Employee volunteering _ CSR

Private sector with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities help businesses to improve their reputation and enhance their influence with customers, suppliers and networks.

All stakeholders of a company are positively impacted by CSR practices. For an Employer, being actively involved in CSR can make a significant difference for clients, investors and shareholders, and of course, it supports being an employer of choice.

This can directly help Employers to attract, retain and engage employees, and to be an employer of choice.

We offer paid for employee volunteering and knowledge sharing sessions to the CSR sector.

Volunteering within a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy can bring benefits to employees, companies and partner organisations. It demonstrates that a company is engaged in providing return to society beyond traditional charitable or philanthropic investments. Employee volunteering programs not only benefit the community, but they also add value to the recruitment, retention, training, development, loyalty and overall fulfilment of a company’s employee.

CSR activities are best practices not only for their valuable social impact, but also because of the fulfilment it can bring to employees who take part in rewarding activities outside of their day jobs. It can be eye-opening to have direct contact with the (diverse) community the company serves, and such activities are also likely to have a positive impact on a company’s consumer and employer brand.


The link between employee engagement and volunteering is strong. Corporate volunteering programs increase engagement levels at work by creating experiences that can address the individual’s need for meaning, accomplishment, personal fulfilment and humanity. Demonstration of employers’ support for their employee’s interests outside of the workplace environment can enhance employee engagement. Also, by providing the opportunity to employees to ingrate the various parts of their lives into a holistic expression of their individual values leads to engagement. It could be said that the very nature of volunteering contributes to engagement.

Employee development often takes place through some type of formalized training that is focused on developing of “hard” as well as “soft” skills. Yet, employee volunteering programs enable employees to acquire “soft” as well as relevant work-related skills. Namely, through the process of volunteering, they gain experience and understandings that make them more effective in their roles with the company. Usually, employees acquire soft skills such as communication, management and leadership. Moreover, volunteering is a great way for employees to work together outside of the office and build relationships and ultimately become better at working in teams.

CSR platforms offering volunteer opportunites to employees

HR&S uploads volunteering opportunities on CSR platforms run by a number of different companies.

These platforms tend to prefer to work with associations rather than with social businesses, which according to HR&S is the wrong approach to take.
If the businesses seeking CSR opportunities, are worried about financial another business in Sweden (HR&S) the use of the funds received can f ex be restricted to a certain domain or topic. We can also point at our local partners and the work we do to empower them.
Reason being that we  are now aware that NGOs are not able to have sustainable impact. All those NGOs in Africa seems to just keep people in poverty and they make people donation dependent. The number of extremely poor people in sub-Sahara African countries increases with six millions every year, thus to continue with business as usual is wrong…..
It is better if we work together as social businesses and help poor people start and run profitable businesses of their own, and to do that we also have to be a business, a social business. This is what HR&S is doing.
This is like a key message that we have to share. Do not invest in NGOs is poor countries, invest in start och scale-ups. And this is much much more difficult due to the challenges locally and the related lack of transparency and accountability. But HR&S is unique and we have the skills.
Maybe we should write and explain this on the HR&S pages on their web-site? It will make also the CSR website a more unique platform that is in the forefront of real poverty reduction.

The HR&S offerS

Employe volunteering events

 We offer a variety of events

Expert Knowledge Sharing Event

We offer to arrange cross-cultural awareness raising events addressing Europe and Sub-Sahara Africa. We welcome the CSR company employee volunteers to share from their professional experiences during the event addressing challenges identified by the HR&S local partners in Sub-Sahara African countries. The advice is compiled in a document and shared with the stakeholders in Africa. Representatives from our local branches in SSA may attend on-line events.

Talent management in Sub-Sahara African countries

HR&S has developed a unique management strategy (ROPE) addressing international equal partnership for strengthening the sustainable financial and institutional capacity in Sub-Sahara African countries  (SSA), which offers, among other things, and opportunity for talent management. ROPE is presented during the event and employee volunteers are invited to contribute with their expert advice on how to address the challenges around talent management in SSA. Useful advice will be compiled in a document and shared with our partners in SSA. Representatives from our local branches in SSA may attend on-line events.

