Country Branches

- HR&S Country Branches
Dates of zoom meetings, field visits, & PMP Reports
Test_E parameters
Collected TestE parameters in meetings with PMPs and TPs
when developing and adjusting the survey manual and when performing the surveys.
Per Branch
- Burkina Faso
- Kenya
- Liberia
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Togo
- Uganda
- Zambia
All Branches together
- Operate the Country Branch as professional social enterprise.
- Make the Branch financially and operationally sustainable.
- All team-members actively attend the monthly ROPE meetings.
- Benefit from
- Ensure transparency and accountability.
- Ensure to pay tax.
- Manage a bank account.
- Manage the ActionInvest
- Ensure the income from the interest from the loans.
- All team-members actively attend the monthly ActionTalks.
- Manage the RISEcentres
- RISEtalks
- Arrange monthly in-person RISEtalks with RISE members, targeting team-building, knowledge sharing and training.
- Make a joint agreement during the meetings around up-coming loans, benefiting from the lessons learned from the previous loans.
Per Branch
- Burkina Faso
- Kenya
- Liberia
- Make the BRV financially and operationally sustainable.
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Togo
- Uganda
- To have the capacity to support. We need to be sustainable.
- Want to help people who need help and make them managing their business. They need to be sustainable.
- Zambia
Per team member
- Burkina Faso
- Kenya
- Liberia
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Togo
- Renaud ensures the registration of the company.
- Alexis develops a business plan so that the Agbolouwe village programme becomes financially sustainable.
- Uganda
- Zambia
- Manage ActionInvest
- Country branches to become profitable social enterprises. Enterprise that supports the under-served communities through sustainable operations and sustainable finances. Targeting
- Interest
- RISE fees, set aside 5% of funds given out as loans to cover costs for RISE-talks. Reimbursement are only transferred by the end of the year after a personal report compiling activities, that is the approves by the country team and HR&S Sweden together.
- Country tenders
- Short term loans
- Training by branch team member
- Coordinating training by HR&S expert advisers
- The HR&S Branches reach out to scientific institutions and advanced laboratories to offer REACH and FAST coaching.
- The HR&S Country Branches also coordinate the 22RISE and TestE activities.
They manage the relations with the under-served communities activites as well as the RISE Centres.
- In the monthly meetings we will use the ROPE management strategy to define milestones for each team member based on the ambition set by team Togo within the frame of HR&S.
- Team Leaders arrange country meetings with agenda and meeting minutes. Meeting minutes are shared in the Team Leader chat.
- Deputy Team Leaders (or Team Leaders) sets a time for monthly meetings with HR&S Sweden that is suitable for the Team Members. The monthly meetings takes place during the first week every month. Deputy Team Leaders invite the Country Team and HR&S CEO for the meetings using the same zoom-link every month. The link has been provided by HR&S Sweden. The invitation comes with a proposed meeting agenda.
- Supportive team spirit within country branches
- Ensure intrinsic motivation
- HR&S Branches are setting up own FB pages. Thereby they will help share and like and follow Action10 PB postings. It also creates and opportunity for Team Africa to interact with Africa.
- RISEtalks have been launched.
- HR&S country branches need their own back-up, we will focus on team-spirit, time management, ROPE, test and financial management.
Outcome challenges
All Branches together
- Generate sufficient income for the Branch to cover running-costs, reimbursement of active team-member and growth investments.
- Developing and manage a business plan
- Ensure RISEagency.
- Ensure RISEmembers attend RISEtalks.
Per Branch
- Burkina Faso
- Registration of a social business.
- Kenya
2022- Our RISE members are not making their repayments.
- Ensuring also other sources of income.
- Registration of a social business is truly complicated, the process has lasted two years.
- Liberia
2022- RISEmember support, the BRV
- Earn income from farming.
- Institutional capacity
- Reactivated the BRV.
- Implement BRV-ROPE.
- RISEmember support, the BRV
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Togo
- 2022 That team members attend monthly meetings with HR&S Sweden.
- Uganda
2022- Attend meetings and move forward. Keep the team together.
- Expand the team of operations.
- Genrate income.
- Zambia
- Identify the right partners to invest in who will be able to repay.
Per team member
All Branches together
- Connect with potential RISEmember in person, develop and sign agreements.
- Ensure RISEtalks.
