, Sweden.
Application chemistry & Laboratory accredition
M.Sc. Tatenda GWAAMBUKA, Zimbabwe & England.
Law, journalism, African socio-economic development.
Prof. Yvonne BONZI, Burkina Faso.
Research & women empowerment.
Leg. Dr. Åsa SCHLYTER, Sweden.
Psychiatry & counselling.

Terms of reference
The HR&S Expert Advisers agree to offer expert advice in areas of their expertise. Our HR&S Expert Advisers agree to operate with unyielding ethics. The HR&S management turns to the HR&S Expert Advisers when situations arise, and we discuss to together how to address the situation. The assignment is on a volunteer basis and is not rewarded financially.
Assignment period
Expert advisers hold their positions until they request to resign.
Cecilia is
innovative, tries new things and is driven by an ambition to act when
she sees misconduct that she believes can be improved. From an early
age, Cecilia was dedicated to contributing to a world that is good place
to live for all humans and animals, and in harmony with nature. Cecilia
began her career at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in
Stockholm and took a master’s degree in chemical engineering with a
focus on biotechnology. She then took a job as a consultant and
researcher at the Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL, Swedish Environmental Institute) in Stockholm, where she worked with organic environmental pollutants in water and with waste management. She remained at KTH and took a Ph.D. exam targeting organic pollutants and waste management, in parallel with her employment at IVL. After ten years with IVL, she left the institution for a job at the International Foundation for Science (IFS). The mandate of IFS is to support for research management in countries outside the OECD and Cecilia was responsible for the Water Resources department. She also managed a project targeting researchers in non-OECD countries and their availability to advanced scientific research equipment. She still remained at KTH and in parallel with her work at IFS, she took an Associate Professor exam for the Department of Land and Water Resources with a focus on water management in non-OECD countries. In 2009, Cecilia founded the volunteer organisation Action10, www.action10.org. Action10’s vision is a world without extreme poverty through equal partnership social enterprising and the organisation collaborates with social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries. Action10 is run by 20 volunteer staff and manages 10 programmes in six Sub-Sahara African countries. After ten years with IFS, she resigned and also took a part-time job as Deputy Programme Director in Chemical Sciences at the International Science Program (ISP) at Uppsala University, where she
continues her work with research management in countries outside the OECD. In parallel with her work at ISP, Cecilia founded the social
enterprise, Human Rights & Science (HR&S), www.humanrightsandscience.se. The HR&S mandate is to promote social business cooperation between non-OECD and OECD stakeholders that benefits from equal partnerships, mutual trust and mutual benefit. Cecilia has established HR&S Resource Centers in six African countries and a network of 30 local coaches. Furthermore, HR&S is involved with 20 programmes in twelve African countries and is continuously seeking opportunities to scale. Cecilia has developed six practical strategies and seven “ActionAreas”. Her work in Sub-Sahara African countries requires physical presence why she travels a lot. HR&S offers training and coaching to the private sector,
governmental bodies, academic institutions and development organisation.
Cecilia’sambition is
to learn from experience, combined with scientific facts, the knowledge of others as well as lessons learned from her own mistakes. She reviews information and project status real-time, adjusts her methods, and shares her findings with others. She is also dedicated to cross-cultural learning and respect, as well as international human rights agreements, animal care, and nature care. In addition, Cecilia develops her spirituality; self-awareness, being here and now, and the
ability to appreciate everything and everyone. As a mother, above all,
are her children, her family, and her friends. She is also close to animals, her dog, and horses, as well as nature. Cecilia practices yoga, meditation, nature walks, physical training, dancing, horse-back-riding, motor-biking, skiing, and more.
Om Cecilia på svenska
höjdpunkter i karriären, ämnesområden och sen en text där du och föredraget/framträdandet beskrivs
Cecilia hävdar att extrem fattigdom kan utrotas genom lokal forskning, innovation och socialt företagande. Cecilia är docent i kemi från KTH, och arbetar som forskare, konsult och med forskningshandledning i Afrika. Hon har startat en volontärorganisation “Action10” och ett socialt företag “Human Rights & Science” i syftet att utrota extrem fattigdom och att ersätta biståndsberoende med jämlikt samarbete.