Deepening of understanding_ Series of events

We welcome companies to “adopt” one or more of the HR&S programmes and we offer to tailor-make opportunities that are in line with CSR company’s own area of business. We then offer to arrange regular volunteering events targeting the “adopted” programme, when we inform about achievements, challenges and lesson learned within the programme and invite the participants to give further advice related to their own professional expertise.  The events can for example take place annually or bi-annually and through the reoccurring events the participants will deepen their knowledge and understanding.

Business Empowerment Relation

HR&S offers opportunities for direct involvement by the CSR company seeking win-win business benefits. The CSR company is welcome to connect with one or more HR&S programmes with the aim of creating a direct positive impact on the CSR business. This can for example include financial support to targeted activities and visits to the programme site in Africa. Third parties that have established the link from the beginning, if any, may want to act as a coordinator of communication activities.


The events can take place at

  1. the CSR company’s own office, if it is located in Stockholm or nearby, or at
  2. the HR&S office in the Stockholm city centre (Jakobsbergsgatan 22) or
  3. via zoom


The events can last for one hour up to one day.


The language can be English or Swedish


All participants will benefit from cross cultural awareness raising (CROSS).


Breaking the aid dependency negative spiral

We turn explicitly to CSR as we foresee social enterprising to become a significant contributor to solution to extreme poverty. HR&S and its branches in SSA are  social enterprise with the purpose of role-modelling the new era, where aid dependent and donor driven association as replaced by sustainable social enterprises providing innovative solutions for development while having institutional capacity and being  being financially sustainable.


HR&S targets four topics

  • Scientific Research (REACH)
  • Advanced Laboratories (FAST)
  • Social Enterprising (SCALE)
  • Sustainable development stakeholders (22RISE)


  • Provide professional advice concerning scientific research especially, if possible, considering the challenges related to scientific institutions with fragile scientific infrastructure.
  • Empower the HR&S network of scientific researchers from Sub-Sahara African countries by providing professional advice on networking or by offering training.
  • Financially support the coaching of the HR&S Research Management strategy at scientific institutions in SSA in order to empower their scientific capacity strengthening strategies.
  • CSR business empowerment
    • Empower research activities within AAS that can have a direct positive impact on the success of the CSR business.


  • Provide professional advice concerning advanced scientific laboratories especially, if possible, considering the challenges related to laboratories with fragile infrastructure.
  • Empower the HR&S network of technicians and scientific researchers doing laboratory work from Sub-Sahara African countries, by providing professional advice on networking or by offering training.
  • Financially support the coaching of the HR&S Laboratory Management strategy at advanced laboratories in SSA in order to empower their laboratory capacity strengthening strategies.
  • CSR business empowerment
    • Empower laboratories and laboratory activities within AAS that can have a direct positive impact on the success of the CSR business.
    • HR&S may be able to identify potential new customers to suppliers of advanced scientific equipment.
    • HR&S offers to facilitate the collaboration between a supplier and the buyer institution in a Sub-Sahara African country, through coaching the buying institution using the HR&S laboratory management strategy.


  • Provide professional advice concerning the scaling of a business especially, if possible, considering the challenges related to countries with fragile infrastructure.
  • Empower the HR&S network of social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries, by providing professional advice on networking or by offering business training.
  • Financially support the HR&S Support centres for social entrepreneurs, which are located in Sub-Sahara African countries.
  • CSR business empowerment
    • Empower business activities within AAS that can have a direct positive impact on the success of the CSR company.
    • HR&S may be able to identify potential new customers to the CSR company in AAS, if relevant.
    • HR&S offers to facilitate the collaboration between the CSR company and customer institutions in Sub-Sahara African countries, through coaching the customer institution using the HR&S evaluation planning strategy.


  • Provide professional advice concerning sustainable development in countries with fragile infrastructure.
  • Provide professional advice concerning effective and efficient collaboration between sustainable development institutions globally.
  • Provide professional advice concerning the coordination of the activities by sustainable development institutions globally.
  • Empower the HR&S network of sustainable developers in Sub-Sahara African countries, by providing professional advice on networking or by offering business training.
  • Financially support the HR&S Support centres for sustainable development, which are located in Sub-Sahara African countries.
  • CSR business empowerment
    • Empower sustainable development activities within AAS that can have a direct positive impact on the success of the CSR company.
    • HR&S may be able to identify new useful parters within the sustainable development institution network.
    • HR&S offers to facilitate the collaboration between the CSR company and sustainable development institutions in Sub-Sahara African countries including the NGO’s, through coaching the institution using the HR&S sustainable development evaluation planning strategy.