- Support potential RISEmembers without company registration to register a company.
- Make monthly HR&S meetings and ActionTalks more efficient.
- Develop and implement firm Branch business plans.
- Implement other business opportunities than interest from loans and RISEmember fees. F.ex training and short term loans.
Per Branch
- Burkina Faso
- Connect with potential RISEmember in person, develop and sign an agreement.
- Make monthly HR&S meetings more efficient.
- RISEtalks
- Kenya
- ActionInvest
2022 Connect with each RISE member in person. -Gitau: The challenge we have is that our social partners are not making their repayment. My proposal is to have a meeting with them, get to know their position and how their businesses are doing. From there get to know how we can support them, maybe through some business training to empower them and help their businesses to improve. At that point they will be able to commit and we all get a win win result at end. For the future, i think its appropriate to train them on SYB and IYB ILO modules to make sure they have the necessary business knowledge and skills before financing.We can do some assessment to every individual we get to know their areas of weakness. may be through a questionnaire. This will help us understand each case. From there we plan on site/business training as per the needs of each case. We need to do some business mentorship after training. I believe we good training and mentorship, they will be able to do business in a better way. - Other social businesses
2022 Arrange for short term loans. Potential loan takers; teachers, government employees.
- ActionInvest
- Liberia
2022- IDEFOCS and Branch to meet, discuss and agree on activites and milestones
- Plant plantain.
- Make the house of good enough standard.
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Togo
- To register the business officially, Milo and Renaud. Difficult to get team members. Define a strong group.
- Recruitment Do much recruiter, through the university students. They will get at certificate, for the time they worked in the branch. Branch can be explained as a start-up.
- To get members Rise members that can work with good results.
- Finance
- Interest from the loan. Possible if the number of women is enough and the amount they borrow is enough.
- Training or workshop
- English
- Programme
- The programme does not manage as well without Yawo. But they do their best
- The other village is ok
- Everyone must states their availability on date and hours.
- Uganda
- RISE salons 25/10/2022 Moses MURUNGI: Agnes, the potential RISE Salon manager has told me that the lowest loan she can take is 10 million Ugx. She insists that the quality of salon she make has a huge bearing on the sales she makes. Ce: I understand and respect the views of Madame Agnes. Can we please take the opportunity to reflect on the issue of guarantee. Can I propose that 1. Branch Uganda and Madame Agnes develops a written agreement that we sign together. 2. We launch the RISEtalks, thus monthly meetings with all RISE members jointly. The RISEtalks shall contain training as well as knowledge sharing among RISEmembers about their businesses, discussing the total amount of capital available for them to share and the level of paying back. The loans is paid only after a a potential RISE member has attended maybe three RISEtalks. 3. Can the funds be transferred to Agnes in small instalments? What else? Does Agnes have a CV?
- Zambia
- Assessing business plans before accepting a new RISEmember.
- Training RISEmembers on record keeping, business planning, setting milestones and monitor progress.
- Sylvia: risk management is in group lending. I have done that in my previous work working with marketeers. we have been developing the accounts system to link to loan repayment schedule.
- Put out a call for people to apply for the funds and to join as members. We pick out the ones we can support according to our criteria. Implement repayment plans.
- Managing ActionInvest.
- Develop a flyer to ask for RISE members. Distribute.
- Finalise on the loan repayment conditions, some sort of handbook. How to ensure that people pay back. Carefully pick the first people that we work. Both Sylvia and Viera have previous experience with entrepreneurs and they have had workshops as well. Insurance, we can see which types of insurances that are available.
- RISEtalks
- The Branch to operate as a professional social enterprise.
- Manage a company phone. Ian will buy. Cost 1000 kwacha. Action10 sent 16000 kwacha.
- Update social media platforms. That also links to the phone.
The challenge we have is that our social partners are not making their repayment
My proposal is
All Branches together
Per Branch
- Burkina Faso
- Kenya
- 0922: To present to Action10 the size of the ActionInvest capital the Branch expects to manage to be able to balance costs with income (Ann, due Dec 2022).
- Identify sources of income (Kevin, due Dec 2022)
- Output 1022; short term loans, positive response from teacher association.
- Sign agreements with short term loan partners (Kevin, due Dec 2022).
- Proposal Ce: Ann to give accounting training to other country Branches that pay to Branch Kenya.
