REACH - Teams

Research teams
Dates of zoom meetings, field visits, & PMP Reports
Research management_ ISP Research Teams
The aim is to create a well-functioning research environment in the groups that IPICS supports, laboratory operations in the laboratories that IPICS supports and management in the networks that IPICS supports. We base the activity on the parts that are included in the “scientific method”, so that all parts are possible to do in practice as well; internet, literature, lab activities, write manuscripts, implement, etc. The business is based on “User driven”, which means that our partners lead the business by identifying what ambitions they have and related shortcomings. Then we solve it together.
Githy wants us to coordinate with the bilateral Research Management programmes. Karin and Githy want me to talk to supervisors on the bilateral programmes and coordinate with the activities that Sida has which they also call Research Management. (One question is whether IPICS should change its name, i.e. does Research management at Sida mean the same thing as Research management at ISP.)
Test_E parameters
Collected TestE parameters in meetings with PMPs and TPs
when developing and adjusting the survey manual and when performing the surveys.
Sida supported _ All teams
Per Team
- BUK02 BoGu
- KENpost Ab (see FAST)
- KENpost Ly ? gender? (See 22RISE)
- RWA01 ThMu_2021
- UGA01 JoWa
- UGA02 EmTe
- ZIM01 StMu
- ZIM02 NoBa
- ZAM01 OnMu
- ZAM02 JaNy
- ZAM both
There seems to be a gap between the team-leaders and the team members, many of the outcome challenges are only mentioned if the team-leaders are not present.
- ANEC IsTa (See 22RISE)
- NABSA (See 22RISE)
- SEANAC_Southern and Eastern Africa Network for Analytical Chemists (See 22RISE)
Sida supported _ All teams – team leader
Per Team / Team leader
- BUK02 BoGu
Oct 2022- Strengthening the research capacity (Rodrigues)
- Reinforce our scientific capacity building (Boubie)
- Reinforce his capacity to elaborate partnership with other teams all over the world and enforce scientific capacity (Regie)
- To get studentsd who are well trained in all sceintific fields to the can achieve PhD exams, and to publish papers (Ousman)
- Publish good papers, to have well trained students in the team to be able to do research (Cornel)
- Publish and to train students (Jean Babtiste NEW, just finished his master)
- Train students so that they can reach a high scientific level this will allow partnership all over the world and be well known (Borrow? NEW, just finished his master)
- KENpost Ab Laboratory (see FAST)
- KENpost Ly / gender (See 22RISE)
- RWA01 ThMu
- Become a strong team.
- Perform professional literature reviews.
- Submit two research grants applications per researcher and year.
- Professional laboratory work.
- Collaborate with other researchers.
- Collaborate with the private sector.
- Collaborate with the government.
- Transparency and accountability.
- Submit two manuscripts per researcher and year.
- Manage time.
- UGA01 JoWa
- Impact society through research findings.
- Access to laboratory equipment
- UGA02 EmTe
- Improve on the quality of research output, applications and dissemination.
- Advice on research and career.
- Access to advanced pieces of equipment
- UGA both
- Collaborate with other laboratories
- Good access to computers and internet
- Good access to literature and capacity to do literature reviews.
- ZIM01 StMu
- Manage good team work
- Develop and maintain individual workplans
- Be able to handle electricity cuts.
- Manage ethics in science
- Perform excellent literature reviews
- Have access to advanced scientific equipment
- Supervise others
- Seek research grants
- Benefit from AuthorAid resources
- Disseminate scientific results
- Benefit from AuthorAid resources
- ZIM02 NoBa
- Perform continuous literature review
- Use for applications, research work and manuscripts. Seldom use papers older than five years.
- Submit applications for funding
- Work on minimum two applications in parallel.
- Submit manuscripts
- To quality journals
- In an efficient manner
- Establish a water, soil and stock-feed testing centre
- Run with a sustainable economy, manage a solid business plan.
- Identify value proposition and the first customer.
- Run with a sustainable economy, manage a solid business plan.
- Address each team member’s own research topic and outcome challenges
- Perform continuous literature review
- ZAM01 OnMu
- Team-work
- Monthly local meetings that are very useful for the research performed by team-members
- Quality and timely guidance by supervisors.
- Timely access to chemicals agreed on.
- Timely access to allowances agreed on.
- Team-work
- ZAM02 JaNy
- Establish a well defined group with complementary assignments.