Cecilia tog civilingenjörsexamen i kemiteknik vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH). Sedan arbetade hon som konsult och forskare vid Svenska Miljöinstitutet (IVL, Svenska Miljöinstitutet) i Stockholm, och tog samtidigt doktorsexamen KTH. Efter tio på IVL började hon arbetade hon med forskningshandledning i fattiga länder vid International Foundation for Science (IFS), samtidigt som hon tog docent examen på KTH med inriktning mot vattenförvaltning i fattiga länder. Efter tio år på IFS började hon arbeta deltid med forskningshandledning i fattiga länder som biträdande programdirektör i kemivetenskap vid International Science Programme (ISP) vid Uppsala universitet. År 2009 grundade Cecilia volontärorganisationen Action10, www.action10.org i syfte att bekämpa extrem fattigdom och 2016 grundade hon ett social företag, Human Rights & Science (HR&S), www.humanrightsandscience.se, som samarbetar med vetenskapliga institutioner och sociala företag i länder Söder om Sahara Afrika.
Cecilia brinner för vetenskap, rent vatten, tvärkulturell respekt och fattigdomsbekämpning. Hon utmanar det faktum att antalet extremt fattiga människor i Afrika ökar varje år. Antalet har ökat med 150 miljoner under de senaste 20 åren, trots OECD:s statligt biståndsstöd på USD 150 miljoner per år. Biståndsprogrammen har pågått i 60 år. Samtidigt står Afrika inför några av de tuffaste utmaningarna i världen: dåliga strategier för sjukdomshantering, dålig infrastrukturutveckling, osäker livsmedelsförsörjning, dålig hygien och sanitet, brist på dricksvatten och risker för klimatförändringar. Självklart presenterar forskare och innovatörer i Afrika fantastiska lösningar på nationella och internationella utmaningar, men problemet är att deras idéer ofta inte får vare sig uppmärksamhet eller stöd. Därför implementeras inte lokala rön och lokala företag startas inte, varför samhällen i Afrika saknar de produkter och tjänster som annars skulle ha tagit dem ut fattigdomen.
Cecilia har strukturerat sin utmaning genom att starta en frivilligorganisation, Action10, och ett socialt företag, Human Rights & Science (HR&S). Således utmanar HR&S och Action10 det faktum att antalet extremt fattiga människor i afrikanska länder ökar varje år, trots 60 år av bistånd. Visionen är ett paradigmskifte där biståndsberoende ersätts med internationellt jämlikt samarbete och extrem fattigdom utrotas. HR&S hävdar att vetenskaplig forskning, innovation, socialt företagande, lokala lösningar och internationellt jämlikt samarbete, driver förändringen. HR&S’ kompetens är vetenskaplig forskning, avancerade laboratorier, socialt företagande och hållbar global utveckling. Företaget erbjuder coachning, rådgivning, nätverk, lokala supportcenter och företagslån kombinerat med exakt bokföring. Vår ansats är att lösa de utmaningar som våra partners presenterar för oss och och att vägleda dem hela vägen fram tills dess att de har nått sina mål. Tillsammans utgör HR&S och Action10 ett nätverk av hundra personer som på olika sätt bidrar till verksamheten. HR&S har registrerat lokala avdelningar i tio länder i söder om Sahara Afrika, samarbetar med universitet och laboratorier i dessa länder samt coachar 20 lokala sociala företag.
Cecilia vill gärna dela med mig av sina erfarenheter. Cecilia har utvecklat en “strategi för förändring” som hon gärna berättar om, hon presenterar gärna de 20 imponerande företag i länder söder om Sahara Afrika som HR&S och Action10 samarbetar med och hur dessa på ett hållbart sätt förbättrar livsvillkoren för utsatta grupper, om HR&S’ coachning i syfte att stärka den vetenskapliga kapaciteten vid vetenskapliga forskningsinstitutioner, kapaciteten hos avancerade laboratorier, samt nyttan med och vinsten hos sociala företag. Cecilia vill dessutom gärna bistå biståndsorganisationer med råd och vägledning kring en effektiv övergång från biståndsberoende till ett vinn-vinn jämlikt samarbete. HR&S är ett oberoende, fristående, innovativt, flexibelt och snabbt socialt företag. Cecilia berättar öppet och ärligt om vad hon och hennes kollegor har åstadkommit, vad hon inte har lyckats så bra med, vilka utmaningar som hon möter och hur hon och hennes kollegor löser dessa, vilka misstag hon har gjort och vad hon har lärt sig från dessa. HR&S strävar efter att lära sig av egna och andras misstag, ta faktabaserade beslut och att kombinera erfarenhet med vetenskapliga fakta. HR&S är ännu verksamt i begränsad skala med knappa resurser men medarbetarna brinner för att växa och att göra ännu större skillnad.