- Output 1022; short term loans, positive response from teacher association.
- 1022: Ensure RISEtalks where all three RISE members attends in person (Kelvin, Ann, Kevin).
Meet each RISE member in person during November, and arrange an in person RISEtalk meeting in December, when we have ensured they are all attending.- Resolutions for HR&S monthly meeting held on 03/11/2022
- Visit Frederick by end of November this year (Kevin, Kelvin and Anne)
- Ce proposes: visit Virginia by the end of December this year (Kevin, Kelvin and Anne)
- Proposal cecilia: They are both in debt to us (Frederick and Virginia), and we may need to develop a plan for 2023 for both. We want to continue supporting them but now ensuring the outcome and progress markers. Maybe you want to develop a draft contract that you bring to the meeting and discuss. We are ready to re-invest. We are fine with perceiving the first loan as a pilot activity to learn from, both for the RISE members and for Branch Kenya. As long as we learn our lesson.
- Visit Amani group in Nakuru by the end of December this year (Kevin, Kelvin and Anne). Ce proposes: postponed until Freja and Felicia arrives (if they do). They can then do an in depth TestE survey. would you mind waiting until January 2023, to find out if Freja and Felicia were able to attract a project grant and visit you. If they do, they would preferable join you to Nakuru, and before they go I will train them on TestE, so that they can help with the survey on site. They will pay for their own travel from the grant, and ActionInvest will pay for Team Kenya.
- Resolutions for HR&S monthly meeting held on 03/11/2022
- Ensure full registration of the HR&S Kenya Branch as a company by end of this month, November, 2022 (Kelvin and Anne).
- Remind Millicent to honour her promise to conduct smooth HR&S account and money transfer to Anne by the end of this month, November 2022 (Kevin and Anne).
- Pursue and ensure active social media campaign for HR&S Kenya on Facebook and other social platforms by end of this year (Kevin, Kelvin and Anne).
- Liberia
- Sylvester plants plantain and sells.
- [6:51 pm, 13/10/2022] Morris MATADI: Ambition: Plant plantain, is that we to grow plantains and producer that I can even ship to other African countries including abroad. To do this, we have to establish a good farming System that will creates huge income as profit. Poaching many acles to increase our production for more profits is also an ambition for the plantains project and to create a safe and an enabling environment for former child soldiers and drugs users from ghetto communities in Buchanan Cit
[6:53 pm, 13/10/2022] Morris MATADI: Thought plantains production
[6:55 pm, 13/10/2022] Cecilia ÖMAN: Thank you Morris 🙏🏻
[6:56 pm, 13/10/2022] Cecilia ÖMAN: How would you like us to structure the farming?
[6:56 pm, 13/10/2022] Cecilia ÖMAN: What jag is the first step?
[6:59 pm, 13/10/2022] Cecilia ÖMAN: Also can I please ask who the local customers are. And how much they are willing to pay.
Where do we sell our product?
[7:01 pm, 13/10/2022] Cecilia ÖMAN: Ramses and Lionel, will you please develop an agreement that IDEFOCS can sign in relation till the loan after today’s meeting? - Also maybe normal farming, house farming. as part of reintegration programme.
- We have our own land and we have a place where our target partners can stay. 1 identify the right type of plantsin snf how msny trees for our 2 acres., the communuity will share from their their knowledege. And we can buy from them as well. 2. Decide where to store the plaintain, create a storage. 3. Prepare the land. Brush, staff from little bassa or grant bassa town. Elaine progress marker the expected yield at thre levels. 4. Plant, after every 90 days we clean and add soil around the plants. it takes 8-9 moths to yield.. Sylvester lives in Little Bassa and take cares of the farm personally. Sylvester does not have much knowledge about internet. But is we give him a smart phone and and education (Morris and Tarr) on internet he will join the meetings it will be a good reward for him. 5. time to harvest, loacl stakeholders knows how to harvest and handle the the harverst, a stakeholder will hold workshops with reports. for this matter. Depart of agriculture from ministry Progress marker. 6. Before the harvest we identify potential customers, marketing, we bring the plantain to the market, we seek whole sale buyer who can buy directly from the farm. Also other comsumer that we can we can supply. 7. Marketing, maybe a juíngle on radio (Tarr) it is important to share share exactly where and when they can buy. Also people moving around in the community and posters. Tarr can do the prduction and we need to pay for the radio time. 8. per tree we expect 100-300 dollars maybe 100 trees. Progress mrker the earning. 9. cost estimate. We do not have to buy again. It is difficult for plaintain to produce….Tarr Maybe even procure more land. it could be a good investment. Elaine. If we are staretegic we will be success. We need to communicate more with each other. We shall meet every month. 4 pm.