- ZAM both
- Access to internet
- Continuously performing quality literature reviews.
- Submission of quality research grant applications, two per researcher and year.
- Submission of quality manuscripts for publications, two per researcher and year.
- Service and maintenance of laboratory equipment.
- SEANAC Inonge
- Publish, support the community.
- Assist students with reagents
- Assist students with equipment.
- Assist students to attend conferences, other than SEANAC conferences
- Arrange MSc and PhD exchange to visit more skilled laboratories.
- Organise conferences for SEANAC countries.
- Strengthen chemistry department with equipment.
- Teaching
- Empowering women
Per Team member
- BUK02 BoGu
- KENpost Ab
- RWA01 ThMu
- UGA01 JoWa
- UGA02 EmTe
- ZIM01 StMu
- ZIM02 NoBa
- Aleck, supervisor programme with team-building and code of conduct.
- ZAM01 OnMu
- Serve the community through health and sanitation
- Become internationally well know researcher
- ZAM02 JaNy
- Publish
- Present at conferences
- Network
- Visit laboratories elsewhere
- Implement findings
- No MSc exams
- No PhD exams
- Ensure other funding
- Establish sustainable procedures for the above
- Monthly meetings with research team,
when AuthorAid and Research4Life resources are benefited from - AuthorAid resources are presented
- AuthorAid trainings are benefited from
- Research4Life resources are presented
- Permanent access to quality internet
- Permanent access to quality computers
- Monthly meetings with ISP
- Well defined ROPE road-map with increased scoring of progress markers with time until sustainable impact is achieved.
- Timely submitting quality applications, activity reports, financial reports and auditing reports to ISP.
- Meeting the agreements from previous applications and taking the comments from the scientific advisers into account.
Outcome challenges
All teams
Per Team
BUK02 BoGu
- Publish
- Lack of equipment
- Activity do not develop a hypothesis which testing requires equipment that we do not have or our partners do not have.
- Activity Develop partnership (win-win) with partners who has access to the equipment that we need. Co-publications
- Milestone: Each member presents such hypothesis at next meeting,
- have weekly meeting to help each other
- Milestone: Each member presents such hypothesis at next meeting,
- Lack of English language skills
- Activity Use the ISP budget to engage a translator.
- Milestone: identify a team of translators (Guel)
- Milestone: identify a team of translators (Guel)
- Activity Use the ISP budget to engage a translator.
- Lack of equipment
- Establish partnerhips
- Elaborate activites in November meeting
- KENpost Ab
- RWA01 ThMu
- UGA01 JoWa
- UGA02 EmTe
- ZIM01 StMu
- Everyone to feel free to talk in our IPICS Research Management (RM) meetings.
- Time management, have we all done what we set out to do
- Applications for funding for studentship, small grants, manuscript writing?
- How many manuscripts in 2022?
- Dissertation writing, how many drafts?
- On the bench supervision?
- How many students have you actually supervised in 2022?
- Research output? What are yours for 2022?
- Have you used your time effectively for 2022?
- Compile a list of resources for funding.
- Compiling progress markers
- Attend AuthorAid training,
- Reflect think, creative, take initiatives
Testimony “We students just follow what we have been told and we follow instructions that we have been given. We need to improve on this. / we do not have a workplan / we should support each other more / we should have self motivation and inner drive / ask someone else to motivate is miss prioritasation / inne drive self motiavtion shall couple to our own work plan/ we need to combine being a planner with being a doer”.- Take individual notes during RM meetings.
- There is always resources around a person, but we have to take time to find and benefit from those resources.
- Ensure rewarding those who are doing well.
- Acknowledge what is going well and good work.
- ZIM02 NoBa
- Time management
- Awareness of a big enough number of grant givers (not to limit to aid grant givers).
- Ensure a sustainable economy for the Testing Centre.
- ZAM01 OnMu
- Onesmus oct 2022_Procurement of chemicals: “The delays in procurement is more of an administrative matter than financial resource matter. Although part of the student research are also sometimes do not take personal responsibilities in the process.”
- Onesmus oct 2022_Reasons for not attending ISP monthly meetings ” The issues of time for meeting for one who has some administrative engagement is timing. Most meetings in the University are scheduled in the afternoon.”
- ZAM02 JaNy
- ZAM Both
- 1. Time management.
- Timely access to chemicals agreed on.
- (2021) SEANAC previously implemented activities, but did do not measure the outcome and the working members were not rewarded for the effort.