Message from Cecilia
I am passionate about cross-cultural understanding and respect. I challenge the fact that the number of extremely poor people in Africa is increasing every year, it has increased with 150 million persons during the last 20 years. The increase takes place despite the OECD governmental aid support with USD 150 million per year, and the aid programme has been a reality for 60 years.
Africa faces some of the toughest challenges worldwide: poor disease management strategies, poor infrastructural development, food insecurity, poor hygiene and sanitation, lack of potable water, and climate change hazards. At the same time are researchers and innovators in Africa presenting amazing solutions to national and international challenges. But their ideas are often unrecognised and unsupported. Therefore, local findings are not implemented and local businesses not started, and the community lacks products and services that would otherwise have strengthened the society.
I have structured my challenge by launching one volunteer organisation, Action10, and one social enterprise, Human Rights & Science (HR&S). Thus, HR&S and Action10 challenge the fact that the number of extremely poor people in Sub-Sahara African countries is increasing every year, despite the development aid programmes. Our vision is a shift of paradigm where aid dependency is replaced by international equal partnership and extreme poverty is eradicated. We claim that research, innovation, and social enterprising drive the change, and that the implementation of locally developed solutions is empowered through international equal partnership. Our core expertise is scientific research, advanced laboratories, social enterprising and sustainable development. We offer four categories of services; coaching on our own management strategy for change; support packages including expert advice and training, target partner networks, local support centres, business loans & supplies; livelihood improvement in under-served communities through the empowered social entrepreneurs; tailor-made opportunities for external partners benefiting from the HR&S programme. We operate through solving the challenges that our partners and clients present to us, by using our own unique and innovative management strategies and support packages, while guiding through the whole process for our partners to reach their goals.
The HR&S team is composed of; HR&S headquarters in Stockholm, Advisory Board of Trustees, Expert advisers, Action10 volunteer staff, local branches operations team in target countries, RISE Support Centre Coordinators, and RISE Support Centre members. All together we are 100 persons in the team and together we serve the communities. The RISE Support Centre members are the social entrepreneurs that we empower. These social entrepreneurs serve the community, especially the under-served communities.
We are happy to share about the 20 social enterprises that we empower in eight Sub-Sahara African countries, and their programmes in under-served communities. We are happy to share also about the work we do related to scientific research, advanced laboratories and sustainable development. Those who are interested in the management for change strategy that we have developed and we train and coach on, or our support packages, are welcome to listen to our presentations.
PROFILE OF THE Operations team
Change makers education
Degree Name Agile Project Management
Field Of Study Project management
2019 – 2020
Södertörns högskola
Field Of Study Sociologi
Graduation 2016
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
Field Of Study Industrial technology
Graduation 2015
Niclas Nilsson

What HR&S is, why Cecilia started HR&S (including ”the why” of HR&S) and her own story as an entrepreneur (both successes and setbacks).
How it came about
In her position as associate professor of chemistry at the Stockholm University of Technology, Cecilia ÖMAN came into contact with researchers from poor countries. She chose to work with research supervision at various universities and chemical laboratories in Africa. It became clear to Cecilia that traditional aid was not effective. Cecilia wanted to analyze the development assistance and develop an alternative plan, so in 2009 she started the voluntary organization Action10. Within Action10, she was able to gather her experiences, think them through and implement pilot projects. The alternative plan that Cecilia proposes is social entrepreneurship instead of grant-dependent organizations. The results were positive and the interest was great, so after six years Cecilia registered the company Human Righs & Science (HR&S). Within HR & S / Action10, she developed practical strategies and areas of activity and conducted training, local offices were started in six countries, five coaches in each country were appointed and guided, loans were distributed to ten entrepreneurs, data were collected from the studies and evaluated. In 2021, HR&S intends to expand its training operations and at the same time establish new customer contacts.
The motivation
– I started HR&S because I felt the pain of vulnerable people and felt obliged to do my best to contribute to a positive change. I am a scientific researcher by training so I started a social enterprise, as I believe that locally managed scientific research, innovation and social enterprising is driving a healthy country and a positive development.
Managing my own enterprise is crucial also because it gives me the freedom I need to think freely, try new things, to be innovative, flexible and able to act fast on findings, it allows me to invest my work-hours, in doing what I truly believe in.
I acknowledge that I am fortunate and am grateful for being a start-up entrepreneur in Sweden. My country is very supportive, at all levels… adminstration, access to support. The challenge for start-up entrpreneurs in Sweden is maybe the tax level, though I do appreciate the social security the Swedish taxes enables.