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Togo
- Members of Team Togo that intend to remain members must propose a meeting time that they will honour before 15 September.
- Uganda
- Zambia
Business model
- Generate income primarily from the interest generated from the business loans.
- Another important source of income is the RISE membership fees.
- These funds shall reimburse active team-members, equip the RISE Centres and empower the country branches to scale.
Business plan
All Branches together
- HR&S monthly meetings
- ActionTalks
- ActionInvest capital transfer from Action10.
- Country Branch meetings.
All Branches
- Each team-member
- Invests minimum two hour per week to work on their milestones.
- Comes prepared and in time to all zoom meetings with HR&S Sweden.
- Attends all ActionTalks 1st Wednesday of the month.
- Each Branch
- Communicates with Action10 and other Branches and RISE members by presenting activities during ActionTalks.
- Calls for weekly or bi-monthly country meetings.
- Shares annual report due 15 February.
- Manages tax and accounting towards the government.
- Keeps the guarantee capital safe on the Branch bank account.
Per Branch
- Burkina Faso
- Kenya
- Zoom meetings with Sweden every second month, 1st Thursday.
- Liberia
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Togo
- Uganda
- Zambia
- Zoom meetings with Sweden every month, 1st Thursday
- ActionTalks.
- Funds transferred from Action10.
- Branch Zambia meetings.
All Branches together
- Annual reports, programme and finances.
- Local recruitment and on-boarding of operations team members.
- Country Branches’ Facebook pages.
- Assigning RISEmembers.
- Distribute loans.
- RISEtalks
Per Branch
- Burkina Faso
- Kenya
- 1022: Kevin has had positive response concerning short-term loans. He has contacted TSC, Teachers Service Commission and they are willing to partner with us on short term loan partnership. However, they want us to have a registration certificate for our business first.
- Liberia
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Togo
- Uganda
- [5:55 pm, 24/11/2022] Moses MURUNGI: Team Uganda is moving albeit slowly
[5:57 pm, 24/11/2022] Moses MURUNGI: Our selected applicants haven’t finalised with their business formalisation, so this is still holding us back.However I must say they have really been working hard to have this done.
Its good for both the organisation as well as the applicants.
- [5:55 pm, 24/11/2022] Moses MURUNGI: Team Uganda is moving albeit slowly
- Zambia
All Branches together
- Potential RISEmember company registration.
- RISEmember loan and interest pay-back.
- Social benefits through social enterprises empowered; livelihood improvement, income generation, employment, children to school, healthcare costs paid for, women empowerment, and more.
Progress markers
Per Branch
- Burkina Faso
- Kenya
- Three RISE members pay back loan with interest Dec 2021. Score ONE.
- Liberia
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Togo
- Uganda
- Zambia
Base-line data
- Burkina Faso
- Kenya
- Liberia
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Togo
- Uganda
- Zambia
Sustainable Impact
Lessons learned & informed decision
Per Branch
- Burkina Faso
- Kenya
- 1022: The three RISE members will not pay back their loans. We expect them to have the capacity.
- Liberia
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Togo
- Uganda
- Zambia
The respondents are identified and presented with: names, title, telephone numbers, level of education, home location, and family status. Also GDPR consent is collected if the respondent’s agree.
- Individual interviews, specific and open-ended, with
- The PMP.
- Management team members.
- Each loan-taker present.
- Family members present.
- Focal group interviews, with
- Management team and PMP together.
- All loan-takers of the village, who are present, together.
- Collect testimonies, from a number of persons randomly chosen.
- Take photos.
- Record videos.
- Record interviews.
Take notes in a dedicated notebook about everything that happens.
Micro data Survey questions
Social impact
Sustainable social impact refers to reaching the social good ambitions in a sustainable manner.
Measure twice a year since the start of the programme.
Social Good _ Direct Impact
Respondent: PMP
- Compilation of the products that we offer:
- Business loans;
Number of loans, size of loans, total capital. - Other
- Business loans;
- Compilation of the services that we offer:
- Weekly visits to collect refunds, coach and address challenges.