- Difficult to make the auditing in 2022.
Per Team member
- BUK02 BoGu
- KENpost Ab
- RWA01 ThMu
- UGA01 JoWa
- UGA02 EmTe
- ZIM01 StMu
- ZIM02 NoBa
- Aleck, supervisor programme with team-building and code of conduct.
- ZAM01 OnMu
- Have to wait up to six month to have access to chemicals.
- Poor internet access.
- Lack of service and maintenance of equipment
- Time constraint
- Grant applications are not submitted
- Lack of knowledge about doing literature reviews
- Sign contract for stipend (to cover accommodation, food, internet), but the payment is done irregularly or not at all, it also varies between team-members. The agreement is that payment is done three time a year (3 x USD 450 = 1,450). As a consequence researchers take on work with salary to be able to sustain themselves. Also the payment is less than the actual cost for accommodation and food. USD 2,500 per year and person would serve the purpose.
- Tuition fee (USD 1,500 per year). Sometime researchers have to drop-out for some time, to try to pay and come back asap.
- Supervision. Support with identifying proper research topics. Support with getting started after the literature review is done. Supervisors take too long to respond, for example concering the review of proposals.
- Lack of contact with librarian and the services they provide.
- ZAM02 JaNy
All teams
Monthly coaching meetings with Cecilia during 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Per Team
- BUK02 BoGu
- KENpost Ab
- RWA01 ThMu
- UGA01 JoWa
- Make contract with institution management to ensure technicians.
- UGA02 EmTe
- ZIM01 StMu
- Develop individual workplans
- ZIM02 NoBa
- Ensure a sustainable economy for the Testing Centre.
- ZAM01 OnMu
- same as ZAM02
- Oct 2022, Onesmus: “The University has guidelines on supervision and the directorate of graduate studies conducts supervisors training (JN was involved in developing training materials). We also have regular (weekly meetings) the researchers. each student is assigned a main and co-supervisor.”
- ZAM02 JaNy
- Maintain a list of all team members with individual progress markers
- Each researcher develops a firm time-plan.
- Access to internet, sustainable impact, milestone proposed.
- Monthly ISP zoom meetings, level of participation. Participants are active with camera on
- Local monthly meetings with manuscript and grant application reviews. Team-members are experts on “their” authorAID and R4L resource.
- Develop an equipment service and maintenance strategy to present to the university management
- Arrange bi-annual workshops where researchers write grants during the workshop. October 2022.
- Annual workshops by librarian when access to databases are presented as well as methods to develop search profiles.
- Presentations from AuthorAid and Research 4Life resources, each team member.
- Access to reagents less than one month after it having been requested for, milestone proposed.
- Zam Both
- 1.a i) Inform about where internet is strong enough at campus, ii) provide WiFi password to team members, iii) pay for personal internet access as part of the stipend (allowances).
- Develop and implement an introduction package to welcome new students with.
- 3. Develop a firm strategy on timely access to chemicals with Chief Technician.
- Revisit the constitution, among other issues, if someone is not active they will be replaced.
Per Team member
- BUK02 BoGu
- KENpost Ab
- RWA01 ThMu
- UGA01 JoWa
- UGA02 EmTe
- ZIM01 StMu
- ZIM02 NoBa
- ZAM01 OnMu
- Agree Oct 2022: Weekly meetings with and by the researchers. Monday’s 4-5 pm. Lab C314 or C 126 and on-line as well. Topic, scientific matters, laboratory matters manuscript review, grant application review.
- University to arrange a computer room with stable internet access.
- Invite librarian for bi-annual workshops. Ensure access for all researcher to literature database password.
- Ensure that supervisors are reachable.
- ZAM02 JaNy
- Revisit the constitution, among other issues, if someone is not active they will be replaced.
All teams
Per Team / team-leader
- BUK02 BoGu
- KENpost Ab
- RWA01 ThMu
- UGA01 JoWa
- John W. has developed a draft on technicians to be forwarded to institution management to ensure technicians. Outcome: An add has been posted they called for three applicants, they will invite the team to be part of the recruitment, before the end of the year.
- UGA02 EmTe
- UGA both
- Two submitted manuscripts per researcher and year.