African flavours
Cross-cultural awareness raising_In-person events

HR&S is pleased to also address cross-cultural awareness raising during in person events. These activities can include:

  • Presentations about the method that HR&S use in our sustainable development programmes (ROPE). We will present how we reach the scientific institutions, the local entrepreneurs and/or the under-served communities through local branches in Sub-Sahara African countries. We ensure user and needs driven programmes, target equal partnership, avoid donor dependency, ensure real-time outcome planing and evaluation, aim for evidence based impact assessment, we learn lessons and we take informed decisions.
  • In-depth presentations of selected HR&S partners and programmes, with photos and videos.
  • Joint development of messages to partners. Such messages can include professional advice or be of a social nature. We will then prepare the receiving partner so that they will answer to the messages, maybe with photos, videos, comments and reflections.
  • A small shop with items produced by Artisans that HR&S collaborate and presentations of the artisans themselves.
  • Preparation of African food.
  • Playing African games.
  • Listening to African music and dancing.


We offer travels to our programme sites in Africa for the sake of cross-cultural knowledge sharing.

CSR programmes that we are engaged with

The price and the arrangements must reflect the actual situation. As we want to offer an opportunity for win-win knowledge sharing, as well as mutual cross-cultural awareness raising, we must always listen carefully to the needs and wishes expressed by the event participants. We have a lot of experience from being flexible, and from handling small as well as big groups.The price shall be discussed when need be.

partnerS’ web sites

HR&S is visible at partnership websites



Visit.org offers to link HR&S with CSR companies for 1-2 hour on-line sessions.

We include all areas; REACH, FAST, SCALE and 22RISE.

Prices posted for visit.org are in USD and includes VAT.

The staff of the CSR company meets on-line with representatives from HR&S for a knowledge sharing session. The session starts with a brief presentation by HR&S with examples from how HR&S collaborates with our partners in Sub-Sahara African countries (SSA). During the knowledge sharing session that follows, the HR&S Country Branches and HR&S HQ in Sweden share from their experiences and welcome the CSR company to contribute with their experiences. Besides topics arising from specific situations, knowledge will be shared around efficient communication, how to ensure a positive team spirit, stakeholder empowerment and motivation as well as transparency and accountability including trust, accounting, auditing. We also share experiences from cross-cultural awareness raising, and as key to the success of the event itself is cross-cultural mutual understanding between the participants this be an aim of the event.


Help entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries overcome their challenges with growing their businesses

https://visit.org/experience/help-entrepreneurs-overcome-challenges-in-growing-their-business_20c0    OLD


What you’ll do (message to the CSR company)

This experience will focus on supporting social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries (SSA).

HR&S will start the event by presenting its social enterprising empowerment programmes that they offer in SSA. After the presentation, you and your team will participate in a knowledge-sharing session with HR&S’ experts from Sub-Sahara African countries and from its headquarters in Sweden, to brainstorm possible solutions to challenges faced by the social entrepreneurs.

The HR&S moderator will guide you through the knowledge sharing session and give examples of the hurdles facing social entrepreneurs in SSA. The moderator will invite you to share from your professional experiences, maybe from managing; business plans, customer services, product development, branding, social media, efficient communication, a positive team spirit, employee empowerment and motivation, or other aspects of growing a business that is the expertise of your company.

Agenda (90 min):

  • Introduction by Visit.org (5 min)
  • Welcome and participant presentations (10 min)
  • Presentation of HR&S Sweden and Africa (20 min)
  • Knowledge sharing session (40 min)
  • Conclusion and proposed follow-ups (10 min)
  • Wrap up by Visit.Org (5 min)

What else you should know (message to the CSR company)

  • This experience will be conducted over Zoom.
  • The language will be English.
  • The session will benefit from cross-cultural awareness that HR&S will inform about and guide through. HR&S has 15 years of experience from cross-cultural partnership between Europe and Africa.
  • Human Rights & Science (HR&S) is a social enterprise addressing scientific research, advanced laboratories, social enterprising and sustainable development. The HR&S’ vision is a world without extreme poverty and equal partnership collaboration for sustainable development. HR&S operates through its headquarters in Sweden and country its branches in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia.
    Please visit www.22rise.com.