- type of coaching
- type of challenges
- Other
- Weekly visits to collect refunds, coach and address challenges.
- Number of Target partner business owners: xxx
- PMP business generate profit.
- Size of profit: xxx
Respondent: Target Partners
- Compilation of the products that our Target Partners offer to their customers: xxx
- Number of customer per product: xxx
- Compilation of the services that our Target Partners offer to their customers: xxx
- Number of customers per service: xxx
- Target partner business owners generate profit.
- Size of profit per TP: xxx
Respondent: Customers (customer survey)
- Are customers content with products?
Are customers content with services?
Social Good _ Indirect Impact
Respondent: Target Partners & families.
- Children well-being
Children of the women who manages HR&S small-scale businesses.- Number of meals per day increased.
From one to two or three.- Number of children: xxx
- Education
Tuition fee paid and school attendance made possible.- Number of children: xxx
- Number of meals per day increased.
- Women well-being
- The status of the women in the families has improved as the contribute with income.
Respondent: Customers (customer survey)
Institutional capacity
Respondent: PMP
- Bookkeeping of international standards; compiling all receipts and invoices, perform bank reconciliation.
- Annual auditing.
- Respond to management reports from the auditor.
- Who is in charge of the bookkeeping?
- Who is doing the auditing?
- What do the management reports look like?
- Can we please see the books?
Project management
- Are the number of Target Partners included, as expected? xxx.
- Does the target partners deliver as expected? xxx.
- Do you have regular meetings with the management team, if so, how often? xxx.
- Do you take notes which are included in the annual report?xxx.
Transparency & Efficiency
- Communication between PMP and HR&S.
- Maybe monthly reflections from PMP on WhatsApp. xxx.
- Information from target partners on their satisfaction, needs, expectations. xxx.
- To be written down and shared.
- Share notes from the local management meetings. xxx.
Annual report
Due 15 February.
Target partner services
Ensure continuous feed-back from Target Partners. Information about their satisfaction, needs, expectations, xxx. Specially ask about their views on the ethics of the programme.
TP training, coaching & team building
- Training sessions: xxx
- Coaching sessions: xxx
Financial sustainability
Sustainable economy is when income, without donations, sustainably exceeds costs.
- When can a sustainable economy be expected ?
- What is the size of the required capital?
- Compile sources and levels of income?
- Compile sources and levels of expenses?
Sustainable business mind-set
- ?
Does the income exceed the expenses?
Survey team & visit
PMP comment: Wednesdays, market day, are the only days suitable for meeting women and following up with them.
- The survey team consist of: Renaud, Elisabeth, Milohum, Yawo.
- The team leader is: Renaud
- Date of the next visit: The visits are made on Wednesdays, the market day. xxx
- Dates of coming visits:
- Location of the visits:
- Visit arrangements: Offer snacks to focus group discussions.
- Travel arrangements:
- Travel costs:
- The sources for covering travel costs are:
Survey Team Preparations
Ensure the team has access to the tools required:
- Written copy of the survey manual.
- Camera; photos and videos.
- Recorder.
- Notebooks and pens.
- Transportation means.
- Food and water.
Divide areas of responsibility between team-members. Ensure that each team member is clear about and comfortable with their own assignment as well as the team assignment.
The team assignments
- Making individual interviews.
- Specific questions.
- Open ended questions.
- Collect data from focal group discussions.
- Collect testimonies.
- Taking photos.
- Record videos.
- Record interviews.
Taking notes in a dedicated notebook about everything that happens.
Preparing for the analysis of the data
- Control
The control is the base-line data, macro-data and the conditions in specific villages that are selected to join the programme, prior to mentioning about the programme. - Randomization
Randomization among respondents is created by not announcing the survey date, and asking everyone who are present that day. - Statistical assessment method
- Quantitative: ANOVA. Thus we need as much data as possible.
- Qualitative: Simple compilation of statements.
- Contribution tracing. Identifying other actors in the village, what do they contribute with, how many are involved and how do they benefit. Consider to collaborate with other actors.
- Ethics. Normal ethics plus asking the respondents about their views on ethics.
Compilation of Outcome data
Progress marker scoring
Compilation of names of respondents and GDPR consent: xxx