- ZIM01 StMu
- ZIM02 NoBa
- ZAM01 OnMu
- ZAM02 JaNy
- Zam both
- Review meetings, every second week. Wednesdays. One hour. 2.30 – 3.30 pm. Zoom link will be shared by James. Onesmus arrange with the agenda and Peter takes note. Due Dec 2021. SCORE ONE
– Review meetings, every second week. Wednesdays. One hour. Time to be set. Onesmus to arrange logistics. Due Dec 2022. (Previous agreement due Dec 2021, scored progress marker ONE)
- Review meetings, every second week. Wednesdays. One hour. 2.30 – 3.30 pm. Zoom link will be shared by James. Onesmus arrange with the agenda and Peter takes note. Due Dec 2021. SCORE ONE
Per Team member
- BUK02 BoGu
- KENpost Ab
- RWA01 ThMu
- UGA01 JoWa
- UGA02 EmTe
- ZIM01 StMu
- ZIM02 NoBa
- ZAM01 OnMu
- ZAM02 JaNy
All teams
Per Team
- BUK02 BoGu
- KENpost Ab
- RWA01 ThMu
- UGA01 JoWa
- Aida, John W,
- UGA02 EmTe
- Presenting from AuthorAid sources; Resty, Silver, Maurice, Ruth, Emmanuel, John S.
- ZAM01 OnMu
- Expected to start no later than Dec 2021: Regular review meetings. Every second week. Wednesdays. One hour. 2.30 – 3.30 pm. Zoom link will be shared by James. Onesmus arrange with the agenda and Peter takes note. Progress marker ONE. Never happened.
- Presentations by team members from the AuthorAid resources.
- ZAM02 JaNy
- Presentations by team members from the AuthorAid resources.
- ZAM Both
- ZIM01 StMu
- A list of resources for funding has been compiled during 2022, but only few have contributed (Stanley and Molly)
- Presentations by team members from the AuthorAid resources.
- Workplans developed by team-members.
- Local meetings doing follow-up work from RM meetings, reviewing draft grant applications and draft manuscripts.
- Milestones addressed.
- ZIM02 NoBa
- Presentations by team members from the AuthorAid resources.
- Local meetings doing follow-up work from RM meetings, reviewing draft grant applications and draft manuscripts.
- Milestones addressed.
- Firm planning of testing Centre and reaching out to potential stakeholders.
Financial plan
All teams
Per Team
- BUK02 BoGu
- KENpost Ab
- RWA01 ThMu
- UGA01 JoWa
- UGA02 EmTe
- ZAM01 OnMu
- ZAM02 JaNy
- ZIM01 StMu
- ZIM02 NoBa
Business plan
All teams
Monthly coaching meetings with Cecilia during 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Scientific advice by senior researchers.
Per Team
- BUK02 BoGu
- Sida funding
- Travel grants
- Sandwich programme
- Scientific equipment
- Sida funding
- KENpost Ab
- Review meeting with team leader in Stockholm Sept 2022. With Cecilia & xxx
- RWA01 ThMu
- RWA:01-IPICS Reference Group overview feedback 08 Oct 2021
- General Comments
-The application is an improvement in comparison to the previous one.
-The new MSc program is a welcome development, but initiating a local PhD program need to be preceded by acquiring stronger supervision capacity.
-The direction involving biochar seems far-fetched in relation to earlier studies, the connection between analytes targeted in the pollution studies and the candidates for remediation is unclear.
-The long-term plan is reasonable, but publication quality needs to increase.
Recommendation-The focus of the planned work is too broad, and would benefit from being narrowed down.
-Find an additional PhD student for a sandwich program with a cooperating partner (maybe in the region, in South Africa or with ANCAP partners), while developing the local supervision capacity in the MSc program.
–A closer follow up of plans and outcomes is needed.
-Continued funding for three years on a suitable level. - Overall Comments
-Overall, applications show improvements compared to earlier years, but still there is need for further improvements and modifications.-
The 3/6/9-year vision is well thought through by many applicants, but not all.