How you’ll make an impact (message to the CSR company)

No poverty; Zero hunger; Economic growth; Strong institutions; and Partnerships for development.
By sharing from your professional expertise, you will give valuable advise to social entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan African countries that can help them grow their business. Your advice can also support HR&S with improving their local support programmes. Moreover, as local social enterprises may be the most suitable institutions to reach under-served communities and provide products and services requested for, your advice may have a direct impact on poverty reduction.
In addition, your involvement will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal No 17, Partnership for Sustainable Development, through the cross-cultural awareness raising it embraces.


USD 2,000 per 1,5 h.


Help Scientific researchers in Sub-Sahara African countries overcome their challenges with generating, disseminating and implementing scientific findings


What you’ll do (message to the CSR company)

This experience will focus on supporting scientific institutions and researchers in Sub-Sahara African countries (SSA).

HR&S will start the event by presenting its scientific capacity strengthening programmes that they offer in SSA. After the presentation, you and your team will participate in a knowledge-sharing session with HR&S’ experts from Sub-Sahara African countries and from its headquarters in Sweden, to brainstorm possible solutions to challenges faced by the scientific institutions and its researchers.

The HR&S moderator will guide you through the knowledge sharing session and give examples of the hurdles facing scientific institutions and researchers in SSA. The moderator will invite you to share from your  experiences, maybe from; seeking research grants, preparing manuscripts for publication,  scientific presentations at conferences, networking, field and laboratory work, reaching the civil society and policy makers, implementing scientific finding, or other aspects of scientific capacity strengthening that you have experience from.

Agenda (90 min):

  • Introduction by Visit.org (5 min)
  • Welcome and participant presentations (10 min)
  • Presentation of HR&S Sweden and Africa (20 min)
  • Knowledge sharing session (40 min)
  • Conclusion and proposed follow-ups (10 min)
  • Wrap up by Visit.Org (5 min)

What else you should know (message to the CSR company)

  • This experience will be conducted over Zoom.
  • The language will be English.
  • The session will benefit from cross-cultural awareness that HR&S will inform about and guide through. HR&S has 15 years of experience from cross-cultural partnership between Europe and Africa.
  • Human Rights & Science (HR&S) is a social enterprise addressing scientific research, advanced laboratories, social enterprising and sustainable development. The HR&S’ vision is a world without extreme poverty and equal partnership collaboration for sustainable development. HR&S operates through its headquarters in Sweden and country its branches in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia.
    Please visit www.22rise.com.

How you’ll make an impact (message to the CSR company)

No poverty; Zero hunger; Quality education, Economic growth; Strong institutions; and Partnerships for development.
By sharing from your professional expertise, you will give valuable advise to scientific institutions and its researchers in Sub-Saharan African countries that can help institutions strengthening the scientific infrastructure and researcher to excel in their research projects. Your advice can also support HR&S with improving their local scientific capacity strengthening programmes. Moreover, as scientific researcher in Sub-Sahara African countries often aim to help under-served communities, your advice may have a direct impact on poverty reduction.
In addition, your involvement will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal No 17, Partnership for Sustainable Development, through the cross-cultural awareness raising it embraces.


USD 2,000 per 1,5 h.

Help laboratories in Sub-Sahara African countries overcome their challenges with providing access to functioning advanced equipment and accreditation.


What you’ll do (message to the CSR company)

This experience will focus on supporting advanced laboratories and its technical staff in Sub-Sahara African countries (SSA) .

HR&S will start the event by presenting the laboratory management strengthening programmes that they offer in SSA. After the presentation, you and your team will participate in a knowledge-sharing session with HR&S’ experts from Sub-Sahara African countries and from its headquarters in Sweden, to brainstorm possible solutions to challenges faced by the advanced laboratories and its technical staff.