Concerning HR&S, I have made it my assignment to try to understand the mindset of vulnerable people. To put my self into the shoes of someone who is poor. If it was me, if I was living in a poor village or slum area, with my three kids that I love more than anything, who would I be, how would I think, what would I do? I have tried my best to interact closely, to live in and spend time with people in vulnerable settlements, to listen carefully, reflect and learn. I have also studies the scientific findings about diffrent cultures and how people’s mindset change when societies move from from farming to industry to knowledge based societies.
My stake is that, if it was me, I would know what to do, what I want, but I would be restricted by the lack of opportunities. HR&S aims to be an entitiy that link up with social entrepreneurs, innovators and scientific researchers in environments that lack opportunities and enables them to implement their ideas in their own communities.
From this platform of understanding, have I developed a set of practical strategies and implemented a package of activites.
The strategies include i) a set of core values, ii) means to ensure trust, iii) cross-cultural understanding, iv) evaluation planning, v) coaching programmes on-ground, and iv) assess evidence of impact.
The imlemented activites are ; i) support centres with support staff, ii) investment fund, iii) coaching programme implementation and iv) real-time collection of monitoring data and assessment of evidence for impact or no impact.
I have started my initiative in Sub-Sahara African countries, where the number of extremely poor is increasing every year.
I claim that HR&S is in the front-line of a change of paradigm, where we leave the concept of aid behind and become independent stakeholders working truthfully and trustfully together, cross cultures and for a common good.
The ”different user layers”, a user story and the everyday problems a certain user of her chosing faces, for example a social entrepreneur in Africa.
– With a mandate like HR&S, we have to be close to several layers of users. We have:
- The local customers of locally developed products and services,
- The small and medium scale business owneres, we have
- The scientific researchers, innovators and social entrepreneurs.
We are also working with:
- A set of supporters; the auditors, the survey managers, the evaluation planning coaches, financial accounting coaches, as well as the village chiefs, the heads of family and religious leaders. Netx level of users is:
- The private sector who are interested in collaboration around enterprising in Africa,
- The instiutions who aims for development or investment and also very importantly
- Individuals who want Sub-Sahara African countries to grow; it can be leaders, philatropists, influencers, specialists, givers and others.
– A user story can be a social entrepreneur in a ghetto area, burning for helping her people, knowing exactly how, but failing because of lack of the key resources; infrastructure, information, partners, travelling and investment capital. She comes into contact with HR&S, partner up and guides HR&S in which way we can support. Together we agree on a win-win approach where we invest and benefit equally much.

Cecilia discusses with members of HR&S.
HR&S is a zebra, we mix black and white in unique and beautiful patterns. In Sweden and in Africa.
We are hard working and goal oriented,
We talk about the realities, also when they are painful.
We face challenges and we learn, together.
We do not tolerate nonsence, lazyness or corruption, at the same time, we do not judge and we are resilient in case of miss management.
We have love and care and we do not give up.
Honest and frequent communication between all, in Sweden and in our targeted African countries, is key.
Sharing knowledge and experiences, as well as respecting differences in culture, is the cornerstone of success and cannot be emphazised enough.
We reach out to and aim to maintain a close relations with all our parntres at all our levels of users.
We work according to our six strategies, thus including i) a set of core values, ii) means to ensure trust, iii) cross-cultural understanding, iv) evaluation planning, v) coaching programmes on-ground, and iv) assess evidence of impact.
We implement our four activites in actual practice ; i) support centres with support people, ii) investment fund, iii) coaching programme implementation and iv) real-time collection of monitoring data and assessment of evidence for impact or no impact.
We are running about 20 programmes in twelve Sub-Sahara African countries.
”Headlines from the future” (in ten years HR&S has been a resounding success –
draft a headline and sketch for a New York Times feature of this success).
Our take is that instead of assuming that innovation in Africa is simple, we expect it to be as big as anywhere else.
A scientific researcher, innovator and social entrepreneur in Sub-Sahara African countries have the same opportunities as in Sweden and therefore contribute equally much to the public and private sector.
New York Times features equally many black change makers as white, because the number IS equal, and their innovations ARE equally important.
The picture shows an amazing innovation, maybe in space or with AI, with only black people, and the focus is not on that they are black, but on the innovation it-self.
HR&S has Support centres in every Sub-Saharan African country, we have the resources to provide all our scientist, innovators and entrepreneurs with the resources they need, and their ideas are developed and implemented, not only locally but internationally