-SRG recommendations are taken into account better than in previous applications, but also here there is room for further improvement.-Few applications take a starting point in the achievements of the previous granting period.-In many cases, “objectives” are still confused with “actions” and “measures”.-Literature is better referred to compared to earlier years, but is not always used to frame relevant knowledge gaps to support the proposed research plan.-There are many examples of good gender equality promoting activities, but in most cases increased efforts are needed.-In many cases, attracting post graduate students seems still to be a challenge.General Feedback and DiscussionIPICS Sci. Ref. Group (SRG) 8 Oct 2021 - Overall Recommendations
-Improve research plans, referring both to literature and to own previous results, and, based on this, identify knowledge gaps to state well-motivated research questions/hypotheses, increasing the possibility of publishing the results in good journals, and to attract additional funding.-Do not use the term “heavy metals”, but rather “toxic metal species” or “toxic forms of metals”, as agreed by IUPAC.-ISP should move to require better planning of outcomes, in terms of e.g. graduations and publications, to be able to better follow up results.-ISP should introduce an application form better suited for those networks that doesn’t focus on scientific research activities.Regarding equipment: -Distinguish between “nice to have” and “need to have”.-Use available equipment as efficiently as possible, for multiple purposes.-Expand access to needed equipment with colleagues and cooperation partners.
- General Comments
- RWA:01-IPICS Reference Group overview feedback 08 Oct 2021
- UGA01 JoWa & Florence
- ROPE training during SRG meeting in Sthlm 2022.
- UGA02 EmTe
- ZIM01 StMu
- ROPE training during SRG meeting in Sthlm 2022.
- Local physical meetings / combined with zoom
- Undergrads has Nov 2020, every two week
- Agreed Nov 2022 postgraduate meetings every second
Tues . one hour. Auxillia will coordinate to start with. present draft
work and get comments by the team, manuscript, grant applications oral
- We have on-line meeting 1st Tues every month with Stanley.
- ISP monthly meetings on zoom
- Start every meeting with sharing of success stories
- Have a board with achievements.
- ISP grant
- Incorporate a session or two on research management, scientific network management and/or laboratory management in the 20th NAPRECA 2023 symposium
- ISP Grant ZIM:01 Biochemistry Funding 3 years, 2023-2025
- ZIM02 NoBa
- ZAM01 OnMu
- ZAM02 JaNy
- ROPE training during SRG meeting in Sthlm 2022.
- General Feedback and Discussion IPICS SRG 29 September 2022
- General Comments
- – Application templates are not always completely filled. This doesn’t seem to improve over years.
- – Sometimes the research/activity plan is incomplete and lacking. This doesn’t seem to improve over years.
- – The achievements of the previous granting period are sometimes not properly addressed, nor how the objectives have been reached – or why not. It is sensible to build the new application on what has and hasn’t been accomplished in the previous phase.
- – Applications that are not up to standards may need to be revised, even implying postponing support for a year.
- – ISP should do a better work to pre-screen applications, and invite only “good enough” applications to be presented.
- – When citing background literature, a larger degree of critical review of the referred literature is desirable, e.g. with regard to quality.
- – In presentations, it must be clearer where images come from, which are not own.
- – When reporting numbers (graduations, dissemination), it should be clarified what has been achieved with ISP support and what with other funding?
- – Make clear how PG students are supported, if that is the case, by ISP or other sources, such as own university.
- – Administrative costs should not be budgeted by research groups, but possibly “over head” costs. Over head costs should not be mixed up with institutional co- funding.
- – It seems that in some cases solvents such as hexane are used, which is a work environment hazard if not properly ventilated. (Heptane would be a better choice.)
- – The application covers a wide scope, without going into specifics. The research plan and objectives need to be described in more detail, including how do the PG students’ tasks interlink, and link to the objectives.
- – The scientific basis given is not entirely convincing.
- – There are a lot of clarifications needed. For example what is the rational of comparing the similar solvents methanol and ethanol?
- – The plant extracts, are they intended for prevention or cure of disease? (What means “anti-” ?). Is it realistic to have the outlined outcomes in three years?
- – The toxicity studies of the preparation appear to be the most sensible part of the intended work.
- – What about safe storage and use of chemicals? Handling of hexane? Is the use of hexane as a solvent suitable in perspective of the intended anti-cancer approach?
- – How are the team members scientifically connected and what are their functions?
- – The rate of publications is rather low and quality of publications needs to be ascertained.
- – The budget is unrealistic, dominated by administrative costs which is not supposed to be budgeted at all with research groups , but they should rather account for expected co-funding by their home institution. Still, to some extent university overhead can be accepted under the conditions given in the ISP guidelines, on funds transferred for local use. If the exaggerated administrative costs in the budget is due to a faulty ISP excel budget template, then the error should be corrected.
- – What are the outcome of the two years of funding so far?
How has the time been used to prepare for a more solid application accounting for the feedback by the SRG from the 2019 meeting?