The HR&S moderator will guide you through the knowledge sharing session and give examples of the hurdles facing advanced laboratories in SSA. The moderator will invite you to share from your  professional experiences, maybe from; selecting, procuring, use, serve, and maintain advanced scientific equipment, accreditation procedures, or other aspects of laboratory management that you have experience from.

Agenda (90 min):

  • Introduction by Visit.org (5 min)
  • Welcome and participant presentations (10 min)
  • Presentation of HR&S Sweden and Africa (20 min)
  • Knowledge sharing session (40 min)
  • Conclusion and proposed follow-ups (10 min)
  • Wrap up by Visit.Org (5 min)

What else you should know (message to the CSR company)

  • This experience will be conducted over Zoom.
  • The language will be English.
  • The session will benefit from cross-cultural awareness that HR&S will inform about and guide through. HR&S has 15 years of experience from cross-cultural partnership between Europe and Africa.
  • Human Rights & Science (HR&S) is a social enterprise addressing scientific research, advanced laboratories, social enterprising and sustainable development. The HR&S’ vision is a world without extreme poverty and equal partnership collaboration for sustainable development. HR&S operates through its headquarters in Sweden and its country branches in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia.
    Please visit www.22rise.com.

How you’ll make an impact (message to the CSR company)

No poverty; Zero hunger; Quality education, Economic growth; Strong institutions; and Partnerships for sustainable development.
By sharing from your professional expertise, you will give valuable advise to advanced laboratory managements and its technical staff in Sub-Saharan African countries that can help the laboratories to strengthen their laboratory management and accreditation procedures. Your advice can also support HR&S with improving their local laboratory management strengthening programmes. Moreover, as advanced laboratories in Sub-Sahara African countries often addresses crucial challenges for the entire society, your advice may have a direct impact on the well-being of its citizens.
In addition, your involvement will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal No 17, Partnership for Sustainable Development, through the cross-cultural awareness raising it embraces.

Offer written  advice to entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries, while benefiting from cross-cultural awareness raising


What you’ll do (message to the CSR company)

This experience will focus on supporting social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries (SSA) by addressing outcome challenges that have been identified by the entrepreneurs. HR&S prepares the event by selecting one of their local partners that has a mission matching the mission of the CSR company. The CSR company volunteers will have an opportunity during the event to benefit from their professional skills while reflecting over the circumstances under which local entrepreneurs in SSA operates and compose a written message with advice. The written advice is forwarded to the local partner (via HR&S Sweden) after the event. The local partner will be invited to respond, and may thereby shred even more light about the realities on the ground.

If relevant and interesting for both sides, the sharing of professional advice by the CSR company volunteers, and information about the realities on the ground by the local partners, can be followed-up on and deepened.

Event Agenda
HR&S will start the event by presenting the development programme that they offer in SSA, including a management strategy that they have developed to empower equal partnership collaboration. HR&S will also offer information about cross-cultural collaboration that they have compiled from lessons learned from 15 years of operation in SSA. HR&S will then inform about the local partner selected for the event and the outcome challenges identified by the partner.

After the presentation, you and your team will about brainstorm that you would like to forward to the local entrepreneur. The HR&S moderator will help guide through the session so that the advice given benefits from cross-cultural awareness. One of the CSR Company Volunteers will take notes and compile  a message that will be sent to the partner after the meeting.


Agenda (90 min):

  • Introduction, by Visit.org (5 min)
  • Welcome, by HR&S (5 min)
  • About HR&S and its programme in Africa, by HR&S (10 min)
  • Cross-cultural awareness and collaboration, by HR&S (5 min)
  • Presentation of the partner targeted for this session and the Outcome Challenges they have identified, by HR&S (5 min)
  • Brain-storming session where the Outcome Challenges are reflected on benefiting from the professional experience of the Volunteers and cross-cultural awareness. A written message is agreed on to be forwarded to HR&S by e-mail or WhatsApp. By all  (50 min)
  • Conclusion and proposed follow-ups, by HR&S (5 min)
  • Wrap up, by Visit.Org (5 min)

What else you should know (message to the CSR company)

  • This experience will be conducted over Zoom.
  • The language will be English.
  • The session will benefit from cross-cultural awareness that HR&S will inform about and guide through. HR&S has 15 years of experience from cross-cultural partnership between Europe and Africa.
  • Human Rights & Science (HR&S) is a social enterprise addressing scientific research, advanced laboratories, social enterprising and partnerships for development. The HR&S’ vision is a world without extreme poverty and equal partnership collaboration for sustainable development. HR&S operates through its headquarters in Sweden and country its branches in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia. Please visit www.22rise.com.

