Serving the under-served

Livelihood improvement in under-served communities through the HR&S empowered social entreprises.

HR&S offers empowerment opportunities for social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries who can provide employment opportunities, products and services requested for by under-served communities.  Thus it is our partners in Sub-Sahara African countries who identify the scope of our collaboration. Thereby our support is needs and user driven, which is in accordances with our Action principle No 1. While HR&S offers empowerment services and products, we also invests effort to learn lessons. We take informed and well though through decisions in order to improve our empowerment procedures. We learn our lessons from measuring progress not only targeting the social enterprise itself but the impact it has on our target partners; the company clients in the under-served communities. We have developed our own unique evidence based procedures for measuring impact (Testing the Strength of Evidence, TestE) that uses scientific evaluation methods.

Measuring impact

We distinguish between output, outcome and sustainable impact. Outputs are quantified results from the HR&S own activities, outcomes are initiatives taken by our partners (Programme Management Partners (PMP) the empowered social entrepreneurs and Target partners (TP) the clients of the social enterprise) as a result of the outputs, and sustainable impact is when structures have become sustainable in a way that direct support from HR&S is no longer needed. We usually remain partners and previously supporters entrepreneurs becomes members of our networks. Results have been compiled since 2009.