- General Comments
- Recommendation
- – Explain what is the knowledge gap that motivates the research and how this knowledge gap is identified.
- – Focus the research scope and be careful to base the scientific rational on current quality literature.
- – Explain the research questions to be addressed, and the expected challenges, in perspective of current quality literature.
- – Base objectives on research questions, and objectives should not be “to do”-lists, but the means to address the research questions.
- – Clarify the function of the team members and how they can be involved in the development of an improved application.
- – Make sure to work as a team in the development of a new, focused and scientifically convincing application in 2023.
- Recommendation
- ISP Grant ANEC Electrochemistry Conditional 3 years, 2023-2025*
- Comments RefGroup
IPICS support to activities started: 2013
Funding last three years (kSEK): 2020/ 375 2021/ 500 2022/ 500
Requested funding (kSEK): 2023/ 2,724 2024/ 1,474 2025/ 1,102
Proposed funding (kSEK): 2023/ 450 2024/ 450 2025/ 450
The creation of the African Network of Electroanalytical Chemists came up from:
• Visits and scientific contacts in Sweden in 2008 et 2009 by Pr. Issa Tapsoba, Burkina Faso
• Scientific visits in 2010 by Pr. Issa Tapsoba in two laboratories in Cameroon (Dschang
and Yaoundé I Universities)
• Participation in October 2011 at the national symposium on analytical chemistry at
Yaoundé, Cameroon, by Pr. Issa Tapsoba and Pr. Modou Fall
• The network’s original application to ISP, positively evaluated in 2011, and supported
from 2013.
• The launching of ANEC activities during the 4th Federation of African Societies of
Chemistry congress in Marrakech, Morocco, in May 2013, where a committee board was
IPICS Scientific Reference Group overview assessment
General Comments
– There are concerns that some of the listed network members seem not to be active in the
network, which essentially cantered around Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Senegal. This is
not in itself a problem, but unclear. As the application currently stands, it will primarily
benefit the central nodes, to less extent other active network members.
– The descriptions of the scientific parts are unclear. Modifications and structures of MOF
(metal-organic frameworks) are not well explained.
– It seems that rather than advancing electrochemistry in Africa, the ambition is to find
electrochemical solutions to various problems that have been identified.
– Student movements are to only small extent within the network, it is mostly to external
collaborators. There is too little information about the participating students.
– There is a good gender balance at MSc level, but it needs to be improved at the PhD level,
what is plan for accomplishing that?– How is the network structured and constituted? How often does the board meet and what
do they decide? Can board minutes be appended to the application?
– Have online facilities made meetings easier?
– The budget excessive to IPICS.
– The network can receive continued funding, but the SRG requests an improved
application by 31 October for a grant to be considered for 2023-2025. The application
topic is good, but the scientific approach and its justification needs to be better described,
in more detail, and a revised application should take into account the general comments by
the SRG
- Comments RefGroup
- ISP Grant ANEC Electrochemistry Conditional 3 years, 2023-2025*
- ISP grant. ISP (Peter) visits Dec 2022.
- NAPRECA Robert Byamukama
- 1022: I will be attending the Summer School together with Assistant Executive Secretary Dr. Jane Namukobe. We have partnered with COMSTECH in organising this summer school and several delegates will participate in facilitating some sessions of the Summer School. We shall also sign an MoU between NAPRECA and COMSTECH (The Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) during this Summer School.n This is therefore to request
1. Request for the two air tickets. The details are given here (attached)and suggest that Hossein purchases the two air tickets. I am therefore sending the copy of the passport details of two staff members, airport of departure, departure and return dates, so that air tickets can be purchased from there by Mr. Hossein. 2. Request for the accommodation and this be sent to NAPRECA Kenya to pay them to the hotel.
All teams
Per Team
- BUK02 BoGu
- KENpost Ab
- RWA01 ThMu
- UGA01 JoWa
- UGA02 EmTe
- ZAM01 OnMu
- ZAM02 JaNy
- Zam both
- Progress marker 1
Did not happen, milestone re-agreed one Dec 2022.
LL lack of structure and commitment to agreements.
Review meetings, every second week. Wednesdays. One hour. 2.30 – 3.30 pm. Zoom link will be shared by James. Onesmus arrange with the agenda and Peter takes note. Due Dec 2022.