How you’ll make an impact (message to the CSR company)

No poverty; Zero hunger; Economic growth; Strong institutions; and Partnerships for development.
By sharing from your professional expertise, you will give valuable advise to social entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan African countries that can help them grow their business. Your advice can also support HR&S with improving their local support programmes. Moreover, as local social enterprises may be the most suitable institutions to reach under-served communities and provide products and services requested for, your advice may have a direct impact on poverty reduction.
In addition, your involvement will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal No 17, Partnership for Sustainable Development, through the cross-cultural awareness raising it embraces.



The CSR company volunteers will have an opportunity to develop a written advice. The message shall be written in English (or French if preferred and the partner is located in a francophone country) and is sent to HR&S after the event. HR&S will then forward the message to the local partner.
Please send the message with the advice to:
The local partner will be invited to respond, and may thereby offer more information about the realities on the ground. Please inform about the contact person and e-mail address to receive the response, in case you want HR&S to share the response with you.


USD 4,000 for a 1-2 hour on-line event when we create a written message to a targeted partner and HR&S thereafter presents the message in a meeting with the target partner and asks for a reply, when appropriate.

In-person Event

Visit.org offers to link HR&S with CSR companies for in-person events in Stockholm (or elsewhere where travel and accommodation is paid for.)

We target SCALE and 22RISE.

The staff of the CSR company meets in-person with representatives from HR&S for a knowledge sharing session. The session starts with a brief presentation by HR&S with examples from how HR&S collaborates with our partners in Sub-Sahara African countries (SSA).

During the knowledge sharing session that follows, the HR&S Country Branches and HR&S HQ in Sweden share from their experiences and welcome the CSR company to contribute with their experiences. Besides topics arising from specific situations, knowledge will be shared around efficient communication, how to ensure a positive team spirit, stakeholder empowerment and motivation as well as transparency and accountability including trust, accounting, auditing. We also share experiences from cross-cultural awareness raising, and as key to the success of the event itself is cross-cultural mutual understanding between the participants this be an aim of the event.

Offer written  advice to entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries, while benefiting from cross-cultural awareness raising


What you’ll do (message to the CSR Company)

This experience will focus on supporting social entrepreneurs in Sub-Sahara African countries (SSA) by addressing outcome challenges that have been identified by the entrepreneurs. HR&S prepares the event by selecting one of their local partners that has a mission matching the mission of the CSR company. The CSR company volunteers will have an opportunity during the event to benefit from their professional skills while reflecting over the circumstances under which local entrepreneurs in SSA operates and compose a written message with advice. The written advice is forwarded to the local partner (via HR&S Sweden) after the event. The local partner will be invited to respond, and may thereby shred even more light about the realities on the ground.

If relevant and interesting for both sides, the sharing of professional advice by the CSR company volunteers, and information about the realities on the ground by the local partners, can be followed-up on and deepened.

Event Agenda
HR&S will start the event by presenting the development programme that they offer in SSA, including a management strategy that they have developed to empower equal partnership collaboration. HR&S will also offer information about cross-cultural collaboration that they have compiled from lessons learned from 15 years of operation in SSA. HR&S will then inform about the local partner selected for the event and the outcome challenges identified by the partner.

After the presentation, you and your team will about brainstorm that you would like to forward to the local entrepreneur. The HR&S moderator will help guide through the session so that the advice given benefits from cross-cultural awareness. One of the CSR Company Volunteers will take notes and compile  a message that will be sent to the partner after the meeting.