- Progress marker 1
- ZIM01 StMu
- Driving monthly coaching with own invitations, own agenda and ideas
- Clear list of supported students
- Local monthly meetings
- ZIM02 NoBa
- Driving monthly coaching with own ideas
- Clear list of supported students
- Local monthly meetings
Progress markers
All teams – Expected
Per Team – Scoring
- BUK02 BoGu
- KENpost Ab
- RWA01 ThMu
- UGA01 JoWa
- Annual training by librarian in October when also passwords of databases are shared.
- Equipment is serviced and maintained.
- UGA02 EmTe
- UGA both
- Attend one of two AuthorAid trainings during 2022. Score ONE.
- Each IPS supported researcher submits two manuscripts per year, as first author. Level ONE.
- ZAM01 OnMu
- 1) Access to literature; no of databases available to all ISP supported researchers.
2) No of concluded literature reviews per person and year.
3) Number of grant applications submitted per person and year.
4) Number of papers published per person and year.
5) Percentage of MSc examinations of the expected.
6) Percentage of PhD examinations of the expected.
7) Networking with other researchers; internally and externally. - 8) Measure how input per ISP supported researcher has generated outcome.
- 1) Access to literature; no of databases available to all ISP supported researchers.
- ZAM02 JaNy
- ZAM both
- ZIM01 StMu
Per year- Applications for funding for studentship
- No of applications for research grants
- Number of drafts manuscripts submitted.
- Dissertation writing, how many drafts.
- On the bench supervision.
- How many students have you actually supervised.
- Research output, what have you achieved during the previous year.
- Have you used your time effectively during the previous year?
- ZIM02 NoBa
- Publish
- Present at conferences
- Network
- Visit laboratories elsewhere
- Implement findings
- No MSc exams
- No PhD exams
- Ensure other funding
- Establish sustainable procedures for the above
- Permanent access to quality internet
- Permanent access to quality computers
- Monthly meetings with ISP
- Well defined ROPE road-map with increased scoring of progress markers with time until sustainable impact is achieved.
- No of publications where ISP is acknowledged.
- No of grant applications where ISP is mentioned as co-funder.
- Monthly meetings with research team,
when AuthorAid and Research4Life resources are benefited from - AuthorAid resources are presented
- AuthorAid trainings are benefited from
- Research4Life resources are presented
- Two submitted manuscripts (new or revised) per team member and year.
- Two submitted grant applications per team member and year.
- One conference abstract per team member and year.
- MSc and PhD students graduate on time.
- Targeted pieces of equipment are functioning.
- Publish
- Submit three manuscript per chapter and year, where SEANAC must be acknowledge and ISP when relevant.
- Support the community.
- Activities done to reach the community, three or four per chapter and year.
- Organise conferences for SEANAC countries.
- One conference per two year with 50-300 participants and 10 oral presentations per day plus posters, for 2 – 3,5 days.
- Pre-conference day with training.
- Next conference 2023, if we release the funds.
- Assist students to attend conferences, other than SEANAC conferences.
- Empower analytical chemistry
- Assist students with reagents
- Assist students with equipment
- Strengthen chemistry department with equipment
- Arrange MSc and PhD exchange to visit more skilled laboratories
- Teach
- Empowering women
- Unify curriculum within SEANAC chapter
- Visibility
- SEANAC webpage, who is paying if not ISP?
- ISP website
- Smooth auditing
- Management staff attendance
- Generate funds that enable reimbursement for active staff, and also visibility rewards.
Sustainable Impact
All teams – Expected
- xx
Per Team – Scoring
- BUK02 BoGu
- KENpost Ab
- RWA01 ThMu
- UGA01 JoWa
- UGA02 EmTe
- ZAM01 OnMu
- ZAM02 JaNy
- ZIM01 StMu
- ZIM02 NoBa
The respondents are identified and presented with: names, title, telephone numbers, level of education, home location, and family status. Also GDPR consent is collected if the respondent’s agree.
- Individual interviews, specific and open-ended, with
- The PMP.
- Management team members.
- Each loan-taker present.
- Family members present.
- Focal group interviews, with
- Management team and PMP together.
- All loan-takers of the village, who are present, together.
- Collect testimonies, from a number of persons randomly chosen.
- Take photos.
- Record videos.
- Record interviews.
Take notes in a dedicated notebook about everything that happens.
Micro data Survey questions
Social impact
Sustainable social impact refers to reaching the social good ambitions in a sustainable manner.
Measure twice a year since the start of the programme.