During the event we may want to add to the cross-cultural awareness raising by enjoying African food, African music, African clothing, African games, more photos and presentations of the HR&S local programmes in eight countries, and a small shop with African items produced by HR&S’ local partners. We may also want to discuss and/or debate issues of relevance to the CSR Company Volunteers maybe with the purpose of increase cross-cultural awareness.

Agenda (3 hours)

  • Welcome, by HR&S
  • About HR&S and its programme in Africa, by HR&S (10 min)
  • Cross-cultural awareness and collaboration, by HR&S (10 min)
  • Presentation of the partner targeted for this session and the Outcome Challenges they have identified, by HR&S (10 min)
  • Session with questions and answers, and maybe a discussion/debate around a relevant topic, by all (30 min).
  • Break with African snacks (30 min)
  • Brain-storming session where the Outcome Challenges are reflected on benefiting from the professional experience of the Volunteers and cross-cultural awareness. A written message is agreed on to be forwarded to HR&S by e-mail or WhatsApp. By all (80 min).
    If the team is large, we will divide ourselves in workgroups.
  • Conclusion and follow-ups, by HR&S (10 min)

Agenda (one full day)

For an event lasting one full day we also offer to include: African food, music, games, and a small shop with items created by our African partner artisans. This will then be agreed on with the CSR company’s coordinator.

What else you should know (message to the CSR company)

  • The language can be English or Swedish, according to the preference of the CSR Company.
  • The session will benefit from cross-cultural awareness that HR&S will inform about and guide through. HR&S has 15 years of experience from cross-cultural partnership between Europe and Africa.
  • Human Rights & Science (HR&S) is a social enterprise addressing scientific research, advanced laboratories, social enterprising and partnerships for development. The HR&S’ vision is a world without extreme poverty and equal partnership collaboration for sustainable development. HR&S operates through its headquarters in Sweden and country its branches in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia. Please visit www.22rise.com.

How you’ll make an impact (message to the CSR company)

No poverty; Zero hunger; Economic growth; Strong institutions; and Partnerships for development.
By sharing from your professional expertise, you will give valuable advise to social entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan African countries that can help them grow their business. Your advice can also support HR&S with improving their local support programmes. Moreover, as local social enterprises may be the most suitable institutions to reach under-served communities and provide products and services requested for, your advice may have a direct impact on poverty reduction.
In addition, your involvement will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal No 17, Partnership for Sustainable Development, through the cross-cultural awareness raising it embraces.



The CSR company volunteers will have an opportunity to develop a written advice. The message shall be written in English (or French if preferred and the partner is located in a francophone country) and is sent to HR&S after the event. HR&S will then forward the message to the local partner.
Please send the message with the advice to:
The local partner will be invited to respond, and may thereby offer more information about the realities on the ground. Please inform about the contact person and e-mail address to receive the response, in case you want HR&S to share the response with you.


The event will take place at the HR&S premises in the Stockholm City Centre or at the CSR company’s own premises, as preferred by the CSR Company. HR&S is member of Impact Hub Stockholm and the venue we offer is located at Jakobsbergsgatan 22, 5 min walk from the subway station Hötorget, in Stockholm. A parking garage can be found 10 min walk from the venue at Konserthusgaraget, Sveavägen 17, Norrmalm. We follow the normal Swedish covid-19 protocol.


USD 6,000 for a 3 hour in-person event
USD 9,000 for a full day in-person event


  • Become eligible for workplace giving, volunteering and granting programs
  • Retrieve donor information and donation reports
  • Create a profile with your mission and logo
  • Broadcast volunteer and fundraising opportunities

Giving, volunteering, company grant selection, microactions

  • RISE Centre support
  • Country support
  • Programme support
  • Stakeholder support
  • CSR business empowerment
  • Cross-cultural awareness raising
  • Skills volunteering (as visit.org)

Outcome Challenges / Activities HR&S

  • Become eligible for workplace giving, volunteering and granting programs
  • Retrieve donor information and donation reports
  • Create a profile with your mission and logo
  • Broadcast volunteer and fundraising opportunities
  • RISE Centre support
  • Country support
  • Programme support
  • Stakeholder support
  • CSR business empowerment
  • Cross-cultural awareness raising
  • Skills volunteering (as visit.org)

Giving, volunteering, company grant selection, microactions