Social Good _ Direct Impact
Respondent: PMP
- Compilation of the products that we offer:
- Business loans;
Number of loans, size of loans, total capital. - Other
- Business loans;
- Compilation of the services that we offer:
- Weekly visits to collect refunds, coach and address challenges.
- type of coaching
- type of challenges
- Other
- Weekly visits to collect refunds, coach and address challenges.
- Number of Target partner business owners: xxx
- PMP business generate profit.
- Size of profit: xxx
Respondent: Target Partners
- Compilation of the products that our Target Partners offer to their customers: xxx
- Number of customer per product: xxx
- Compilation of the services that our Target Partners offer to their customers: xxx
- Number of customers per service: xxx
- Target partner business owners generate profit.
- Size of profit per TP: xxx
Respondent: Customers (customer survey)
- Are customers content with products?
Are customers content with services?
Social Good _ Indirect Impact
Respondent: Target Partners & families.
- Children well-being
Children of the women who manages HR&S small-scale businesses.- Number of meals per day increased.
From one to two or three.- Number of children: xxx
- Education
Tuition fee paid and school attendance made possible.- Number of children: xxx
- Number of meals per day increased.
- Women well-being
- The status of the women in the families has improved as the contribute with income.
Respondent: Customers (customer survey)
Institutional capacity
Respondent: PMP
- Bookkeeping of international standards; compiling all receipts and invoices, perform bank reconciliation.
- Annual auditing.
- Respond to management reports from the auditor.
- Who is in charge of the bookkeeping?
- Who is doing the auditing?
- What do the management reports look like?
- Can we please see the books?
Project management
- Are the number of Target Partners included, as expected? xxx.
- Does the target partners deliver as expected? xxx.
- Do you have regular meetings with the management team, if so, how often? xxx.
- Do you take notes which are included in the annual report?xxx.
Transparency & Efficiency
- Communication between PMP and HR&S.
- Maybe monthly reflections from PMP on WhatsApp. xxx.
- Information from target partners on their satisfaction, needs, expectations. xxx.
- To be written down and shared.
- Share notes from the local management meetings. xxx.
Annual report
Due 15 February.
Target partner services
Ensure continuous feed-back from Target Partners. Information about their satisfaction, needs, expectations, xxx. Specially ask about their views on the ethics of the programme.
TP training, coaching & team building
- Training sessions: xxx
- Coaching sessions: xxx
Financial sustainability
Sustainable economy is when income, without donations, sustainably exceeds costs.
- When can a sustainable economy be expected ?
- What is the size of the required capital?
- Compile sources and levels of income?
- Compile sources and levels of expenses?
Sustainable business mind-set
- ?
Does the income exceed the expenses?
Survey team & visit
PMP comment: Wednesdays, market day, are the only days suitable for meeting women and following up with them.
- The survey team consist of: Renaud, Elisabeth, Milohum, Yawo.
- The team leader is: Renaud
- Date of the next visit: The visits are made on Wednesdays, the market day. xxx
- Dates of coming visits:
- Location of the visits:
- Visit arrangements: Offer snacks to focus group discussions.
- Travel arrangements:
- Travel costs:
- The sources for covering travel costs are:
Survey Team Preparations
Ensure the team has access to the tools required:
- Written copy of the survey manual.
- Camera; photos and videos.
- Recorder.
- Notebooks and pens.
- Transportation means.
- Food and water.
Divide areas of responsibility between team-members. Ensure that each team member is clear about and comfortable with their own assignment as well as the team assignment.
The team assignments
- Making individual interviews.
- Specific questions.
- Open ended questions.
- Collect data from focal group discussions.
- Collect testimonies.
- Taking photos.
- Record videos.
- Record interviews.
Taking notes in a dedicated notebook about everything that happens.
Preparing for the analysis of the data
- Control
The control is the base-line data, macro-data and the conditions in specific villages that are selected to join the programme, prior to mentioning about the programme. - Randomization
Randomization among respondents is created by not announcing the survey date, and asking everyone who are present that day. - Statistical assessment method
- Quantitative: ANOVA. Thus we need as much data as possible.
- Qualitative: Simple compilation of statements.
- Contribution tracing. Identifying other actors in the village, what do they contribute with, how many are involved and how do they benefit. Consider to collaborate with other actors.
- Ethics. Normal ethics plus asking the respondents about their views on ethics.
Compilation of Outcome data
Progress marker scoring
Compilation of names of respondents and GDPR consent: xxx